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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Full loot on choice.  (Read 2668 times)

Full loot on choice.
« on: January 09, 2011, 02:01:13 am »

today i was kılled by a group of players. (i know hearıng this surprised y'all)... the thing is they killed me and looted me. but they couldn't take everything on me (because of carry weight thing) and they took only what they saw worthy and left the rest. and ofcourse when i woke up in a respawn zone, everything was gone.

my suggestion is (pardon me if it was suggesteed before. i searched for it in the forum but couldnt find it): the player who kills another player is allowed to full loot him if he wants to. but if he doesn't loot you or if he leaves some worthless things in your inventory, you wake with whatever is left on you.

the timing can be:
a) untill the respawn countdown is over
b) in 60 seconds after the combat is over
c) untill the pks leave the map.

the players might be asked whether they wish to respawn in nearest respawn point or to wait. and they will choose whichever they want. if you choose "respawn" you lose everything on you, and if you chose to wait then you may have a chance to save some of the stuff you have.

ofcourse this suggestion is only for pk situations. NPCs will full loot you even if all you carry is an old shovel and brahmin shit.

so, what do u think:


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Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2011, 02:08:54 am »

Wouldn't work with TC.
The most satisfying thing is bursting a cow for 460 damage, makes me tingle all over.
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2011, 02:13:56 am »

Wouldn't work with TC.

then TC would be an exception. or maybe it would only work on wasteland, not in cities or other public places like mines.


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Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2011, 02:16:09 am »

Besides you DIE, when you lose your stuff it's gone even if it's stuck in the wasteland forever for no 1 to take.
The most satisfying thing is bursting a cow for 460 damage, makes me tingle all over.
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 02:20:28 am »

Besides you DIE, when you lose your stuff it's gone even if it's stuck in the wasteland forever for no 1 to take.

well, i DIE but someone takes my body and caries it to a camp then STITCH my parts back together and brings me back to LIFE. the ones who found my dead body in the desert might have taken my goods to their camp with me as well.
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2011, 04:29:33 am »

You die, cannibal finds you, takes you back to camp to cook and eat you.

i dont like it, if i cant use doctor on somebody dead why should it be that you can be revived by a mysterious stranger of the wastes?

its just tough luck that you die and lose everything even if it is just a flower that you are carrying. just have to deal with it.
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2011, 09:41:34 am »

why should it be that you can be revived by a mysterious stranger of the wastes?

but this is the case. have you ever tried to talk to people in respawn poınts? they say they've found you in the desert and brought you to their camp. that means you are revived by mysterious strangers of the wastes, anytime you die.

what about spawning at the hotel room if you have one? isn't that odd to you? when you die do cannibals find you, look at the remains of your messed up face and say "hey i know this dude from junktown, he stays at the hotel. lets take him to his room!"even if you die at the other end of the map?


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Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2011, 09:51:08 am »

In this case it's hard to say yes or not. The reasons for weren't particularly convincing (what were the reasons for anywat?) and the reasons against are rather slight. Biggest problems would occur in TC because winners couldn't get to loot the defeated, but who says the winner in TC specifically deserves to loot everyone? They got the town after all.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


  • Killian
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Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2011, 09:54:00 am »

As they said. It will not work during Town Control.
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2011, 10:37:05 am »

but this is the case. have you ever tried to talk to people in respawn poınts? they say they've found you in the desert and brought you to their camp. that means you are revived by mysterious strangers of the wastes, anytime you die.

Never bothered to talk to them so i did find it odd.

I don't like the prospect of allowing you to obtain what you lost on respawn if they didnt bother to loot you (or completely loot) out in the wastes. If something like this is implemented i can only see it leading to any newer players wanting better recovery of items lost upon "death" out in the wastes.

Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2011, 10:55:01 am »

I don't see why one should keep ANYTHING upon death, tbh.
Keep death harsh.
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2011, 10:59:09 am »

what were the reasons for anywat?

do u really need me to expalin the reasons? i mean aren't they already obvious? many people complain about losing his stuff which took him hours to craft. if this is the first time you play this game and you dont have friends to back you up, it is a pain even to lose a sledgehammer or a few roots and flowers. almost nobody loots these but you lose them anyway. and in my case it was just annoying to see people taking only the half ot the stuff on me (which were the product of hours of cooldowns and long travellings) and leave the rest to rust.

this way players may have a chance to save some of the stuff that the other player doesnt find interesting. it is not against full loot, i know some people are very fond of this. you can still loot your victim. but when you leave the map area you cant go back there anyway. you cant go back there and take what is the problem with pked player's saving some of his inventory? but the cities and other public area could be exceptions, as i mentioned before. because you can always go back to these places and pick the rest of the loot.

I don't like the prospect of allowing you to obtain what you lost on respawn if they didnt bother to loot you (or completely loot) out in the wastes. If something like this is implemented i can only see it leading to any newer players wanting better recovery of items lost upon "death" out in the wastes.

imagine that (i hope it will never happen) someone attacks and robs you in real life and you get injured during this incident. he steals your vallet, watch, maybe mobile phone, whatever he finds worth taking and runs away. he could have taken everything on you, but didnt do for some reason. then some people find you on the street and take you to hospital. would they strip you off and take you there all naked?

what is wrong with wanting the game have more features and choises? it says "on choice" in the topic. you can still loot your victims. and i said players would be asked whether to wait or to spawn. this is also a choice. so what is wrong with it? crafting high technology weapons by using raw minerals and a workbench is not odd; dead players' coming back to life is not odd; shooting hot plasma from a gun is not odd, having 5 super mutant BG slaves who can break your neck instanly is not odd; passing through tents, gas stations, bunkers, trapper camps and giant outposts in the worldmap without seeing them is not odd but people's taking your goods with you when they take you to the hospital is odd, ha? come on mate, it doesnt limit anything for those who want to loot other players.

I don't see why one should keep ANYTHING upon death, tbh.
Keep death harsh.

then maybe dead players shouldnt be respawned at all. is it harsh enough?
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2011, 12:14:46 pm »

You want to introduce a little leniency into the game with this "choice", I disagree with it and that's just my opinion on the suggestion. Sure you might have a good Samaritan save you and whatever is left of your possessions but it is a wasteland out there so chances are you'll wind up dead (realistically) so why not they just take whatever you had as a "payment".

Take for example that you are a crafter and have gathered a full load of ore (maybe even hq ore) to take to town for refinement but you run into somebody unfriendly. They kill you and take what you have but they can't take as much and as luck would have it he doesn't carry a radio so he can't call on his buddies to take the rest. Wasteland is not as harsh, your saviours have been kind enough to recognise and carry all your rocks with you.

I mean if you get killed out there you just need to deal with it. A friendly npc is just going to loot you in an encounter if you are killed by a hostile one why can't that carry on to when you are "saved".

then maybe dead players shouldnt be respawned at all. is it harsh enough?

Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2011, 01:22:04 pm »

You want to introduce a little leniency into the game with this "choice

... They kill you and take what you have but they can't take as much and as luck would have it he doesn't carry a radio so he can't call on his buddies to take the rest. Wasteland is not as harsh, your saviours have been kind enough to recognise and carry all your rocks with you.

if you get killed out there you just need to deal with it. A friendly npc is just going to loot you in an encounter if you are killed by a hostile one why can't that carry on to when you are "saved".

it is not about leniency. it is about making this game more playable for new players. dealing with death is not a big problem for me. i already have millions of caps so it is not difficult to deal with full loot for me, it will take me only minutes to buy the gear i lose. or i can simply ask my friends to give me one. but this is not the case for everyone. i can buy hundreds of good metal parts, hq gunpowders, hq alloys and high tier stuff without waiting for cooldowns, without travelling through the map, without encountering hostile NPCs and PKs. but not everyone has the same opportunity. as i stated before, a sladgehammer and high det mauser wont mean much to you and you wont even need to loot them. but it may mean a lot for a new player who has no friends to back him up. after several times of losing his sledgehammer and low quality ores, he will probably rage and leave the game for good. i always see the same players in cities. it is like this is not an online game but an on LAN game.

about the scenario you give. with the current system you still cant loot more than you can carry and you still cant call your buddies to give you a hand if u dont have a radio. so, what will differ for you? if you dont like it and want to play it harsh, you will simply click on "respawn" when it asks you.
Re: Full loot on choice.
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2011, 03:13:48 pm »

WARNING: This game may not be suitable for young players. You may die in this game and there is no save function!

I see it as a make or break sort of thing, this is the game and its hard (in the beginning mostly). You can keep trying a learn the ropes or you can keep dying, whining, cursing in some cases (lol thieves) and possibly forum rage. I just sorta see the suggestion as stepping it down a notch so you have a better chance in the beginning but i reckon the true stepping stone for a new player to keep at it in this game is the tent. The quicker they can get one they have a place to store stuff at the very least and not lose items gathered over hours of playtime to start at scratch again (well unless they gained a level or two).
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