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Author Topic: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION  (Read 5836 times)

Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« on: October 24, 2010, 02:19:17 pm »

This topic is reply for last events- BH is now guarded by rogues and in polish thread I and some people there were thinking about life in a "Wasteland polis".

What is wasteland polis?
If you know history word "polis" come from ancient greece where small towns lived on their own with structures like: economy, politics and moreover vote.

Why this?
Structures in polis are good enough and nearly same as TC system here and players can add elements like politic, economy and even threats like raiders (or gm will spawn some of them).

Gangs are only about TC! They don't want anything new!
What I last saw is that gangs want to do something new, the biggest of them should take control of one of it. It would be more like competition, who will make better polis.

Ok, but what gangs will get for it?
Except fun, probably money- 30-40 people per town that will give 1k caps is not bad, am I right? At start they will rule town and then they will say who is citizen and who is not.

Like in vaultcity and other polis citizens are people that live in town, first gangs will say who can be and who not, but then law can change.

What will give me citizenship?
If dev will want to help in this idea- acces to other part of town, everyone can get to "international" one, but to rest of town you need citizenship. Also you will have privilige to vote and even if you are good in these things you can be major of town, you and other citizens can create law and guard it. This will occure in institution called "bounty hunter".

How to be citizen?
You need to do something- for example helping town in its work, guarding its law, you need to be trusted- so better don't mess around, ok?

Citizens duty
You need to protect your town and pay taxes (can change in future)

The biggest gangs have actually potential to do this and game will be more fun.

-more players
-RPG element
-events driven by players
-you will point, that devs efforts are not wasted
-more things to do

Ideas from topic and players that can be only done by devs
From me:
-Note table in middle of town with advertisements
-Crier- major of town can write text for him about what is going in town (NPC about information)
-new item- newspaper (obvious thing)
-citizenship model
-district for citizens
-black list for militia
-more rooms for players in towns
-New crafting system- first lvl of proffesion in guarded towns, second and third in TC for citizens (required reputation and more money)
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 02:29:26 pm »

gangs need to have their own intres in building, devloping town and players should have reason to keep coming there
for example - removing workbeenches form bases, that will force people to come to the cities. and what will be interes for gang ? dont know yet, maybe some extra money form every single crafted item in city ?

this game really need this idea, people should live in cities. not in fucking caves or hidden in own bases
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 02:31:04 pm by maszrum »


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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 02:33:55 pm »

It looks really interesting.

but I don't think it is gone be easy to control. I mean how the hell You can know if someone is citizen, enemy or just an occasional trader? Since Namecolorizing is kind of disabled everyone must be in same gang signed as member.

...maybe some extra money form every single crafted item in city ?


this game really need this idea, people should live in cities. not in fucking caves or hidden in own bases

This is also true!

One more thing. So called Town Control for now mean - "Hey it's our town get the fu*k out of here" and I think it should be a little bit more of "Hey it's our town come, talk, trade and behave yourself or You gone be shoot at sight".
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 02:37:23 pm by vilaz »
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 02:35:58 pm »

this idea is quite good, but it will fail soon...
example gang A will be anti-pk and he will say that gang B is bad and he will add every nick from gang B...


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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 02:48:48 pm »

who cares ? players will have choce where to live, in wich city. thats can be ncr, vc or some city controled by other players
if they will not agree with rules and politic of gangs who controling city - they can go to other town.

and yes NC need to be reworked!


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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 02:50:21 pm »

who cares ? players will have choce where to live, in wich city. thats can be ncr, vc or some city controled by other players
if they will not agree with rules and politic of gangs who controling city - they can go to other town.

and yes NC need to be reworked!
I care because it will be next unfair change...


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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 03:04:31 pm »

It's obvious that players want to have greater role in wasteland but it still stands that they have differend desires than everyone else there.

I heard devs are trying to establish npc faction system so shouldn't we first check out what will come out of that before discussing player-driven cities?
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Ned Logan

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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2010, 03:09:23 pm »

I care because it will be next unfair change...
What do you mean unfair? Unfair is that, contrary to real life, a group of people has practically no means of defending a place against their enemies, because of alting - nothing like wanted posters are possible, since the criminal can visit a plastic surgeon any time...
So yes, NC should be reworked.
Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2010, 03:16:49 pm »

Something tells me this will increase alting.
I can see the advantages of being a citizen of a town, but I fail to see the advantages of going to other towns.
To me it looks like creating little NCRs and VCs everywhere.
I assume that giving citizenship back will cause me to be blacklisted, so I can't go in that town again.
Similar to leaving raiders I guess.

Some of your suggestions are good, but I agree with avv.
Lets wait and see what kind of npc faction system devs create.
There's certainly room for many towns to have their own npc faction(s).
When devs do that, they should introduce caravans for all towns.
Modoc caravan will have some brahmin skins, Klamath caravan will have some gecko skins, etc.


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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2010, 04:41:52 pm »

Looks like you are going to do something big :D
Good luck for that.
Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2010, 04:43:36 pm »

Looks like you are going to do something big :D
Good luck for that.
Yes it is something big, but I want to know opinion of gm/mods/devs and bigger gangs what about doing it
Polskie Pustkowia
Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2010, 05:16:06 pm »

yes , devs should reworked NC ..
Its big problem now to remember who is who :(
Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2010, 06:46:19 pm »

Maybe something about 2 towns: PK and Anti PK. They will build their towns with sandbox mode(here i will put work bench, and here will be barrack with rooms for citizens, and here i will put turrets.... ect).

LEt's see my vision from begining:

2 factions.

Devs will spawn 2 big empty locations. One for PK, one for anti PK. Leaders of bigest pk and anti pk factions will be leaders of bases.

1 leader in town.

Only one man will be leader of town, he can buy using caps buildings, furnitures, defending systems. He project all city. He will make in-town rules(you can/cant wear weapon; you can/cant steal etc).

Citizenship levels

Leader will choose area of map which is only for citizens(house district)/army(barrack/armory district) or for all players(marketplace) like in NCR.
Leader will add new citizens(like in bases), he will make his army, he will choose traders ect. He will give all different kind of citizenship levels, which will allown players to do some things(army-carrying weapons and shooting in city/ citizens - can rent/buy room or house, use stores at night).

You choose site? You need to stay there!

If you choose anti pk site(citizen/soldier/trader) you will have near nick miniature of your faction(anti pk or pk) and you will not be able to change it. You can be kicked off from faction if president want that

Let's choose leader!

There will be option to make votes for new president.

Lets rent npc?

President can rent homesteaders/farmers to mine/gather for caps

Donate city

City of your faction is too weak? Donate city!

New protection system!

Ohhhhh our city got loooots of money! Lets build some turrets, which can be repaired after every destruction with high repair skill

Medic! Help me!

Opposing faction is attacking? lets buy some robots which will run all over map healing members of our faction!

Some of this ideas will be ok, some not, but if devs will make game more editable by players(not only building town/spawning objects but even scriopst ect.) it could be really cool.

Why we need to open new SDK server???? LETS EDIT 2238!

John Ryder

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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2010, 07:05:39 pm »

I can already see devs answer: "lol no dynamic maps". Even though they spawn usable fridges in the middle of NCR.
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Re: Life in wasteland polis-ATTENTION
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2010, 09:07:23 pm »

I can already see devs answer: "lol no dynamic maps". Even though they spawn usable fridges in the middle of NCR.
Do you know what does it mean? Dynamic map is example when you can add building toilet into your tent...
spawning fridges is nothing special... because it's item...

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