Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => News and Announcements => Topic started by: lisac2k on January 06, 2012, 09:19:00 pm

Title: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: lisac2k on January 06, 2012, 09:19:00 pm
Changelog as of 06-Jan-2012

- Hatchet now hopefully finally fixed.
- Slaves are working again in the Junktown Quarry.
- The Train Ticket has no weight anymore.
- Various quest fixes.
- Map fixes.
- Dialog fixes.
- OOC messages said by knocked/dead characters are displayed above the head only.
- Activated flares are removed after some time.
- Junktown mine now considered a townlike area, like other mines.
- And many others.
- See the this thread ( and this section ( for a more detailed list.

- New Reno casinos are now protected by guards.
- New client commands:
- New follower system, uses party points which are based on both speech and charisma, instead of just charisma:
- Configurable (via 2238 config) key binds now include using items and reloading weapons.
- Followers will say a short message when they reach a new level.
- The NCR Residental Area has been opened for public use.
- New single- and group-quests added to the game. Explore!
- Added BoS bunker in NCR and Den.
- Containers (sometimes locked, sometimes trapped, sometimes empty) are randomly placed on some of the encounter maps.
- Doors and lockers are making sounds.
- Apple trees for gathering mutated fruits.
- First aid kits, lockpicks, doctor bags, tool kits and such provide bonus to a related skill whenever applied. The bonus is displayed in the item's description.
- Added LogfileName and ScreenshotName configuration options, see wiki article (
- Ability to maintain the list of known factions at terminal; for all those factions players with rank 4 and 5 can change status of every member at once
- Ability to throw items on a hex. Hold the ` key and select a hex to throw the item in your active slot there. AP cost and maximum distance are based on the item's weight. Grenades thrown in this manner will explode with 1 second delay.
- Added a third arena at Hinkley.
- Added new items for the Hinkley outfitter.
- Using some skills/items results in visible information, check new configuration options (

- Level cap increased to 24.
- New traits
- Divided the perks into two groups: Level Perks ( and Support Perks ( Level Perks can be obtained as usual. To obtain a Support Perk, one must either complete a quest or talk to an appropriate NPC. Perks might be subject to changes and new support perks might be added.
- Professions moved to be support perks, limited at 2 ranks (levels) and the total number of profession levels capped at 3.
- Added helmets to the game. They are used instead of normal armour for shots targetted at head or eyes.
- Added anti-critical contermeasures for pieces of armour: modifier for a critical hit severity roll and modifier for a critical hit chance.
- Altered weapons stats.
- Changed the way how repair and deterioration work:
- Changed the way dismantling works: in case of craftable weapons or armours, a fraction of materials used in the crafting is returned.
- Altered the critical hit tables.
- Reverted deathclaw, rat and ant 3D models to 2D for now.
- Yakuza encounter mobs now use the Wakizashi blade again.
- Armor Class rework:
- Awareness:
- Tweaks in town reinforcements.
- NCR rail line quest now only possible to do with level 4+ characters.
- Changed music in some maps.
- Vault 13 now starts invisible on the worldmap.
- The Gun Runners factory can only be visited by liked characters.
- Followers can only stay by themselves at certain places.
- Death types that would completely deteriorate armors now only apply 75% damage.
- Changed the Sneak/FoV mechanics:
- Added blueprints item that have to be comsumed before being able to craft certain items.
- Increased base worldmap speed from 2.5 to 6.0 pixels per second. Slightly decreased the outdoorsman bonus.
- Minor changes to parameters of some cars. Rule of the thumb are: smaller fuel consumption and deterioration rates; increased speed and rough terrain penalties for most cars; Hummer's capacity increased to 10 critters.
- Gangs can now posses multiple bases; access is resolved per-rank(members) or per-status(non members).
- No timeout for gathering - resources are now slowly regenerating over time.
- It is impossible to run having an M60 in either hand slot.
- All humanoids (players and NPCs alike) gain a +40 HP boost.
- HP gain per level decreased by 2 for all critters (players and NPCs alike).
- Regeneration now occurs every minute and restores (Healing Rate)% of the total health, rounded down, but no less than 3 points. Exception: if the Healing Rate is not positive (e.g. as a result of radiation), its value is added tothe HP.
- Healing Rate starting value is now 7 + Endurance/2, rounded down.
- Reworked the train schedules and added two more trains.
- Shouting limited to 100 hexes.
- Stills (rotgut, beer brewing device, nukacola machine) have working time (2 minutes). Process is started by using science, after all ingredients are ready (inserted like in normal containers). It's possible to insert multiple amounts of required ingredients, the output will be adjusted accordingly, up to 10.
- Default font changed to more readable version (modification thread (
- Amount of stackable items in hand slots is now visible in main interface and inventory screen.
- Traders are not accepting items off-their lists, and have their caps limits decreased.
- Character age is now synchronized with in-game calendar.
- Town Control overhauled, see wiki article ( for more info

- Have fun.

- Datafiles are now stored in data/ directory. After updating the client, you can safely remove these which will left in root client folder.
- Logins are case-sensitive now.

- Run the updater to obtain the new files.
- Changed the way of loading master.dat/critter.dat. The paths must now be set via FO2238Config tool.
- There is another version of client that uses OpenGL. It's in early stage, so it might not be working. FOConfig tool writes to FOnline.cfg, which is used by FOnline.exe (D3D version).
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: EnergyForYou on January 06, 2012, 09:21:38 pm
No wipe?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Haraldx on January 06, 2012, 09:23:17 pm
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Nexxos on January 06, 2012, 09:27:20 pm
No wipe?

What's a wipe?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: manero on January 06, 2012, 09:30:03 pm
- Added a third arena at Hinkley.
- Added new items for the Hinkley outfitter.

Manero approved ;)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: runboy93 on January 06, 2012, 09:34:21 pm
Great and long changelog :)
Many new features and many changes.

Thank you Devs :)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Nikkex on January 06, 2012, 09:37:03 pm
Connecting to the update server...
No update needed.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Ganado on January 06, 2012, 09:47:52 pm
Finally, thanks for all the hard work devs. So many new features, feels like being a new player trying to figure out the game again.

@Nikkex: The server hasn't gone down yet.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Crazy on January 06, 2012, 09:55:55 pm
Not mention anything about TC rework, or altered weapon stats?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Jlekc on January 06, 2012, 10:15:01 pm
Was waiting for this for a loooong time.... as all of you were:)

Congratulations to everyone!
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: The_Rat on January 06, 2012, 10:20:54 pm
Brilliant changelog! :o

Can't wait!

... oh, and thank you guys for great work. ;)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Aeco on January 06, 2012, 10:22:20 pm
so does this "- Professions moved to be support perks, limited at 2 ranks (levels) and the total number of profession levels capped at 3." mean im no more able to get 2 professions on max because i'm limited on 3 levels for them all... like armorer 2 and small guns 1? maybe i'm not getting it for my english is not that good
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Redivivus on January 06, 2012, 10:31:55 pm
so does this "- Professions moved to be support perks, limited at 2 ranks (levels) and the total number of profession levels capped at 3." mean im no more able to get 2 professions on max because i'm limited on 3 levels for them all... like armorer 2 and small guns 1? maybe i'm not getting it for my english is not that good
You wasn't. Limit of professions was 4. Like Armorer 3 + small guns 1.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Bartosz on January 06, 2012, 10:34:19 pm
Not mention anything about TC rework, or altered weapon stats?

Changelog was bugged! Fixed, thanks:)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Aeco on January 06, 2012, 10:39:52 pm
Well thanks for the reply... my fault that i did not notice a limit already existed. i dont play this for long and did not read this in the wiki...  :-[
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: LagMaster on January 06, 2012, 10:51:47 pm
forum Lags a lot
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: avv on January 06, 2012, 10:58:29 pm
Quote from: Fonlinewiki
Letting other people mine in the local mine (if there is one), will get the currently influencing faction a boost in influence depending on how much that person mined from the mines. This reward is only given if that person leaves the town safetly.

*Golf clap*
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: pistacja on January 06, 2012, 11:06:19 pm
Traits? Crafting? Gathering? Blueprints? Item stats? Where to get support perks?

Are the perks descripsion 100% correct?
HtH Evade is +20 AC per 1 unused AP?
What's the % for hth criticals perk?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: jodwig on January 06, 2012, 11:31:53 pm
Finally, an update :D Thanks devs :)

I thought that Changelog would be kinda more detailed, it looks like we need to explore the new content by ourselves.

Now, for few days the server will lag as hell :P

Q1: So you can't run with M60, but what about other Big Guns? If you can't run with M60 only, then it needs to be really OP I suppose.
Q2: When companions die, do they respawn with their equipment as well or naked like a player?
Q3: So AC is now totally useless stat when you are camping and not moving, so players basically are easier to hit now (0 AC when standing, armors no longer give AC).
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on January 06, 2012, 11:40:08 pm
How big is the update exactly?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Crazy on January 06, 2012, 11:49:51 pm
Connecting to the update server...
Downloading Assimp32.dll. Size: 1133 kb.
Download completed, took 3 seconds.
Downloading DataFiles.cfg. Size: 0 kb.
Download completed, took 0 seconds.
Downloading FO2238Config.exe. Size: 17 kb.
Download completed, took 0 seconds.
Downloading FOConfig.exe. Size: 653 kb.
Download completed, took 2 seconds.
Downloading FOnline.exe. Size: 1667 kb.
Download completed, took 5 seconds.
Downloading FOnlineGL.exe. Size: 1633 kb.
Download completed, took 6 seconds.
Downloading FOnlineGL.pdb. Size: 5571 kb.
Download completed, took 27 seconds.
Downloading data\ Size: 78868 kb.
Download completed, took 913 seconds.
Downloading data\ Size: 90062 kb.
Not finished yet... But that's the most part.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Slaver Snipe on January 06, 2012, 11:52:41 pm
DAMN YOU CRAZY! I was hoping would be the biggest file...and now I learn there's a larger one to download nooo!
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Solar on January 06, 2012, 11:59:15 pm
thought that Changelog would be kinda more detailed, it looks like we need to explore the new content by ourselves.

Now, for few days the server will lag as hell

Q1: So you can't run with M60, but what about other Big Guns? If you can't run with M60 only, then it needs to be really OP I suppose.
Q2: When companions die, do they respawn with their equipment as well or naked like a player?
Q3: So AC is now totally useless stat when you are camping and not moving, so players basically are easier to hit now (0 AC when standing, armors no longer give AC).

M60 is ~30-40% better than a LSW
Without equipment
AC is for running, it has become easier to hit a standing target

HtH Evade is +20 AC per 1 unused AP?

Flat bonus of 20, description is wrong
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Marko69 on January 07, 2012, 12:23:15 am
Thanks to LeMark and Leon for uploading the last two files.
Here are links:
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: g4ce on January 07, 2012, 12:35:50 am
what do i do just click update isit i dont have to download anythin again do i?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: RavenousRat on January 07, 2012, 12:42:45 am
Am I the only one who can't Alt-tab back to FOnline? Have to use windowed mode.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Michaelh139 on January 07, 2012, 12:43:22 am

Atom ftw.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on January 07, 2012, 12:45:32 am

Atom ftw.

Is that the update we are suppose to download?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Michaelh139 on January 07, 2012, 12:48:18 am
Is that the update we are suppose to download?
Of course, it was uploaded by Atom (Developer of 2238) to help us get past the horrible bottleneck speed the updater had.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: subcor on January 07, 2012, 12:50:59 am

Atom ftw.

Could someone upload that to an other site? I'm getting time out every time.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: spears on January 07, 2012, 12:55:49 am
Thanks to LeMark and Leon for uploading the last two files.
Here are links:
save these in fonline folder /data as rar
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: JovankaB on January 07, 2012, 12:59:51 am
Impressive update, thanks.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: g4ce on January 07, 2012, 01:01:13 am
i cant update the game its annoying
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Jonnyblazex1 on January 07, 2012, 01:29:58 am
Cant find fallout2238.cfg
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Enzotainment on January 07, 2012, 01:30:20 am

Atom ftw.

This worked for me :D
Thanks a lot!

And erm, wasn't it your birthday? Hope you had a good one!  ;)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Courage-Wolf on January 07, 2012, 01:36:38 am
Could somebody upload ''fallout2238.cfg''???

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: RavenousRat on January 07, 2012, 01:38:08 am
Create .txt file, rename it to fallout2238.cfg, your problem is solved.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Jonnyblazex1 on January 07, 2012, 01:41:04 am
Didn't work it still showing it as a .txt and where should I put it ?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Courage-Wolf on January 07, 2012, 01:42:51 am
and "datafiles2238.cfg''?? I managed to bypass the messages but I have no mouse on the title screen.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Michaelh139 on January 07, 2012, 01:43:18 am
And erm, wasn't it your birthday? Hope you had a good one!  ;)
Thanks :D  It was actually my birthday on the 5th, but it is kickass considering I get wipe/pre-wipe going on my birthday :P.

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: RavenousRat on January 07, 2012, 01:43:28 am
In your fonline folder, there will be paths for your critter/master dat's.
Make sure your data browser can see extensions, like .txt .cgf, so you can change it, or else you'll just make it's name ".cfg" in the end.


Write path there manually, for example:

Or run 2238 config and put it there.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
Post by: Jonnyblazex1 on January 07, 2012, 01:48:23 am
It starts up and shuts down right away and you still didn't answer where the file goes into.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: RavenousRat on January 07, 2012, 01:54:30 am
cfg in FOnline folder, those 2 pain-ass-to-download dat's in data folder.
cfg is just path file, you can leave it blank i think, but then input paths in FO2238Config.exe
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Jonnyblazex1 on January 07, 2012, 01:59:22 am
Still didn't work could it be the evil interface that I have that could be causing this?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: mosme on January 07, 2012, 02:09:35 am
i cannot log in... it keeps saying "its not possible to connect to the server" any clues?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Atom on January 07, 2012, 02:13:12 am
For the record, is indeed official.
Also, .
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: subcor on January 07, 2012, 02:20:50 am
For the record, is indeed official.
Also, .

Could you upload it to somewhere else please?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Hects Hakal on January 07, 2012, 02:22:47 am
got everything in its place but still cant acces the server (play or create character) :(
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: LagMaster on January 07, 2012, 02:26:18 am
HtH evade works with melle?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: mosme on January 07, 2012, 02:32:13 am
for who cant log, go to FOconfig.exe then to the net tab and change game server host for port 2238... that worked for me
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: _Youkai_ on January 07, 2012, 02:36:26 am
For me appears message:

"Data File 'Datafiles2238.cfg' no found. Run Updater.exe"

And No. I can't update.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: avv on January 07, 2012, 02:51:03 am
Repair still has cooldown.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: mr Wipe on January 07, 2012, 03:10:40 am
hahaha serv is so fucking laggy..
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: jodwig on January 07, 2012, 03:15:32 am
hahaha serv is so fucking laggy..

Indeed it is, devs should make sticky thread with with uploaded files from Atom, so people wouldn't try to run auto-updater and we would have lesser lags too.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Blasted_Taco on January 07, 2012, 03:44:05 am
Could you upload it to somewhere else please?

Here you go:
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: JacksSmirkingRevenge on January 07, 2012, 04:23:47 am
It shows that I can't connect to the server updater. Is this do to the amount of people DLing the update or is it something else?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: yoz on January 07, 2012, 04:34:32 am
Now I cannot even start the client. Not with the old updated one, not with the new downloaded one.

The window just closes as soon as I start the client.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on January 07, 2012, 05:06:30 am
At last change log , wipe , thank you developers.

( (

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Reiniat on January 07, 2012, 05:48:15 am
(no spam)
Such a bad day for me to update, i contracted influenza and my broken nose doesnt let me breathe with all that mucus, so i breathe all day with my mouth and now im aphonic, dont even mention the headache :P

PD: i dont get why do you need to put your ugly faces in the Fonline Dream

Edit: Succesfully connected updated, etc. im making my new char, maybe im lucky, there is no lag because there are only 95 players connected because is 5:00 am in eastern Europe.

PD2: I just wrote "only" three times before notice it, i think im raving.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: LagMaster on January 07, 2012, 08:06:11 am
ok, how can i set path to F2 soundtrack?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: lehytek on January 07, 2012, 10:49:02 am
- There is another version of client that uses OpenGL. It's in early stage, so it might not be working. FOConfig tool writes to FOnline.cfg, which is used by FOnline.exe (D3D version).
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: g4ce on January 07, 2012, 11:16:31 am
my updater still ain working, ive dowloanded from them sites extraced filles saved in date folder, clicked the updater and it stil says it cant find files? can anyone help me with this please
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Izual on January 07, 2012, 11:40:16 am
Do not extract in data, extract in /FOnline.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: subcor on January 07, 2012, 12:21:18 pm
Here you go:

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: mr Wipe on January 07, 2012, 06:09:17 pm
this server is fucking jocke1!!! >:(
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: seb910 on January 07, 2012, 07:18:34 pm
If you could read the blog message you should now that during the weekend the game can be a crap. So stop crying and give`em a chance.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: chenzo on January 07, 2012, 08:14:22 pm
ive been waiting for an update and wipe for so long. Thanks for working so hard to keep this game progressing, is the best mmo experience ive ever had
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: jodwig on January 07, 2012, 10:42:55 pm
I have question regarding Companions.
With 3 CH + 15 Speech + Good Natured, I should have 85 Party Points, so I can (theoretically) recruit everyone except Super Mutant BG. Companions require 70 PP, and now 2 questions:
Q1: Are they all the same in matter of their stats?
Q2 How exactly can I recruit them? I was in few cities' pubs and talked with every NPC and nothing. I had hope, when I was talking with McRae, the barman VC, and he gave me the same dialogue as Cassidy in Fallout: "wanna leave this place and go together with me?" and he answered "no, thanks" -_-
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Reiniat on January 07, 2012, 10:48:51 pm
So i downloaded Atom stuff and begin to use the updater
It downloaded the first file in 72 secs, but then it jammed at:
( (
teorically this file should be downloaded in 17mins:
5704704bytes=72 sec

Or the server stills on/off every 10mins?

EDIT: Oh i saw the Emergency State, we cant update too?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: mr Wipe on January 07, 2012, 10:54:04 pm
yea...serv is off and it will be, until they fix script bug which causes serv crash...
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Reiniat on January 07, 2012, 11:06:20 pm
Can somebody upload the other needed files? then people wont have to dowload the files directly from the server when it is on. And no more lag...
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Slaver Snipe on January 08, 2012, 12:25:13 am
People will still use the updater like they are continuing to try, it was on the IRC for many many hours and I'm suprised you didn't check and ask there earlier.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Schwartz on January 08, 2012, 01:38:12 am
Good job with wipe, now all what we need is working server.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Gob on January 08, 2012, 01:43:09 am
Please fix server fast .

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Reiniat on January 08, 2012, 02:16:20 am
People will still use the updater like they are continuing to try, it was on the IRC for many many hours and I'm suprised you didn't check and ask there earlier.

I already downloaded that, but as far as i know there are more files that need to be downloaded and are not included there like the Changelog 07/01/2012 #2, or perhaps im wrong and thats the only thing i need?
Quote from: myself
So i downloaded Atom stuff and begin to use the updater
It downloaded the first file in 72 secs, but then it jammed at:
( (
teorically this file should be downloaded in 17mins:
5704704bytes=72 sec

Or the server stills on/off every 10mins?

EDIT: Oh i saw the Emergency State, we cant update too?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Luther Blissett on January 08, 2012, 02:24:16 am
I just downloaded the "", set locations to critter / master dats and everything seemed to be working.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Slaver Snipe on January 08, 2012, 02:30:30 am
I'm fairly certain none of that was client side and only serverside reiniat
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: vilaz on January 08, 2012, 02:56:31 am
Does for anyone else whole game crushes like crazy?

Every 3 up to 15 seconds I have random crush. Once it throws me back to logging menu, other times at random it shows me loading screen with some chat and gui residues. Mostly it just crashes whole window with standard windows7 "Program FOnline.exe stopped working"


DataFiles2238.cfg double checked. Both files have the right paths.
Updates done properly. Updater says I don't need to update any more files.

Ideas, solutions? Any more info needed on problem?

Edit: Pardon Me there was already thread about such subject. random crushes ( I wrote about it here since I thought it was just last changelog related. Once again sorry.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Gaizk on January 08, 2012, 03:11:24 am
Does for anyone else whole game crushes like crazy?

Edit: Pardon Me there was already thread about such subject. random crushes ( I wrote about it here since I thought it was just last changelog related. Once again sorry.

I thought you would be happy with that WB gift (:
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Reiniat on January 08, 2012, 04:39:49 am
Yep looks like Atoms stuff is the only needed, now im happy playing  :)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Dormak on January 08, 2012, 06:13:47 am
Does throwing item next to target trigger the combat mode?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Dormak on January 08, 2012, 06:31:32 am
Does Have Ho! now extend weapon's maximum range? Like 16 range become 19 range?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Nexxos on January 08, 2012, 12:22:09 pm
Does Have Ho! now extend weapon's maximum range? Like 16 range become 19 range?

Yeah, it is possible to get even more. 15+3 (Heave Ho!) + 3 (Heave Ho!!) = 21 range for grenades and throwing knives.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Solar on January 08, 2012, 12:31:23 pm
Or Spears, or Rocks!

Rock to the head from behind using Silent Death from 21 hexes?  ;D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Nexxos on January 08, 2012, 12:45:24 pm
Or Spears, or Rocks!

Rock to the head from behind using Silent Death from 21 hexes?  ;D

Such tribal tools are very uninteresting!
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Solar on January 08, 2012, 12:50:56 pm
Just wait till I'm TCing with only rocks in my inventory  :P
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on January 08, 2012, 06:38:08 pm
What about Molotov Cocktails, I don't see those in the fixboy anymore
Are they still craftable?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Solar on January 08, 2012, 06:53:06 pm
Yes, just on demo expert 1 by mistake. I'll make them profession neutral again.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Reiniat on January 08, 2012, 06:54:57 pm
Or Spears, or Rocks!

Rock to the head from behind using Silent Death from 21 hexes?  ;D
i already made my char with that idea, i just hope it works with Fast Shot too
Yes, just on demo expert 1 by mistake. I'll make them profession neutral again.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Tomowolf on January 08, 2012, 06:59:36 pm
Those molotovs might become deadly, when spammed ;-).
Got a question if the power armor is lootable from BoS encounter, also where did all caps dissapear?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Ganado on January 08, 2012, 07:01:30 pm
No, power armor isn't lootable.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: jodwig on January 08, 2012, 08:13:08 pm
Got a question if the power armor is lootable from BoS encounter, also where did all caps dissapear?

I killed 1 BoS Soldier with Minigun and Hardened Power Armor, but he dropped only Minigun, no PA for me  :'(
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on January 08, 2012, 08:29:37 pm
Are the molotovs gonna be back to normal,
I don't have the money to buy the demo proffesion just for molotovs
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Izual on January 08, 2012, 08:41:29 pm
Are the molotovs gonna be back to normal,
I don't have the money to buy the demo proffesion just for molotovs

As said previously by Solar, yes.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Warpig on January 09, 2012, 05:55:34 pm
Interesting changelog, im having fun after it. But I really miss a " better crit for unarmed" perk. Its very frustrating, that I almost cannot knock out someone when I finaly hit him with HtH. Also armors are getting damaged too fast. You must be killing something with the same type of armor you are wearing if you want to keep it in some condition. ( Two ecounters with HtH build and no looted armor means almost destroyed armor.)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: ArmenoID.AM on January 27, 2012, 12:01:19 am
Thx 2 all for creating this post. I have finally downloaded the client and now w8 for your deathes badboys!!
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Ox-Skull on March 25, 2012, 06:57:01 am
Do stackable items like lockpicks and tools, stack the bonus?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Hects Hakal on March 25, 2012, 11:11:30 am
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: likeyoucare on March 28, 2012, 06:28:50 pm
Why don't you just add power/advenced power armors to the game? They should be as rare as gauss pistols are - not so rare at all. So much more entertaiment. On battlefields u can see everyone wearing CAs or Metals, thats lame...

10 of them should wear CAs, 2 of them PAs and 1 guy with adv.mk2 :)
The point is, the best armor - combat armor is so fucking easy to get, even for new players. Everyone can have fucking CA...
Give us armor available only for experienced players or just for lucky ones
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: JovankaB on March 28, 2012, 06:37:35 pm
Why don't you just add power/advenced power armors to the game? They should be as rare as gauss pistols are - not so rare at all. So much more entertaiment. On battlefields u can see everyone wearing CAs or Metals, thats lame...

And did you see power armors behind every corner in Fallout?
No, they were limited to 2 organizations (which players shouldn't be able to normally join IMHO, but that's different story).
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on March 28, 2012, 06:38:23 pm
i would prefer if they add Brotherhood Armor Bps into the lockers of the wasteland , and of course avenger BPs nobody found them and these are not OP guns or armors . i miss them
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Roachor on March 28, 2012, 06:40:28 pm
And did you see power armors behind every corner in Fallout?
No, they were limited to 2 organizations (which players shouldn't be able to normally join IMHO, but that's different story).

I wander out of the cave, head straight south, wander into enclave, steal pa. Any tribal can waltz in and get pa.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on March 28, 2012, 06:45:41 pm
yeah power armor was easy to get in original fallout game u could even finish the game in 10 minutes if u know how ^^
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: likeyoucare on March 28, 2012, 06:59:22 pm
And did you see power armors behind every corner in Fallout?
No, they were limited to 2 organizations (which players shouldn't be able to normally join IMHO, but that's different story).

yeah, at the start I go to Navaro (navarro?) base location, go to underground base and simply take adv power armor from the locker?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: JovankaB on March 28, 2012, 07:33:06 pm
No point saying 3 times the same thing, especially if it's something that every Fallout player knows.

It doesn't answer my point - PAs/APAs were not common in wasteland and without spoilers you had
almost 0% chance to find it earlier than you should and it was only because you played a hero.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on March 28, 2012, 07:38:04 pm
so i guess all BoS members and Enclave Members are Heros ?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Roachor on March 28, 2012, 07:38:53 pm
No point saying 3 times the same thing, especially if it's something that every Fallout player knows.

It doesn't answer my point - PAs/APAs were not common in wasteland and without spoilers you had
almost 0% chance to find it earlier than you should and it was only because you played a hero.

The vault dweller was a regular guy, wasn't even the first "chosen one". Personally i think looting PA would work if wearing it had a chance to trigger an encounter with the faction you stole it from, like enclave verti drops a tactical team to take you out gecko reactor style.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Lordus on March 28, 2012, 07:48:32 pm
And did you see power armors behind every corner in Fallout?
No, they were limited to 2 organizations (which players shouldn't be able to normally join IMHO, but that's different story).

 The fact is, that Fonline is not very similar to original Fallouts. Of course, locations, special .. But Modoc in Fallout was peacefull city, in Fonline it is faction battleground.., in Fallout there were only (2 or 3) factions using miniguns, in Fonline everyone use them. So If you want to limit it, be consistent.

Why don't you just add power/advenced power armors to the game? They should be as rare as gauss pistols are - not so rare at all. So much more entertaiment. On battlefields u can see everyone wearing CAs or Metals, thats lame...

 Gauss are not so rare.. people who knows can farm them, but i agree that gauss pistol is one example of perfect economy balance of weapons. If you want them, you need to spend a LOT of time to have enought to use regulary gauss build.

 PA/APA is not advantage in a combat. From my combat experience, a player in PA or APA is a first dead player. He is target for everyone, and PA and APA animations have more pixels then any other armor siluete => easier to target him. It was same with CA in first session, when CA was not craftable. Lets hunt CA.

 But real problem with negative impact on gameplay and population on server, is that there is not any other challenge in the game. No new PVE, no dungeons, no new weapons, no new armors (maybe except CA mkII). Every single item you want you were able to collect until first month, maybe less.

 So on one side, adding PA in game could bring back more players who want to get one, on second side, PA in Fonline will be too unfaloutish, as Jovanka B said.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: maciek83 on March 28, 2012, 07:53:44 pm
pa is perfectly falloutish, just make it enough exclusive and rare or expesive good ,thats all
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: likeyoucare on March 28, 2012, 08:04:15 pm
pa is perfectly falloutish, just make it enough exclusive and rare or expesive good ,thats all

well said
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Horatio on March 28, 2012, 08:11:06 pm
Why not making a salvaged PA, in which you can't run, because it's broken? (and repaired with Metal Parts)
A tank character could be able to absorb some more damage.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on March 28, 2012, 08:46:51 pm
i think PA wouldnt be OP because u have determination on ur side and when u make them rare nobody wanna fight in a 100/100 PA ^^
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Horatio on March 28, 2012, 10:00:05 pm
Why OP if you are a slow, albeit robust walking target? (with a minigun). You can't run away, you are there to suck up and deal out the damage instead of duckrolling around the battlefield.

And there will be a medic around, able to support your HP, even if not in the same kind and fashion like in TF2.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: likeyoucare on March 28, 2012, 10:24:00 pm
You all don't get my point. Who cares if PAs were in Fallout 1/2, if were lootable or not. I'm talking about FOnline2238 where we got only few armors. Why u look back at Fallout 2? Can't you Jovanka understand that adding more armors, weapons bring us more players and game will be more enjoyable? It's simple as shit construction.

People don't have objectives in this game anymore. Getting caps and buy what? Gauss pistol to your tent decoration , beacause  they are afraid to loss this "rare" weapon.

sorry for broken english

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Horatio on March 28, 2012, 10:41:28 pm
I don't think that "more armors" will be a strategic solution. People will want more of whatever isn't there.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Vandal on March 28, 2012, 11:39:15 pm
that adding more armors, weapons bring us more players and game will be more enjoyable? It's simple as shit construction.

I agree on this one. But it's hard to balance all weapons and armors so that is the main reason why some of the items were removed.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on March 28, 2012, 11:54:22 pm
major problem isnt the balance i think its more how to get these f****** BPs . and as a loner is way harder than in a group to play this season ... for sure
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: JovankaB on March 29, 2012, 12:12:45 am
I don't really see much entertainment value in running around in PA instead of MA.
You are a bit harder to kill, that's all. And if it was rare nobody would run around in it.
You don't see much people with gausses, do you?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Roachor on March 29, 2012, 12:17:32 am
I don't get the logic that endgame weapons are fine but endgame armour isn't. The only argument seems to be that they don't want to ruin the "look" of the wasteland and has nothing to do with gameplay. Not to mention since PA was mass produced to fight the chinese there should be hundreds of thousands of them lying around. @ jov yeah people do die too fast in this game so increased armour would be beneficial.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on March 29, 2012, 01:24:07 am
I don't really see much entertainment value in running around in PA instead of MA.
You are a bit harder to kill, that's all. And if it was rare nobody would run around in it.
You don't see much people with gausses, do you?

Arguments against for small amounts of PA's distributed , concerning how armors currently break down , how well it actually protects are obsolete. Even in fallout lore at some point power armor became basic equipment for certain american soldier squads. Fallout game without the ability to obtain a power armor , say what you want that just doesn't make sense and by the way were all heroes in fonline , maybe not chosen one's but were certainly not playing as normal inhabitants of wasteland.

I don't actually care if you think seeing a PA is not entertaining , tons of people think otherwise.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on March 29, 2012, 01:27:38 am
Arguments against for small amounts of PA's distributed , concerning how armors currently break down , how well it actually protects are obsolete. Even in fallout lore at some point power armor became basic equipment for certain american soldier squads. Fallout game without the ability to obtain a power armor , say what you want that just doesn't make sense and by the way were all heroes in fonline , maybe not chosen one's but were certainly not playing as normal inhabitants of wasteland.

I don't actually care if you think seeing a PA is not entertaining , tons of people think otherwise.

great reply
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Killer Rabbit on March 29, 2012, 04:56:42 am
We want pa and ea ca(black)!!!!
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Wire on March 29, 2012, 08:05:31 am
I don't really see much entertainment value in running around in PA instead of MA.
You are a bit harder to kill, that's all. And if it was rare nobody would run around in it.
You don't see much people with gausses, do you?
Despite my apathetic view on pvp and pve in FO2238, I still have few things to say about this.

Main entertaining value of these PA armors will be their rarity, quality and status which they give to owner.

Rarity thing can be quite tricky, because comparing to value of other items in game, and their value is lower than cheap for major player (gang or experienced loner), those items are nothing, thus, it may obviously cause PA's to gather dust in some tents (and this brings problem of safe locations and WM detachment from other events in game), however not everyone share such opinion on items caretaking and would rather use it to have an edge over their opponent than having another useless junk on their base.

I'll drop quality and go to status. As I've mentioned above, these armors due to being rare and so to say, high tech, will obviously give any gang some status, not as big as in other mmo's but still.

And if you (really?) have doubts that players will actually use them, give away more armors (reasonable amounts ofc). Players don't use rare stuff not because they afraid to just loose it, they don't use it because they have either too low chance to gain it back, or think that time required to gain such item is unreasonably high.

I know I shouldn't just talk about major gangs and their pvp, but here where comes problems of loners vs gangs and their place in the world, but this is not the topic for discussing here.
I guess I could think/write more about this issue, but judging by all the attitude of team  towards, basically, majority of player activities/responses, I don't really feel like it. And players don't help either.
Thank you for your fuckin' attention.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: manero on March 29, 2012, 08:43:32 am
We don't have Brotherhood armors in this season and you ask for Power armors? Come on  ;D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Bantz on March 29, 2012, 08:55:53 am
"More weapons, more armors equals more fun!"

Yeah right. So I guess that having metal armor mk I, normal minigun, normal knife, FN Fal or Needler ingame is so important and brings a lot of fun.

Having more armors&weapons ingame brings almost nothing new unless they are very specific in use and brings something more. And I agree that having PA ingame wouldnt be totaly bad, its realy about how you implement and not about the armor itself.

The only point of adding PA ingame would be with some badass team quest that could be done like once a week, so it would add the fun factor. If it would be unlimited&usefull every other clown would wear it. Take a hint from gauss and what people are willing to do for it.

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Killer Rabbit on March 29, 2012, 09:05:57 am
PAs alts :D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on March 29, 2012, 04:43:24 pm
And if you (really?) have doubts that players will actually use them, give away more armors (reasonable amounts ofc)

That was done last session , like there were distributed 53 PA's all around wasteland(that wasn't madness stage , a good while before). Most of those armors got to some NCR inhabitants , thus tent decorations , but gangs actually brought them into play once in a while. It was nice , as well didn't break any wastelandish feeling or whatever.

I personally don't understand tent decorations , maybe because i can use those armors efficiently.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Killer Rabbit on March 29, 2012, 05:23:50 pm
and exploits ;D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Vandal on March 29, 2012, 05:46:44 pm
The only point of adding PA ingame would be with some badass team quest that could be done like once a week
Maybe once a week for whole faction(not for every member) and also the faction has to have 10 characters 24 lvl.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: chocolate_chip_cookies on March 29, 2012, 09:09:13 pm
Yeah right. So I guess that having metal armor mk I, normal minigun, normal knife, FN Fal or Needler ingame is so important and brings a lot of fun.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.
Yes. Yes it does.
I couldn't imagine the game without those items.
There have to be weak armors/weapons in-game to create contrast between the strong armors/weapons.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: likeyoucare on March 31, 2012, 11:25:03 am
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.
Yes. Yes it does.
I couldn't imagine the game without those items.
There have to be weak armors/weapons in-game to create contrast between the strong armors/weapons.

You are the ONE who understand me ;*
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: naossano on March 31, 2012, 03:45:37 pm
Maybe not the place to issue this debate, but i am not comfortable with the PA/APA/Mkx issues being as rare as the gauss pistol.
I think it should be associated with amorer lvl 2 and blueprint stuff, with some issues.
- Need a lot of stuff to craft it.
- Can't be repaired
- You can't run with it.
- You lose some action points too.

The good side would be
- VERY good resistances, even for the standard model. (and better with advanced and mk2)
- Nice bonus of strenght.

It would allow to creat another kind of character (the big gun tank, that can operate in cooperation the running big gun), dedicated to wear the APA.
The APA wouldn't be overpowered.
Many people wouldn't use it. So there still would be people wearing CA and MA.
It wouldn't be forbidden for small gangs, or kept in tent, as it can be produced again.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Jotisz on March 31, 2012, 04:47:33 pm
One of the thing I like about 2238 is that here not make everything is available especially faction gears. I mean the game is set in the time between Fallout 1 and 2 and some expects to have regular wastelanders armed with gauss rifles and (advanced) power armor.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: jacky. on March 31, 2012, 05:42:24 pm
fuck i want update to fix tc and armors...;/
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Express on April 02, 2012, 02:01:34 pm
WE want ca mk2 and ba bluprints ;]
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Keksz on April 05, 2012, 11:06:23 pm
WE want ca mk2 and ba bluprints ;]
And power armors,Bozar,Vindicator too :D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Ox-Skull on April 09, 2012, 04:18:16 am
One of the thing I like about 2238 is that here not make everything is available especially faction gears. I mean the game is set in the time between Fallout 1 and 2 and some expects to have regular wastelanders armed with gauss rifles and (advanced) power armor.

I agree totally with this post.

Why the need for uber gear? I think people just want for the sake of having it.
I think the stats of a character come into play more when your not using an uber/insta kill weapon.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Roachor on April 09, 2012, 04:30:18 am
I agree totally with this post.

Why the need for uber gear? I think people just want for the sake of having it.
I think the stats of a character come into play more when your not using an uber/insta kill weapon.

and 900+dmg from a gatling critical is what?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Ox-Skull on April 09, 2012, 04:49:11 am
and 900+dmg from a gatling critical is what?

Ridiculous, thats what it is. Especially for an MMO.

Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Crazy on April 10, 2012, 11:43:42 am
Ridiculous, thats what it is. Especially for an MMO.
I am still trying to figure out why Solar made some perks like "spray and pray" to encourage such no-fun builds. Crit bursting is just horribad design.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Crab_people on April 10, 2012, 11:47:33 am
beacuse everyone would take man of steel and ca on them and u have -20% to crit roll. with 25% crit build you would have onl 1-5% hahaha dont make me laugh.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: manero on April 10, 2012, 12:24:05 pm
One crit, one death, awesome lulz...  ;D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: avv on April 10, 2012, 02:46:41 pm
Crit bursting wouldn't be so bad if the damages weren't so high. But lowest hp ammount for char is like 100 hp so there we go.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on April 10, 2012, 02:53:31 pm
Crit bursting is just horribad design.

Indeed. Though those builds usually lack quite a lot of other stuff , but somehow it doesn't matter. It's really not fun when your man of steel , psycho + 2 toughness( + adrenaline rush ) max HP tank with CA gets insta-crit bursted by avenger , yes i have that kind of build. The point is , there's no way how to protect yourself from crit bursters that run around with 20-25% chance of insta-kill.

Why insta-kill is still in the game at all ? It's bad.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Tomowolf on April 10, 2012, 03:59:37 pm
if any of devs would just say a word if they are making an update I would be pleased... even word "soon".
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: maciek83 on April 10, 2012, 10:11:20 pm
i think that when burst crit appear only the first bullet should be critical ,not all
that would do the trick
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: cannotspace on April 11, 2012, 01:57:40 am
Indeed. Though those builds usually lack quite a lot of other stuff , but somehow it doesn't matter. It's really not fun when your man of steel , psycho + 2 toughness( + adrenaline rush ) max HP tank with CA gets insta-crit bursted by avenger , yes i have that kind of build. The point is , there's no way how to protect yourself from crit bursters that run around with 20-25% chance of insta-kill.

Why insta-kill is still in the game at all ? It's bad.

Let's be honest here, the only reason people are hating crit burst is because their precious tank pvp monkeys cant rush at everything  anymore :D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on April 11, 2012, 03:23:42 am
No , it's bad design. Do you understand what that means ? Just like SD is bad design , near impossible to properly balance. It's either those crit-bursters one shot everyone or their just useless , bad design. Did i mention it's bad design ?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on April 11, 2012, 04:36:57 am
but crits dont happen all the time , with SD u are right ... throwing should be remoived from it . but with crit bursters no its a different thing , they dont have auto crits so this is some other thing they are deafeatable ^^
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on April 11, 2012, 04:36:50 pm
I have to disagree. SD isn't that bad if you think very hard. :)

There are very simple ways how you can protect yourself from them , the least you can do is have a character with 4/5 luck and have a decent amount of HP with MA in one of the worst case scenarios , then you have a chance to actually survive those SD sneaks. Very important thing is to pay attention and have a keybind on SS , since you have let's say 5 luck it's a quite low chance to get bypassed from that autocrit( it's usually from what the most damage comes , bypasses ). If you have CA or Tesla , you don't have to fear them at all if you have medium amount of luck. 10 luck ensures 0% chance to get bypassed and if you wear CA or Tesla on a sniper , they can't really kill you with 2 grenades , of course if you don't have some wannabe sniper 137 HP build. Gatling owns any sneaker SD builds.

The point is , though players say SD is so powerful , it actually isn't. There's many ways how to protect yourself from them. Then again against normal crit bursters there is nothing you can do , if you get shot critically by an avenger or gatling gun your as good as dead. Bypass or not , it's irrelevant.

Both bad designs , only one is much more worse than the other if you think rationally.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on April 11, 2012, 05:19:40 pm
lol T888 the one day u say so and the other day so and i dont think that a 137 sniper build is a wannabe sniper build , have u ever played as sniper ? do u make sniper builds with 1 luck or what or with 1 PE LOL  ::)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on April 11, 2012, 05:25:20 pm
Say what ? One opinion can have many angles. I haven't played with sniper this season ? I think it's time for your to stop typing :)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Hects Hakal on April 11, 2012, 06:24:07 pm
T888 you started it whit the sniper so why should quit typing? You should be silent since you said that you didnt played sniper this season-so how do you know that that hp is bad?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on April 11, 2012, 06:41:29 pm
I think you didn't notice the question mark when you read that. About typing , it's just a figure of speech pointing out that he shouldn't even ask such ridiculous questions , if you really want to know i have played with sniper the most of my builds , to be precise with gauss. Furthermore explaining 137 HP wannabe sniper build , their just too fragile thus make excellent targets for sneakers before the fight even starts. Geeez , learn to read and comprehend. ;D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: FrankenStone on April 11, 2012, 07:42:20 pm
yeah if u use a gauss maybe u are right but normal wastelander use a sniper on a sniperbuild and 14 ap with 137 hp isnt bad . but u are the GOAT i know , i know . just go on for farming gausses good luck  .

P.S. (
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: hokano on April 29, 2012, 05:52:25 pm
I went through the forums and i can't find a way to make the updater work ... is the update server down or what ? (no response while pinging)
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: JovankaB on April 29, 2012, 05:54:31 pm
I went through the forums and i can't find a way to make the updater work ... is the update server down or what ? (no response while pinging)

Updater is not a very reliable tool. Download the latest version of the client from:,22146.0.html
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Giftless on June 18, 2012, 07:26:52 am
Indeed. Though those builds usually lack quite a lot of other stuff , but somehow it doesn't matter. It's really not fun when your man of steel , psycho + 2 toughness( + adrenaline rush ) max HP tank with CA gets insta-crit bursted by avenger , yes i have that kind of build. The point is , there's no way how to protect yourself from crit bursters that run around with 20-25% chance of insta-kill.

Why insta-kill is still in the game at all ? It's bad.

I wouldn't mind it so much if even a little bit of AC was around to be applied the way it should be. Something like 15 AC knocking down the attacker's maximum hit chance from 95% to 80% so there's a 1 out of 5 chance of missing before the damage is applied. Get rid of this dodger perk nonsense and give the different classes of armor a chance to deflect.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: T-888 on June 18, 2012, 12:40:13 pm
from 95% to 80% so there's a 1 out of 5 chance of missing before the damage is applied

That doesn't work like that on burst weapons, you will still always hit with 80%, but with only less bullets. The damage will be applied, the trick is, by decreasing maximum hit to chance the damage output will be just more random and on average numbers decreased. That somehow doesn't help at all, stupid change actually. Random is bad for PvP.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Cain on June 19, 2012, 01:13:56 pm
Do devs update Wiki every time client receive an update?
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Tomowolf on June 19, 2012, 01:31:56 pm
Do devs update Wiki every time client receive an update?
They only write changelog what was changed in game - fan based staff works on wiki for now.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Lotus_ on June 20, 2012, 12:52:19 am
dont listen to tom he plays with fruit
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: McLooter on June 20, 2012, 09:55:49 am
Lol, this community is AWESOME!!  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: John.Metzger on June 20, 2012, 10:39:29 pm
yeah this unfriendly atmosphere is getting used to, but hey! if you´re into it, it become awesome!
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Lexx on June 20, 2012, 11:23:53 pm
fan based staff works on wiki for now.

Not for now. The wiki was always a fan based thing. We always said that we won't edit it / update it, except some proto stuff, which was automated by a bot.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Marko on June 21, 2012, 03:17:44 am
If any of you devs see a mistake on the wiki though, we'll fix it if you tell us about it. It's next to impossible to update the finer details of your project with 100% accuracy without your input.

When other players contact me and say "...can you change the wiki to say this instead...?" i always say yes, but how do we confirm your change is accurate? Are you looking at the code? Only a dev can tell us some things.

I guess it's all a matter of time though. Just know that i'll update it if you tell me about it as you can.
Title: Re: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
Post by: Cain on June 21, 2012, 09:15:48 am
Thank for the answers.
The main reason why I've asked about Wiki is Perks. They got changed by Devs in order to be nerfed\improved\balanced. But player need some accurate source of information when he plan his new character.