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Author Topic: TC bugged - > Jackpot  (Read 15345 times)


  • Stoya
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Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2010, 09:28:30 pm »

This is not an exploit agrea.
But why disagrea with a town control reset?
And why flame when we want to talk about this bug?
Too much trolling and flaming on this topic...
We are not on TC, you can put down your weapon we are here to talk.

Sorry for my poor english.
Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2010, 09:30:24 pm »

Just let them have their own fun to end of wipe; devs wont help so much with it, sad but true. They pwn everything again with exploit/bug as usual in history of this game.

Only war never changes ;)

Ohhh so much butthurt.. poor Proxy Soldiers

maszrum please, don't reply to flame. If you have any suggections or something intresstant to say, say it. But we don't need of your stupid comment.
And if i say: "TC should be reset"

This is only from this rule:

"- Exploiting a bug or abusing of a feature (this includes security failures in guarded towns)."

Not maszrum started this flame, in "Closed bug" section. Funny as hell.
Btw: not only TC should be reset, but whole 2238 should be wiped because of Rogues. Resetting TC can do nothing! You can't compare infinite number with an infinite number!

It's our fault, we used a bug to destroy TC! I promise I will give any caps from TC straight to Lordus. But wait, VSB has control of Modoc, so while Rogues earn more than 1 million per day, Lordus earns more than 250k caps per day. Blame Lordus!

Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2010, 09:34:52 pm »

Come on guys, there is nothing Rogues can do about it. How could that be an exploit in any way?  

Ekhhh do u understand what is going on?
I will explain it to You. Someday we tried take broken hills 3times ,tc time 15.00 minutes left and the city was still in our oponent hands - pipboy status. Requesthelp after few minutes came gm - Rusty. He didnt know about it, we explained him and he started fix it, preview which was bugged after our tc was fixed by gm, so we decided to take city again. Finally city was our. Next day when i wake up city was again broken hills hunters gang.We tried take it and again same shit. How they could take it ? It should be bugged same like for us or for other gangs tttla etc. Same situation is about other cities. Do u still think it s bug or someone know how to use it and exploiting it...

PS. omg trolls incoming ...  ^
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 09:37:16 pm by MeganFox »


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Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2010, 09:38:20 pm »

I know that Rogues tried to retake Modoc several time and they always failed. Sure, few times it was because I shoot all of them, but eventualy I run out of ammo, so they succesfully retook it. Yet still it says Vault Silene Brahminy. I dont think they know about the bug more then we do.
Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2010, 09:44:22 pm »

This bug killed TC totally , it s no sense to start timer.
Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2010, 09:52:23 pm »

I know that Rogues tried to retake Modoc several time and they always failed. Sure, few times it was because I shoot all of them, but eventualy I run out of ammo, so they succesfully retook it. Yet still it says Vault Silene Brahminy. I dont think they know about the bug more then we do.

Yes that's right, but well, we would probably start the timer again, just to provoke some PvP battle, as we know that in the evening you'd come, so we can just fight, nevermind control.

Lol @ meganfox trying to tell that Rogues are using some exploit with TC on purpose, I reported the bug to Atom before there was any thread in suggestion forum about it. It's only proxy soldiers who never report any bug but use every exploit they can. You must be trolling or stupid or both.


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Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2010, 09:55:41 pm »

This is one of the biggest unfair bug and GM's don't care about it ... cool.

Rogues are looting caps more and more, and not the other players. But that's normal. Yes.

Now, for the next TC, when we'll try to take a city we'll must kill 20 Super mutants per town (yes 5 * 4 leaders who come very fast when their SM are killed ... )

If you don't like pve, play when Rogues and their SM army are sleeping, or wait for a next wipe.  

Ps : Oh ... Kilgore, the RPman is trolling ... but be quiet ... remember, don't feed the troll, don't feed him.
[My signature was too big, like Jescri's dick]
Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2010, 09:57:56 pm »

This is one of the biggest unfair bug and GM's don't care about it ... cool.
You play this game so long and you don't know yet that GMs can't do shit about this bug, because it's in game mechanics?
Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2010, 10:01:20 pm »

Lol @ meganfox trying to tell that Rogues are using some exploit with TC on purpose, I reported the bug to Atom before there was any thread in suggestion forum about it. It's only proxy soldiers who never report any bug but use every exploit they can. You must be trolling or stupid or both.

The only one trolling here is you as everybody knows. And again your neverending flame and spam.You didnt played for some time and i even start thinking that u finally stop care about this game, but  unfortunately not, its stronger than you. Rogues last time start swarm with 15mutants and 20 people army so it seems that they need everybody ;/ and wait wait proxy hmm ? I even cant count on my  fingers how many ur teammates were banned last time by Voland so shut up u fuckin hipocrite.

ekhh i shouldnt feed u troll ; /

This is one of the biggest unfair bug and GM's don't care about it ... cool.

Rogues are looting caps more and more, and not the other players. But that's normal. Yes.

Now, for the next TC, when we'll try to take a city we'll must kill 20 Super mutants per town (yes 5 * 4 leaders who come very fast when their SM are killed ... )

If you don't like pve, play when Rogues and their SM army are sleeping, or wait for a next wipe. 

Ps : Oh ... Kilgore, the RPman is trolling ... but be quiet ... remember, don't feed the troll, don't feed him.

I agree.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 10:03:28 pm by MeganFox »


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Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2010, 10:02:15 pm »

You play this game so long and you don't know yet that GMs can't do shit about this bug, because it's in game mechanics?

Oh !  Sorry Sir, i would say Dev ...

*Be quiet ... don't feed the troll ... don't feed him. Be Zen ... don't feed the Kiltroll, don't feed the Trollgore.*
[My signature was too big, like Jescri's dick]
Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2010, 10:04:48 pm »

You both should insult me more, as this is all you can do in this game, though on forum :)


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Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2010, 10:26:15 pm »

I feel sad I don't know shit about TC, so I could attach at least small sample of my trolling art here.
Nie biegaj za stadem.


  • Stoya
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Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2010, 10:30:17 pm »

Posts: 377 (of trolling/flaming)
And look how much we posts...

We are not like you we don't have to troll here, we're here when it's needed.

Please stop to trolling this topic guys.
Do not misunderstand Rogues are not God ingame.
Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2010, 10:35:41 pm »

I feel sad I don't know shit about TC, so I could attach at least small sample of my trolling art here.


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: TC bugged - > Jackpot
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2010, 11:24:10 am »

I will just say GG to Rogues, maybe a kind of exploit/bug but it's a beta and this kind of things can happen... just let see what rogues will do with mutant, protect BH and succes where everyone as fail or mass PK the wastland (the both seems great), and personally i prefer the second option ^^

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