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Author Topic: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion  (Read 5593 times)

Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« on: December 05, 2010, 06:26:07 pm »

Hi all first of all i would like to thank the developers of Fonline for ressurecting fallout 1 and 2 and for taking them one step further by combining them, made it online, and also added many good additions like faction trainstations, bases and mercs.

Even i had some hard time to lvl up the game is amazing the realism is very high and a true gamer will appreciate this.
Gameplay is amazing rules are harsh and fair so they are amazing also crafting is amazing also but needs proffesion reset asap.

There are 5 things that are needed by my opinion so this game can hit v1 and go on live.
Only the 1st and 2nd are rly important
1st add ability reset npc where we talk to him we pay ex. 5k caps and he resets out ability points only (no perks no attributes no tag skills!!!) that is absolutely needed as long as u pay 5 or 10k caps to do the reset.
2nd add proffesion reset npc where we talk to him we pay ex 5k caps and he resets our proffesions. This is very important also
3rd add more 3d models. That is not rly needed nor important but its a nice addition.
4th fix trade a bit make sure vendors always got money at all times
5th fix the bug where when in turn based combat only if a teammate leaves even there is a follow window if i press follow it doesnt do anything

Sadly i am quiting game because i fucked up my proffesions i didnt know that i cant unlearn them and i took SG lvl2 Armour lvl 2 and i wanted bg 3 armour1 after all so i dont got the patience to reroll a new char since i already rerolled 5 times till i reach to this char and get him to lvl 18

Also make the game more solo friendly since i was playing solo it was a bit hard to lvl up and craft things if u make proffesion reset come true soloing will get helped a lot i think
Another idea is to raise proffesions to 6 tottal levels ex bg 3 armour 3 would be nice for solo playing

So those are the MUST DO by my opinion it would be good to see some of those if not all of them come true soon.
Normally i wouldnt waste time to write on a forum about any game but i rly love fallout games (except fallout 3,new vegas stupid fps games with fancy graphics i better play COD 4 or COD 6 or even CS source) so i would like to see this game come into v1 one day and have fun playing it but in order to hit v1 those ideas i suggest are must do by my opinion.

i suggest you keep it free to play like it is now but add credit card support so people can buy things from webstore like caps or xp boosts or advanced cars or stuff like that so you can found the server running and found the dev team for working on the game more

Thats all great game gratz to devs and tyvm for doing this.

Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 10:01:43 am »

First off, reset ability points? i hope you don't mean the s.p.e.c.i.a.l. because for instance a character won't be able to see much better (changing PE) at the expense of intelligence (not the best of examples but if you think being able to change these stats is a good idea kiss goodbye to realism). On the other hand if you mean being able to reset skill points that again throws realism out the window e.g. you decide to drop one of your combat skills for another then you are not going to suddenly suck at your previous skill and instantly be a master of the new one.

Now with regards to profession reset its pretty much the same argument, say i learnt bg3 and then decide it wasnt worth it so i'll go reset it at the expense of caps, you are not going to instantly forget how to construct them. Then as you have said you wanted to be bg3 and armorer1 rather than having taken up sg2 and armorer2, given that you suggested no reset of tag skills (i assume you mean unable to change it from that first selected) you are still stuffed because you wont be able to change from sg being tagged to bg (again this is an assumption to how you've created your character).


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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 10:16:59 am »

Can't you just make a new char? It takes less than few days to level if you resort to powerlevelling methods.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 01:59:58 pm »

First off, reset ability points? i hope you don't mean the s.p.e.c.i.a.l. because for instance a character won't be able to see much better (changing PE) at the expense of intelligence (not the best of examples but if you think being able to change these stats is a good idea kiss goodbye to realism). On the other hand if you mean being able to reset skill points that again throws realism out the window e.g. you decide to drop one of your combat skills for another then you are not going to suddenly suck at your previous skill and instantly be a master of the new one.

Now with regards to profession reset its pretty much the same argument, say i learnt bg3 and then decide it wasnt worth it so i'll go reset it at the expense of caps, you are not going to instantly forget how to construct them. Then as you have said you wanted to be bg3 and armorer1 rather than having taken up sg2 and armorer2, given that you suggested no reset of tag skills (i assume you mean unable to change it from that first selected) you are still stuffed because you wont be able to change from sg being tagged to bg (again this is an assumption to how you've created your character).

Hi ty for posting, no i mean skillpoints only no special no perk no tag skills only the skillpoints in case u missclicked and wanna redistribute them again since tag skills wont change then u cant be master of all.

Also this service will be paid to vendor so you wont be able to do it frequently and without a rly good reason.

Its not so much of a char respec, its more for char fixing in case u did some mistakes.

Skillpoints and proffesion resets are life saver and i believe it will boost game a lot and also it will make people not to have 2 alts just to craft things if they play solo
I didnt know that i cant unlearn proffesions once u learn them i got that at lvl 17 when i tried to replace sg for bg :P
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 02:08:54 pm »

Can't you just make a new char? It takes less than few days to level if you resort to powerlevelling methods.

right know i rly dont have the patience to lvl up another char solo again cause i lvled up my first to lvl 6 and my second to lvl 12 it was failure both of them cause of wrong built/stats and now after i got the right built i lvled my third char to 17 and i messed up with proffesions and 6 points also in FA which i dont rly need them there so only for those 2 reasons i dont wanna reroll another char but i am not happy with my proffesions also so its like a dead end for me i hope you understand.

I dont know powerlvling methods i just make some guns and go out kill things that i can handle and do some easy quests in some towns and it took me about a week to lvl my last char to lvl 17 but i spented much more time on the game for my older failed chars since i was learning then.



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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 02:23:52 pm »

right know i rly dont have the patience to lvl up another char solo again

Your personal reasons aren't good enough to implement a new feature. Our players make crappy builds daily and new builds are made and deleted all the time.

I dont know powerlvling methods

Kill enemies with big xp reward. If death walley encounters are too tough, mutated molerats are pretty easy.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.

Mars Sultan

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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 04:41:41 pm »

A dedicated crafter should be able to craft level 3 shit by level 6... And since at this point there's no reason not to use alts, go nuts.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 04:45:27 pm by Mars Sultan »
Igor Dolvich, Mars Ulrich, Girth Gamer, HOOPWISE98, Bobby Kotick

ARWH. Scummers.


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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2010, 05:45:11 pm »

a new newby post, man,i remember mines

let me put you str8:

1. you can make a new caracter, and with the help of some game helpers make some friends, make a faction and enjoi the game, since you can add your alts in that base(alts=multipbe caracters and yes, they are legal)
2. why, you waste 10k caps for profesions, now you must waste other 5k and then other 10k? make new caracter and done, why for 10k?
3. there is a planed a 3D era, so this will be implemented
4. this is mad, it will be easly exploiteble(i meant used by a lot of big gangs(forgot the grammar for the word))
5. that is not a bug, is a fact(i think if you press folow when is your turn in TB and the friend left, you can join him, anyway i go alone moastly and ALLWAYS in RT

max level is 21

if you make 6 profesion points this will be exploited by big factions

the game will remain free to play, as long as betsada or anyone else will give the devs in the court for stealing the title, and whit the special bonuses for real play the devs sad a real big no, just like this one:

post here if you wanna tnx to the devs
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 08:41:25 pm »

First of all dont bite me nerds!
Secondly i dont make a new char i already made 3-4 chars and lvled them up and i am not happy with them so when i am not happy i stop playing and i wont push myself to lvl up a new char just because i took the wrong proffesions and spented 6 points in a skill i dont rly need.

It is obvious there should be a reset button for proffesions at least.......

I need at least new proffesions this game needs flexibility if u wanna listen to my suggestions and have success do it or else stick to gestapo rules and fail only nerd will stick with this game. tottal pop wont ever go above 200.

I cant change proffesions i fucking quit the game till it hits v1 and i might come back then if i see the game is more flexible and has less gestapo stricked rules

I might bring some RL hardcore fallout friends also who actually played fonline beta and got dissapointed from hard time lvling , harsh rules and limitations.

Fix proffesions and me and my friends might come back and we might bring some more peps with us

Its kinda hard to persuade people to get back to an engine that was made back in 1997 if u stick to these kind of limitations people wont come at all

My point is add some flexibility skillpoint and proffesion reset is absofuckinglutetly needed and it wont break balance or realism in the game it wont have any negative impact on the game and you know it.

It just need time and work to make it happend and i understand if devs wont get on work since no1 is fucking paying them....
But from the other hand i wont push myself to have hard time again to lvl up 2 more chars so i can cover all the crafting i need.
Or make a new char just because i missclicked on doctor instead of FA.

So long i am out of here
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2010, 08:53:33 pm »

Why don't you use something like this?


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Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2010, 12:46:29 am »

Why don't you use something like this?
That's good of course, but it don't effect character ingame.
I agree with everyone else in this topic.. make new character, if you failed something/want to change different skills.
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2010, 07:51:49 am »

It is obvious there should be a reset button for proffesions at least.......

I need at least new proffesions this game needs flexibility if u wanna listen to my suggestions and have success do it or else stick to gestapo rules and fail only nerd will stick with this game. tottal pop wont ever go above 200.

My point is add some flexibility skillpoint and proffesion reset is absofuckinglutetly needed and it wont break balance or realism in the game it wont have any negative impact on the game and you know it.

well what i see from your suggestions with skillpoint and profession resets flushes realism down the toilet because there is only so much the game can do. Take for instance you made an sg combat/crafter but then decide oh wait i don't like this anymore, bang take my 5k caps i'm now working to be a doctor. So what happens to that battle hardened character that was first built? maybe you re-input points into sg so you can survive out there but then again you don't have to. so this new doctor of the waste formally a gunner can't shoot for shit anymore.

It is a wasteland out there and if you make the wrong decisions it will bite you hard, so you won't go around surviving in the wastes thinking doctor class is so useful i must reset by gunner. Then you find that suddenly there are loads of doctor characters around you feel tired of it only to impressed by an electronic weapons expert and jump into that bandwagon.
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2010, 05:04:20 pm »

Why don't you use something like this?

i already used this before i make my chars.....
Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2010, 05:51:48 pm »

well what i see from your suggestions with skillpoint and profession resets flushes realism down the toilet because there is only so much the game can do. Take for instance you made an sg combat/crafter but then decide oh wait i don't like this anymore, bang take my 5k caps i'm now working to be a doctor. So what happens to that battle hardened character that was first built? maybe you re-input points into sg so you can survive out there but then again you don't have to. so this new doctor of the waste formally a gunner can't shoot for shit anymore.

It is a wasteland out there and if you make the wrong decisions it will bite you hard, so you won't go around surviving in the wastes thinking doctor class is so useful i must reset by gunner. Then you find that suddenly there are loads of doctor characters around you feel tired of it only to impressed by an electronic weapons expert and jump into that bandwagon.

You guys dont understand or you dont read carefully what i write

You cant be a master of all if u reset skillpoints cause tag skills will remain the same so only those tag skills will go above 100% (master skill)

So master skills will remain same realism will remain same also

It just add flexibility and it not something you can do everyday cause npc who would reset ur skillpoints or proffesion would ask 5-10k caps it doesnt hurt anyone except the devs who actually have to work had to make this happend.

If you dont like skillpoint reset screw it but at least add proffesion reset but skillpoints reset only without tag reset its good combo for proffesion reset also cause ex if i am armourer 3 i got 32% sience and 180% repair so i wanna be BG 3 i need 100 sience and 120 repair so skillpoints reset is like a couple with proffesion reset if u know what i mean otherwise proffesion reset alone wont have good use anyway.

But since no1 is paying devs i dont expect them do to this

You guys make it sound like i press c i press a button and i reset everrything to rerool from doctor to a killing machine

Only one npc in wastelands would allow reset probably in hub or ncr it would cost money it would reset proffesion or skillpoints (skillpoints only no tag skills no perks no traits no specials)
or both and it would cost loads of money so u cant do this everyday.(5k for either proffesion or skillpoints and

With the way i explain this it doesnt hurt realism or the game at all it only does good to game by adding flexibility on a harsh rule game and its what this  game needs most!

This doesnt hurt anything it only does good and its absolutely needed i am surprised that people dont stand up for it.

I dont expect anything since i dont pay but it would be good for less hardcore players to add a feature like this when it goes into  version 1

Also someone said to me since u play solo why u dont use alts to craft ur things?

I think i rode that alts are not allowed and also if i log off one char and try to log in with other i get 10 mins ban so the game is probably designed for 1 character only

I dont wanna wait 10 mins to make some bullets for my other char

Screw 3d models and that turn based bug its not a bug if i wait for my turn and press them follow button it works

Still make it or not once the game goes into v1 i will be back for sure cause i love fallouts more than any other games so i once v1 comes in server will wipe and i will make  new char from scratch and this time i will make it right. (BG lvl 3 SG lvl 1) or (BG lvl 3 Armour lvl 1) or ( Armour lvl 3 BG lvl 1)

But what about some new players especially players that didnt play the old fallouts and dont know shit about how to make a good character and its 100% they will make some mistakes on proffesions or skillpoints so once they realize this i dont think they will reroll a new char they gone quit the game and wont bother anymore

Crafting is rly important on Fonline since weapos got deteration and they will degrade over time u will need to make new ones.

I got tag skill both on big guns and small guns so i can use both because both are needed for me (SG to lvl up and BG after lvl 18)
So i choose SG so i can lvl up but now that i am lvl 18 i want BG but i realized that i cant forget my current proffesions and this sucks
I like solo play, i dont belong to a player faction so i can ask my teammates to craft me a combat armour or a minigun
I cant pay 10k caps to buy a minigun and get lag killed with it in a random encounter.

I like harsh and stricked rules(you die and u loose everything u carry) but those rules needs some flexibility in the backround to be efficient and fun to play otherwise this gets boring.
Making alts just to craft things it not a solution since u get 10 mins ban each time u try to log with another char and also its rly boring just to lvl up a char to craft things also i dont like to have 2 chars and loose time on my alt i preffer to have one char only and play with him all day.

I hope devs will see my point over here and will take my suggestion into consideration when this game goes into v1

Thats all from me enough time i wasted writing on forums i hope you all understand my point and dont missjudge me my idea is not ruining the game it just makes it more flexible and more fun in case u took wrong proffesion u dont have to start from scratch u just need to get 5 or 10k caps and reset ur proffesion and skillpoints if possible.

If u think skillpoints is 2 much then just leave it and stick with proffesion reset only but like i said before proffesion reset only wont be good enough since diffrent proffesion require diffrent skillpoints.

Thats all ty if u wasted time on reading my crap :P

So long guys o/

Re: Proffesions and Skillpoints Reset Suggestion
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2010, 05:59:38 pm »

Btw anyone knows when game goes out of beta into v1?
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