Other > Suggestions

Traits Rethought

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what about Kamikase? is kinda useless,  sequence doesn't have any advantage in real time (or have it?)
may be sequence would increase the movement speed or the AP recharging speed?
 i think this Trait would be replaced or reworked.

one handed: it would have the same effects (+15% 1h, -40% 2h) but also i think it would give -1AP only for aimed shoots (with one hander weapons) instead of -1AP for shooting. because fast shoot+bonus rate of fire + one handed = 1 AP for shooting with some pistols. and may be another bonus would be -1AP for reloading

other suggestions:

Bloody mess: same violence effect and also add a bonus to your critical factor (like better criticals perk) by 10%  and add 25% of critical factor bonus when you where hit by a critical.

Gifted: same F2 penalties, but add 3 or 4 stat points instead of 7 (or +1 ST,EN,AG,PE).

Yay for one hander gunslinger build!


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