Maybe something about 2 towns: PK and Anti PK. They will build their towns with sandbox mode(here i will put work bench, and here will be barrack with rooms for citizens, and here i will put turrets.... ect).
LEt's see my vision from begining:
2 factions.Devs will spawn 2 big empty locations. One for PK, one for anti PK. Leaders of bigest pk and anti pk factions will be leaders of bases.
1 leader in town.Only one man will be leader of town, he can buy using caps buildings, furnitures, defending systems. He project all city. He will make in-town rules(you can/cant wear weapon; you can/cant steal etc).
Citizenship levels Leader will choose area of map which is only for citizens(house district)/army(barrack/armory district) or for all players(marketplace) like in NCR.
Leader will add new citizens(like in bases), he will make his army, he will choose traders ect. He will give all different kind of citizenship levels, which will allown players to do some things(army-carrying weapons and shooting in city/ citizens - can rent/buy room or house, use stores at night).
You choose site? You need to stay there!If you choose anti pk site(citizen/soldier/trader) you will have near nick miniature of your faction(anti pk or pk) and you will not be able to change it. You can be kicked off from faction if president want that
Let's choose leader!There will be option to make votes for new president.
Lets rent npc?President can rent homesteaders/farmers to mine/gather for caps
Donate cityCity of your faction is too weak? Donate city!
New protection system!Ohhhhh our city got loooots of money! Lets build some turrets, which can be repaired after every destruction with high repair skill
Medic! Help me!Opposing faction is attacking? lets buy some robots which will run all over map healing members of our faction!
Some of this ideas will be ok, some not, but if devs will make game more editable by players(not only building town/spawning objects but even scriopst ect.) it could be really cool.
Why we need to open new SDK server?