If they did Wipe to attract players, they would have to do it every week!
Is there even an economy in the game? everything I try to sell is worth zero caps and no one really trades to much as they just make their own shit.
I suppose it is more like an actual wasteland, only bumping into people every once in a while..or the few that hang around ncr. But it would be cool also to see more bustling cities and people trading and lots of social interaction. Is there even an economy in the game? everything I try to sell is worth zero caps and no one really trades to much as they just make their own shit. I guess I am afraid this game will die before I get to fully enjoy it, and I don't speak any russian to play the other few Fonline games out there.
Well I was kindof talking more about all the lower tier stuff as I am still kindof new and dont have much. And was also talking more about with npcs. Whenever I try to sell them weapons or armor they say its worth zero caps. And I cannot buy stuff from them when I have no caps because they won't buy my stuff for caps. I know how to make caps I am just sayin it is a little weird that most stuff is worth nothing..only the shiny stuff is worth caps. You would think I get get at least 1 or 2 caps for a pistol or some leather armour.