With a well made character, as well as some common sense / strategy, melee is a viable option in pvp.
Yes, the abillity to target enemy, and continue at running speed to their position would be nice, but this has been discussed and it is undetermined whether it can/will be changed. This in itself does not really appeal to me.... If you are playin a melee character, smartly, you will NOT attempt to cross a vast open area, in direct view of your enemy, and try to hit them. this will fail 9/10 times.
"I hope not all devs share Rusty's idea that "melee is a secondary combat skill" and put this imbalance in the "to do list"...".
this ^ ... I surely hope this is not true as well, but from discussion I have had, there seems to be no interest whatsoever to try and flesh out the melee combat field, by reinstating the missing weapons.
Obviously from the number of replies in this topic, I am not the only person who enjoys to play melee, and not use guns. I must say, there needs to be something done about it for sure.
I dont think there is any need to change the way damage is dealt with melee / unarmed , more important in my eyes is to have some fucking variety in weapons.
Currently missing are:
-Louisville slugger ( this weapon deals less damage, and does less knockback/knockdown than supersledge, why is it not in game as mid level weapon?)
-Little jesus knife
-Wakizashi Blade ( this should be carried by yakuza, it is freakin ridiculous to encounter them using combat knives...really....)
-Boxing gloves (Sure, it might be a novelty type item, but I'm willing to bet there are some unarmed player who would enjoy to use this )
Melee skill as it is, has enough disadvantages already, without dying of boredom.
Basically restricted to using 3 weapons , super sledge, super prod, or ripper. All others not effective against much stronger enemy than gecko.
Just my two cents, I hope its well received..