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Author Topic: Endurance and drugs  (Read 2064 times)


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Endurance and drugs
« on: November 09, 2010, 09:56:46 am »

That's my old-new suggestion, that may add a huge variety to the game: You can take any* quantities of any* drug but there is a 5% chance of getting instant death after using every dose. After using each next dose, you get a multiplication, which depends on your ENDURANCE (check a spreadsheet to make clear how many EN do you need).
Let me give a little explanation to this suggestion: This means, that if you take too much, your character dies and gets to the replication. Also, this should add some variety to the game-play in terms, that everyone would take drugs on some location with friends nearby, not on WM in order not to lose equipment.

*any - this means, that you can take up to 4 doses (if you have 10 EN) of any drug, even if it's the same type e.g. 4 jets, but nothing else, 3 jets and a pack of cigarettes or 2 jets and cigarettes + psycho... and so on.
Also, i've been thinking about how this could affect the game world, and I think, that it may get us back to the nearly same status, as it was before the latest wipe. That's where characters may have had up to 20 Action Points OR the character may get 95% of normal resistance... just think about it. BUT, there is a difference: with implementing of that suggestion, every junkie gets a huge risk, while taking too much.

Reasonable comments are welcome, trolls please go somewhere else. Thank you.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 01:18:10 pm by Graf »


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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 10:26:40 am »

drugs are fine now... why should devs go ack to 20ap 95% resist tanks. I mean even if there is a risk-people from gang will take the time and drug themself to a god mode before a fight/TC
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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 10:32:16 am »

So one in 20 nukacolas will kill me? Not the best idea... and an exploit waiting to happen, just sit in a hotel room and drug oneself to godmode.
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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 11:04:26 am »

I think it is ok to implement mali if you take too much drugs, it doesn't have to be death, maybe some other things, -MaxHP for example.
But 1 drug should not give a 5% chance. that way it would take some usability from drugs in my opinion.

But i like the idea that more EN gives you less chance to overdose.


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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2010, 11:51:03 am »

The real reason why I suggest changes like these, is that now there is almost nothing depending on player's skill. If you have more people = you'll win. And now remember this time before wipe. Our gang (The Rogues) normally had 10-15 people online and we could fight with 20-30 people at the time, during town control. And look what we have now?
wezu, no it's not that every 20th bottle will kill you. It's the same thing, like if you have 5% chance to hit a target and it's absolutely wrong that you'll make a hit after 20th attempt.


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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2010, 12:05:11 pm »

The real reason why I suggest changes like these, is that now there is almost nothing depending on player's skill. If you have more people = you'll win.

But this suggestion has nothing to do with skill. With overdose chance players would just be more careful with drugs and occasionally get pissed because they died randomly to overdose.

Drugs are pretty smooth now, if you want to have more skill-related options drugs are not where to start searching for them.
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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2010, 12:18:57 pm »

It's called math, the greek made it up. 5% = 5/100 = 1/20.
I'm not saying that one would die after every 20th drug and only then, but only that 1 in 20 drugs is potentally leathal.

This just makes the game more divided on those that can be godlike (with a gang, ton of drugs and a haven) and those who can't (casual players).
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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2010, 12:47:21 pm »

It's called math, the greek made it up. 5% = 5/100 = 1/20.
I'm not saying that one would die after every 20th drug and only then, but only that 1 in 20 drugs is potentally leathal.
It's called a probability theory. That's why not every 20th bottle of nuca-cola would kill you.
This just makes the game more divided on those that can be godlike (with a gang, ton of drugs and a haven) and those who can't (casual players).
Fonline 2238 isn't for a casual players. It is a faction-based mod, actually. And that's how it was called before it were changed to 2238. If you want to survive there, you should join some group of players (literally it's a gang) or create your own.

Still, I'm open to suggestions, not a words like: everyhing is great as it is now.
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« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 01:13:05 pm by Graf »


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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2010, 01:12:44 pm »

I really dont like this, first you can use even less drugs than now, second, its based purely on chance (+ one stat). Your suggestion would just make drugging even more obsolete and favours rich people/gangs that can afford taking drugs over and over.
Please dont introduce frustration into drug system, it works now just fine
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Re: Endurance and drugs
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2010, 01:34:14 pm »

As sarakin said i see only more frustration due to nescessity to repeat drug taking before fight. And i dont see anything skill related in it. It only gives advantage to atackers who can prepare longer and adds more frustration in crafting more drugs.

If the goal was to limit drugs by endurance i would prefer solution like <4EN take one drug, 4EN take 2drugs, 7EN take 3drugs, 10EN take four drugs or something similar with sharp boundaries and no probability.
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