I've coded the basis of a GUI, that would read/write the faction.ini/default.ini residing within the data\art\intrface\ folder. It functions by importing PNGs or FRMs, then dragging them using the mouse to desired X,Y locations.
- INI Reader/Writer DONE
- Pixmap Dragging DONE
- PNG Support DONE
- Associating INI Variables To PNGs/FRMs PENDING
It's the bottom one I require information on. Generally, interface elements.
Can anyone elaborate as to the structure and as to how I make sense of the INI?
How does the Game do it? Does it manually associate IntMainPic to IntMain as the X,Y coordinates? Or does it realize that IntMainPic is a filename to a pixmap, and that IntMainPic - "Pic" = IntMain is the X,Y coordinates of where that pixmap will be positioned in-game?`If so, then does that rule apply always? Is there a reference for the meanings of the variables within the INI file? Who decides the naming conventions of the variables? Is that done through scripting language (Angel Script) or is it fixed by the FOnline Client?
- Prefix = Int,Inv,Log,etc denotes which interface menu variable belongs to
- Prefix.*X = X Coordinate
- Prefix.*Y = Y Coordinate
- Prefix.*Pic = Picture (Prefix.* would be its coordinate)
Those are things I've noticed, probably I could make use of that structure.
I am not familiar with FOnline development (not any Angel Script), but I've made an interface before, I am a little familiar with the INI file only through trial and error plus looking at other interfaces.
I appreciate help to get this information so that we can get this utility to make interfaces easier.
So I need a reference for the meanings of the variables in the INI or any information you have about it