So far this session's been pretty quiet, but I remember some pretty f***** up s*** from last season such as massive base rape, treasons and newbies with no tent losing hours of work.
I think the most terrible thing I've ever done was finding a hummer with a bunch of stuff in trunk and the key on the ground (last wipe), I took some of the stuff from the trunk that I would use such as BAs but wasn't "evil" enough to take the car itself... Then I felt like s*** once I left the enc.
So I'd like the opinion of base rapers and grievers in-game, how do you feel about this? Have you ever felt bad about it? Ever regretted stealing/killing something? Ever been an honest player before some tragedy happened to you?
I only want serious answers from serious douchebags, fat 9 year olds that unload all their frustration in-game don't have to post, I know you'll say something like "I raep cuz I'm kewl and evawl!11 hahaxaxahahahjajaja!1" I just want the opinion of people who do it because they don't give a s*** and are cold about it.