I suggest
introduce artillery into the game:
1) You should control artillery from world map, so no one should be possible to prevent an artillery strike.
2) Only one player should control artillery strike.
3) Artillery should be quite cheap, so even non wealthy gangs should use it (cca 40k-200k caps per one strike).
4) Artillery should have power to instakill 3-5 player in one strike.
5) Artilllery strike should be instantaneous (no time between order of strike and strike itself).
6) Artillery should be easy transportable on world map from one location to another.
7) Because of some map restrictions (places inside building,..), you should be able to call artillery strike only at predefined locations (only entraces to location from world map).
8 ) There should exist one location in wasteland, where you should be able to buy artillery (to prevent another gangs to buy it).
So, what to you think?