I've seen Surf Solar do a very temporary ban (like 5-10minutes) for plasma nading. Also if you die because a dynamite on your person explodes, the resurrection timer is around 7 minutes.
which is abusable, since you can easily plant a ticking bomb on somoene as a thief. and if you succeed, it doesn't matter if the person finds out about it, hes to late. If he drops the bomb the gaurds will shoot him. if he runs to the world map he is ussualy to late and perhaps even dies on the world map, if he does nothing hes dead aswell.
Also if you die because a dynamite on your person explodes, the resurrection timer is around 7 minutes.
This is so much fun!
Though if I set the timer too long, and the person is smart, he/she just runs to the world map and drops it here. That's still rare