anyone knows, what happen with the laser crits??now, my crits do 30 50 of damage when i do a crit, and bypass of 60... the damage was nerfed?
yeah i know, but the helmet crit mod affect only th chance of crit or not?
...- Helmet Anti Crit Modifiers doubled....- Adjusted critical hit tables.
Answer:Imho now all other pvp builds than big gunners are useless, snipers can be only used to cripple/KO your enemy but they cannot kill anyone. If you need damage (and be sure you do) go for bg. Sad but true.
Anyway, in building the next bit of the spreadsheet, to test bursts and their criticals, I learnt that I had applied the critical damage modifier in error (its applied before DT, not after). So slight amendments to the single shot damages: