I have 9 private bases and a car. I solo spears for caps. It takes weeks. I maxed a Lockpicker 300, a PvP fighter, a de-traps guy , and a doctor. These 4 chars are my blueprint hunting team. They find mostly crow bars and sometimes caps (1 cap per locker). It takes weeks. I have a CA BP, but my armorer has no idea where to get bulk HQ fibers, and he lost a GR courier case so he's hosed there.
So yeah...this game is awesome! I do love it. It is the hardest, most brutal game ever. I love that. And i play on Nightmare setting (white knight style) so nobody could complain more than i, and i have no complaints. If i ever do, i'll demand my money back.
However...lol...if i
were to mention a few bad things...they'd include the following:
1) Punchers should not be able to knock people down 100% of the time. 50% maybe.
2) Crafters will quit if you don't ease up on crafting - too tough now -
recipes are too expensive.
3) All footlockers should open if i have 300% Lockpick skill and lockpicks. ALL of them.
4) Gear deteriorates WAY too fast. Like way. Too. Fast.
5) When item is used to repair like item,
used item should auto-science.
(Devs already working on TC system and vendors/bartering - we need to all be patient). (Or ask for money back).
REALLY GOOD THINGS!Fast Re-Log! Woohoo! I love this! Thank you! I can get more done without irritating delays in between.
Mining/Gathering Resources! Excellent changes this season (no ding-dang timer) - good job.
Removed Professions Limit! YEHAW! Excellent change!
The whole blueprint idea is also great. When i find one, it's like the sky opens up, the sun comes out, Wagner music starts playing from the clouds and a booming voice says "Bet you wanted another crow bar!"
A New Faster Server/Service! And good strong communication about it was much appreciated.
A Smooth Migration! Seriously, good job on that *whew*
Ability to buy additional bases with unassisted faction leader. This is huge.
Addition of Outdoorsman Camps, helmets, support perk system, recovery of original CA images, etc etc etc
My Most Urgent CommentThis game was made harder for fighters but MEGA-DIFFICULT for crafters, and all fighters depend on crafters even if they don't know it since crafters supply the game with larger quantities of the best gear. So if you get rid of fast-relog, good golly miss molly that would really just be about the end of finding BPs solo.