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Keep getting killed by NRC guard at workbench

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do the guard shout out for you to put the weapon away ?
... and you should be able to put hte weapon away when they do had few tiems when forgot to put away mine and alwayes menaged to put it away..

however what i seen once was some guy pickpocketing those that used workbench and he was able to make the guards shoot the guy (the victim nto the thief) no idea how it works...

Unfortunately for me, I'm quite forgetful and I'm being threatened by those guards frequently.

Whenever the guards warn me to holster my weapon I have about 3 seconds to either get away or change hands before they start shooting, quite annoying since I know few people who can holster their weapon that fast.


--- Quote from: IDC on January 19, 2010, 06:45:14 pm ---Unfortunately for me, I'm quite forgetful and I'm being threatened by those guards frequently.

Whenever the guards warn me to holster my weapon I have about 3 seconds to either get away or change hands before they start shooting, quite annoying since I know few people who can holster their weapon that fast.

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I got killed in junk town because i was suddenly surprised by this then tried to open my inventory. So i died and lost my gun, which made me sad.

About that NCR issue, maybe you're in a bad mood with Raiders..?


--- Quote from: BFG9000 on January 19, 2010, 04:49:17 pm ---Hi guys,
could someone tell me what im doing wrong.

Can i have in offhand a gun?
Can i have a hammer for mining in mainhand?

I get killed several times by exactly only these guards and i do feel manytimes without any reason...

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Any gun is not allowed by gaurds. Sledgehammer isn't allowed either, even if set on "Use on". Hatchets and Primitive tools are though (99% sure).

If you ever have one of the guys yelling 'put your weapon away immediately", simply press the big red button at the top of our INV rectangle button: This will make you switch to your "Item 2" slot, and if you don't have any weapon in it, then you should be fine.

Note: If they begin to chase or shoot you, but then you put your weapon away before you die, they will still shoot you.

Note: Don't shoot them back. You don't lose Reputation if you don't fight back when they kill you.


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