Other > Suggestions

Traits Rethought

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Just two things.

Jinxed is a 'must have' one for melee fighters.
Skilled is often used coz' it's nice for some more-selfish builds.

Chem resist/reliant, Sexappeal, bruiser, night person - yes, they suxxx. (Question: if night person lvl up during a night, there's a +2 skillpoint bonus? Drugs like mentats doesn't help). 

Yes some traits are crappy

But if we gonna change them now, then will come perks and then hordes of people wil be shouting "Change trait/perk 'Abc' to be doing/adding/dealing ZX not XZ because..." and we got an avalanche

It's not time for it yet imo

I think Chem Reliant is very usefull, i love it! If i could take 3 traits, all my char would have it.


--- Quote from: Archvile on January 20, 2010, 10:51:13 pm ---What about we switch the upsides and the downsides of these two traits:

+4 (or more) Melee Dmg Bonus, - 2 AP
More balanced choice, especially with RT combat.

Heavy Handed
+2 ST, -30% on crit table
Big +2 stat points boost but at a big cost.

--- End quote ---
That's a huge improvement. Especially heavy handed. It's now like a useful backwards finesse.

I agree with chem reliant/resistant being reworked. I always wanted to have a drug addict character but neither of those traits are very useful. I use heavy handed in most of my builds, it's balanced as it is. Jinxed is far from useless when used properly. I think gifted should be brought back but this time with a -10 skill point cost.


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