If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
XL70 and FN FAL HPFA will both be removed from the general weapon lists and become rare weapons. At some point in the future they'll be boosted and made avaialble through some means or other - but until the wipe they will just remain sub par and then after the next wipe they will be removed from being craftable/buyable.
We already have have two assault rifles ... the AR and FN FAL. Theres not really too much room for 4 different ARs in terms of weapon niches. By limiting the two top ones we can increase their power and make them harder to get - allowing the other two to be commonly available, but less powerful (whilst still being worth using)
ok allright makes sense's but if u can tell me will the fn fal hpfa be able to fire the full magazine like wiki says after you's upgrade it. (cause that would make it a kick ass weapon and should be really rare)
The problem is that AS.R. and FN is not good enought, so they are not used in PvP. So outside Hinkley, Small gunners has only 1 choice: Sniper rifle (i dont count gauss pistol, that si rare). In hinkley, you can use also P90. I hope that some domination maps would be close combat, so you can use even this..
There's nothing wrong with the ARs power, its just a hybrid of sniper and bursting which isn't particularly well suited to the extremes of character design at the moment.If something like a weapon set-up time existed then we could really make it an assault rifle ... but it doesn't.
I understand that this is not only PvP server, but it is also PvE, so A.R. has its own place in the system.