One reason that causes players to stock money is that they are very self-sufficient. They can produce most things by themselves so they don't have to sell or buy anything to other players for caps. Besides, player2player trading is tiresome and slow.In addition there isn't something really awesome that you could buy with caps. You can buy equipment, cars, bases, mercs and that's it. It doesn't matter if you have one million caps or ten million caps because in both cases you have reached the limit of how much benefit you can get from money.
Disagreed. You need gold sinks in games in order to prevent inflation.
In addition there isn't something really awesome that you could buy with caps. You can buy equipment, cars, bases, mercs and that's it. It doesn't matter if you have one million caps or ten million caps because in both cases you have reached the limit of how much benefit you can get from money.
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
i think biggest problem for author is that he lives in NCR, because all other traders in other towns have huge amounts of caps, so better instead of making suggestions like current, explore wasteland more :>
It also makes game more entertaining and MAKES you crawl out of NCR from time to time.
I like the idea essentially but there are some flaws that have been already pointed out.But there does need to be more circulation. And Vedaras, pks just sit there all day like the pricks they are just too kill bluesuits wanting to sell some stuff to the one trader with caps, how is this so much better an idea?!?!?!?!?! NCR=picked clean Hub=generally picked clean San Fran=maybe, maybe not but doesnt matter since its practically ungaurded.All the players who CANNOT defend themselves cannot go to these traders and get money for their hardwork because of this so, ofc everyone is going to stay in ncr/Hub to sell stuff constantly because of pk powerbuilds with a big fucking dorito chip on thier shoulder and a powerbuild to match.