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Author Topic: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion  (Read 5699 times)

Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2010, 06:08:09 pm »

Resetting the profession I agree, the stats no.

At first, it looks reasonable since you can't change the tagged ones, but people could still tag (for example) energy guns, level only SG and then change to Energy guns, which ruins the concept of energy guns (starting slow because both weapons and ammo are harder to get, but get better outcome)

The prof. change would also make it so people don't need to make so many alts too (not saying it would stop it, but it would surely help)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 06:24:02 pm by Jhazard »
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2010, 06:15:39 pm »

Resetting the profession I agree, the stats no.

At first, it looks reasonable since you can't change the tagged ones, but people could still tag (for example) energy guns, level only SG and then change to Energy guns, which ruins the concept of energy guns (starting slow because both weapons and ammo are harder to get, but get better outcome)

Finally someone supports my idea!


Proffesion only works for me since i dont need skillpoints change to get from SG2 armour2 to BG lvl 3 SG lvl 1

If you could do this soon i would be greatfull cause i wanna get back to the game :P

Btw if its proffesion reset only it shouldnt cost at all or it shouldnt cost much, 1k cap is more than enough i think since people wont be changing profs very soon and since they will pay for the new proffesions many many caps

Doctor Eex

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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2010, 07:12:03 pm »

No. And NO.

I dont know why people need crafting alts. This is Online game and you can trade whatever you want.

The profession system should be changed because of 1 whining noob who didn't RTFM and  screwed up ? I doubt
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2010, 07:50:21 pm »

No. And NO.

I dont know why people need crafting alts. This is Online game and you can trade whatever you want.

The profession system should be changed because of 1 whining noob who didn't RTFM and  screwed up ? I doubt

You are the noob because this is a crafting game not a trading game in case u didnt get this so far

if u got caps anyway u gone keep them to get a car, merc and proffessions u wont spent them on buying a gun u gone loose once u die.

in case u didnt notice caps are extremly hard to gather since vendor are always empty from caps and full of craps so even if i got 10k caps to buy a minigun i wont because i need them for other use.

Also guns got det so soon or later the 10k i spented on a minigun even if i dont die with it it will break soon or later so there goes my caps for nothing

So this is a crafting game and crafting needs changes!!!

« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 07:58:52 pm by Grecko »


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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2010, 07:58:01 pm »

With the move to professions being only 2 tiers and then having blueprints for tier 2 items, it would then allow you to be able to take 2 professions completely.

Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2010, 08:01:14 pm »

With the move to professions being only 2 tiers and then having blueprints for tier 2 items, it would then allow you to be able to take 2 professions completely.

Thats a nice idea i like it.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2010, 09:02:30 pm »

You are the noob because this is a crafting game not a trading game in case u didnt get this so far

 ;D ;D ;D

Let me quote this everywhere?
If be honest, 10-20 10mm bullets will craft you a gun, ammo and an armor. I case u didnt get this so far

With the move to professions being only 2 tiers and then having blueprints for tier 2 items, it would then allow you to be able to take 2 professions completely.

Thanks for this info. I wonder when it will be implemented?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 09:14:53 pm by Doctor Eex »
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2010, 09:46:17 pm »

;D ;D ;D

Let me quote this everywhere?
If be honest, 10-20 10mm bullets will craft you a gun, ammo and an armor. I case u didnt get this so far

Thanks for this info. I wonder when it will be implemented?

Look dude i dont know how u play this game u probably got a big faction where u got a mass crafter alts and u get all the things u need for free.
Ur faction probably trades also in ur pvp cities where vendors got caps cause people dont go into pvp citys much.

But for me a new player playing solo and i wanna keep playing solo till i get lvl 21 and till i feel i wanna join a faction things are different.

I cant trade with items cause i dont have enough time (45sec isnt enough time)
so i dont have enough time to place all my crap into trade so i can actually trade for 1 minigun or for 1 combat armour.

If something is expensive and u wanna buy it? u cant trade it with items but only with caps.
Lets say that i had 10k caps to buy a minigun and i buy it i get ammo for it also and i go outside to lvl up or anyting and i get lag killed now i lost my 10k cap i was gathering for about a month.

Instead if i could change my proffesion from SG lvl 2 to BG lvl 2 i could craft my own minigun with just 3-4 mine runs tottal time wasted about 1.30hr to make a minigun with some ammo for it.
Still 1.30 hr isnt good to make something u gone loose soon or later but its much better wasting 1.30hr work than 1 month work (to gather enough caps to buy a minigun or an combat armour)

And what happends if i die and loose my minigun i wait again 1 month to gather 10k to buy another?

what i am saying is simple and justice i dont know why u react so much to this idea when its fair and logical

why would i waste 10k caps on a minigun i will def loose soon or later?

either fix trading system make vendors have caps at all times or more simple and more flexible add proffesion reset

why this sound so unreal?

add skillpoints reset also if someone messed up with hes skills he cant get OP cause he wont get more SP or he wont change tag skills he will just change them its like a respec

respec isnt overpower its just a reallocation of points and its needed!

i think i will await for project v13 i am sure their ideas will be more radical and commercial instead of a constant boring gathering and crafting system that doesnt allow any changes in case u did a mistake or in case u wanna use diffrent weapons types once u lvl up its logical to leave small guns to take big guns for harder enocunters.... unless u are sniper. So this doesnt make me op cause i cant change my small guns tag skill i choose it will still remain in small guns. OP it would be if i used SG to lvl up then change proffesion to BG and change tag skill from SG to ex . FA since i wont use SG again now i can do FA also. That would be OP.
Do you see the diffrence now between OP and flexibility?

All the rpg mmo games got a respec button lol i dont get it why my idea is so crazy

this is pissing me off i already wasted enough of my time writing my ideas here without getting the feedback i was expecting and u know what?


ps. to all the people that ask me about fonline i will only say the truth as it is from a solo play point of view.


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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2010, 10:13:09 pm »

Thanks for this info. I wonder when it will be implemented?

The new system should be ready for the next wipe. Whenever that may be.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2010, 12:52:22 am »

The new system should be ready for the next wipe. Whenever that may be.

This solves the need for proffesion reset also it solves the need for making alts and it help a lot solo play

Cant wait for next wipe


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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2010, 01:03:09 am »

This solves the need for proffesion reset also it solves the need for making alts and it help a lot solo play

Cant wait for next wipe
Yeah it should help against crafting alts, but people get boring more easily.
But of course i wait much to see those blueprints ingame :D
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2010, 01:27:19 am »

;D ;D ;D

Let me quote this everywhere?
If be honest, 10-20 10mm bullets will craft you a gun, ammo and an armor. I case u didnt get this so far

Thanks for this info. I wonder when it will be implemented?

I dont understand good :(

you mean that with 10-20 10mm bullets i can buy an minigun or an combat armor or even an assault rifle?
with an alt that got 10 charisma and high barter skills ye maybe
but i dont wanna lvl up alts just to barter things i dont wanna lvl up any alts for anything i just wanna stick with one char.

What i mean is not a char to be jack of all trades ex. master of combat and barter and doctor.
What i mean is ex. master in combat and craft the things he will use only.
At least i preffer to craft things i need than trying to get them with trade with an npc or with a player.
Npc trade will fail because i long list items i will try sell to him, if its bullets only it will need shit of loads of bullets to reach worth of 10k where minigun and combat armour is sold with my current barter skills.
Player trade will fail because player will only want caps to trade for and caps are hard to make.
Also npcs sometimes got items in inventory that are broken or high % in det especially on low end items you will need when starting your char most items u get from vendors are in bad shape.

So trade can be good rarely where u will need something fast or u find something rare that u cant actually craft.
And the most important to get caps from vendors when they have some

Seriously if i got guns and mats to sell and vendor got 10k cap and a combat armour i will get the 10k cause the armor i will loose and caps are hard to get in wastelands

So crafting is nice and important in this game but its not OP cause if you die you get major fallback since you have to spent at least 2x cooldowns to gather mats and craft new weapon not to mention the ammo and armor thats about 45 mins and if you wanna make armour and some ammo then it will be more than 1.30 hour on cooldown waiting and thats a big pain...but its fair.

My idea was to add some flexibility on proffesions but since on next wipe we get to be masters of 2 proffesions at the same time then this solves a lot of issues so there is a hope for players to be self sufficient at some points and i am rly glad for that because the game is starting to make sense.
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2010, 01:29:16 am »

Yeah it should help against crafting alts, but people get boring more easily.
But of course i wait much to see those blueprints ingame :D

yeah i guess they will be hard to get :(

i hope not to hard

Btw boring is to wait 10 mins so you can log with ur alt just to craft some things then wait 10 more mins to log back to ur main
Really Boring and a bit hard if solo is to lvl up an alt with crappy combat stats just to craft the things for ur main char.

I think this game is better for solo char and factions where in a faction you will cover all your needs but when on solo you can cover ur basic needs.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 01:35:34 am by Grecko »


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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2010, 01:35:51 am »

What you think about this suggestion?
What, if you can make 100 pieces of ammo without profession?

You can do without profession 50 pieces of ammo.
9mm ball
Small Energy Cells

even with Profession 1 (example is SG profession)
.45 caliber
5mm JHP
.44 magnum FMJ
10mm AP

You can still make 50 pieces of them.
It's not hard work to change materials needed x2 and exp gain x2.
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2010, 02:04:16 am »

Solo play is your choice as nothing is stopping you from befriending anyone who plays or what you do thereafter (betrayal, create a faction/get a base etc.) but i suppose some flexibility with professions is welcome but the way you go about it does not sit well with me. Just like the wastes now what's going to stop you from dying and losing your caps to reset your profession/skill? You have to visit one specific vendor (new or existing?) so anyone could camp WM with mercs if your outdoorsman is low enough, but then they might have buddies in the town scouting you out and a few to kill/loot. Making it on an existing vendor would reduce this possibility but it wont stop them trying.

This is not simply "craft or die", i've gotten through with playing a doctor without crafting anything significant to get through and you can tell me you're just stupid for playing that way but i can rebut the same way since it's my choice the way i play. If you have trouble surviving through encounters then that has been a result of your choices but nothing is stopping you from encountering brohterhood vs. remnants and looting a minigun there and all you need to do is craft ammo and repair the damn thing. Might take some time and luck but its certainly an option, one which you clearly hadn't thought of (although you are more likely to get flamers/laser rifles out of them).

If you've tagged 2 combat skills i suppose that has been your choice but as it has been pointed out if you can reset skillpoints then that is unnecessary. If having tagged these two skills because you didnt know there wasn't a reset system then again the point drives home its just your bad luck with what choices you took.  I like the idea that if you are going to tag only one combat skill you have to work for it otherwise you'll die out there. What i don't like is that you are suggesting take sg so i can survive (im talking skillpoints) then i'll hit level 21 and say "well time for a reset" head off to the vendor with your suggested 5~10k caps and boom my points are now thrown into bg (but no changing tag skills i.e. no reselecting but able to reduce/increase with reshuffle of points).
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