Hey thanks for the fast tiping, I don't see it as something negative.
I don't want to have an arrogant attitude towards other players, nor do I want to look like T-888

I meant all that for Kaboom, who posted in an almost violent tone. Really Alvarez (or anyone else except Kaboom), if you felt attacked or whatever by that comment, it was *not* aimed at you so I'm honestly sorry and have no problem in saying that here and now. Anyway I would personally not contradict a chemistry student about chemistry, I think the same applies to the language, it's something you can study. I meant nothing more than that. But meh, that's not what is being discussed here.
The word
crappy wouldn't be polite but imho would fit better than
primitive and would be, and you said it yourself, something you could expect in the Fallout world. Oh and once again, it's not about being "politically correct", because in the Fallout world there would and there is discrimination, and that is why I don't think a guy from a non-tribal society would call the improvised tool he just made, "primitive", because that's how they see tribals, who are discriminated in the Fallout world. By calling his own tool "primitive" he would be associating himself with the discriminated tribals, so he would not do it. If he was a guy who discriminated tribals, he wouldn't like to be associated with a discriminated group he considers inferior. If he didn't discriminate tribals himself, then he wouldn't call his tool "primitive", because he wouldn't use words that incldue a value judgment, because he doesn't discriminate.
Crappy includes a value judgment too, but it's not a word that discriminates certain cultures, like
primitive does. It could be used for that, but it needs a context: if a guy from the Fallout world said "this is a crappy tribal spear", he would be discriminating tribals, but if he just said "this is a crappy spear" he wouldn't, even if the spear was made by tribals.
For the second time already, it's not about feeling offended, I don't feel offended by how the word
primitive is used. You're right that
nigger has a racist connotation and so it's a different case than
primitive, and you're right that
primitive is a term used in Anthropology, but that's what I was talking about, it was used by European anthropologists to call other societies. But Anthropoly is not the main topic here, I just mentioned that to explain where the negative meaning of the word
primitive comes from. It was not my goal to criticize anthropologists, or Europeans, or European anthropologists.
And for the second time already, I know devs didn't have that negative meaning in mind when they named the item "primitive tool" (or "primitive workbench" now, as well). That is exactly why I think
rudimentary or
improvised would be better:
primitive is a word you can use to call another culture (or an object or person from that culture) inferior, compared to another one, for example your own.
Rudimentary doesn't have that meaning.
Rudimentary does mean "less developed" or "improvised" (which is what the devs wanted to say with
primitive I am sure), but it does not include a value judgment.