Other > Suggestions
Traits Rethought
what about Kamikase? is kinda useless, sequence doesn't have any advantage in real time (or have it?)
may be sequence would increase the movement speed or the AP recharging speed?
i think this Trait would be replaced or reworked.
one handed: it would have the same effects (+15% 1h, -40% 2h) but also i think it would give -1AP only for aimed shoots (with one hander weapons) instead of -1AP for shooting. because fast shoot+bonus rate of fire + one handed = 1 AP for shooting with some pistols. and may be another bonus would be -1AP for reloading
other suggestions:
Bloody mess: same violence effect and also add a bonus to your critical factor (like better criticals perk) by 10% and add 25% of critical factor bonus when you where hit by a critical.
Gifted: same F2 penalties, but add 3 or 4 stat points instead of 7 (or +1 ST,EN,AG,PE).
Yay for one hander gunslinger build!
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