No wipe?
so does this "- Professions moved to be support perks, limited at 2 ranks (levels) and the total number of profession levels capped at 3." mean im no more able to get 2 professions on max because i'm limited on 3 levels for them all... like armorer 2 and small guns 1? maybe i'm not getting it for my english is not that goodYou wasn't. Limit of professions was 4. Like Armorer 3 + small guns 1.
Not mention anything about TC rework, or altered weapon stats?
Letting other people mine in the local mine (if there is one), will get the currently influencing faction a boost in influence depending on how much that person mined from the mines. This reward is only given if that person leaves the town safetly.
Connecting to the update server...Not finished yet... But that's the most part.
Downloading Assimp32.dll. Size: 1133 kb.
Download completed, took 3 seconds.
Downloading DataFiles.cfg. Size: 0 kb.
Download completed, took 0 seconds.
Downloading FO2238Config.exe. Size: 17 kb.
Download completed, took 0 seconds.
Downloading FOConfig.exe. Size: 653 kb.
Download completed, took 2 seconds.
Downloading FOnline.exe. Size: 1667 kb.
Download completed, took 5 seconds.
Downloading FOnlineGL.exe. Size: 1633 kb.
Download completed, took 6 seconds.
Downloading FOnlineGL.pdb. Size: 5571 kb.
Download completed, took 27 seconds.
Downloading data\ Size: 78868 kb.
Download completed, took 913 seconds.
Downloading data\ Size: 90062 kb.
thought that Changelog would be kinda more detailed, it looks like we need to explore the new content by ourselves.
Now, for few days the server will lag as hell
Q1: So you can't run with M60, but what about other Big Guns? If you can't run with M60 only, then it needs to be really OP I suppose.
Q2: When companions die, do they respawn with their equipment as well or naked like a player?
Q3: So AC is now totally useless stat when you are camping and not moving, so players basically are easier to hit now (0 AC when standing, armors no longer give AC).
HtH Evade is +20 AC per 1 unused AP?
Atom ftw.
Is that the update we are suppose to download?Of course, it was uploaded by Atom (Developer of 2238) to help us get past the horrible bottleneck speed the updater had.
Atom ftw.
Thanks to LeMark and Leon for uploading the last two these in fonline folder /data as rar
Here are links:
Atom ftw.
And erm, wasn't it your birthday? Hope you had a good one! ;)Thanks :D It was actually my birthday on the 5th, but it is kickass considering I get wipe/pre-wipe going on my birthday :P.
For the record, is indeed official.
Also, .
hahaha serv is so fucking laggy..
Could you upload it to somewhere else please?
- There is another version of client that uses OpenGL. It's in early stage, so it might not be working. FOConfig tool writes to FOnline.cfg, which is used by FOnline.exe (D3D version).LINUX CLIENT
Here you go:
People will still use the updater like they are continuing to try, it was on the IRC for many many hours and I'm suprised you didn't check and ask there earlier.
So i downloaded Atom stuff and begin to use the updater
It downloaded the first file in 72 secs, but then it jammed at:
( (
teorically this file should be downloaded in 17mins:
5704704bytes=72 sec
Or the server stills on/off every 10mins?
EDIT: Oh i saw the Emergency State, we cant update too?
Does for anyone else whole game crushes like crazy?
Edit: Pardon Me there was already thread about such subject. random crushes ( I wrote about it here since I thought it was just last changelog related. Once again sorry.
Does Have Ho! now extend weapon's maximum range? Like 16 range become 19 range?
Or Spears, or Rocks!
Rock to the head from behind using Silent Death from 21 hexes? ;D
Or Spears, or Rocks!i already made my char with that idea, i just hope it works with Fast Shot too
Rock to the head from behind using Silent Death from 21 hexes? ;D
Yes, just on demo expert 1 by mistake. I'll make them profession neutral again.:)
Got a question if the power armor is lootable from BoS encounter, also where did all caps dissapear?
Are the molotovs gonna be back to normal,
I don't have the money to buy the demo proffesion just for molotovs
Why don't you just add power/advenced power armors to the game? They should be as rare as gauss pistols are - not so rare at all. So much more entertaiment. On battlefields u can see everyone wearing CAs or Metals, thats lame...
And did you see power armors behind every corner in Fallout?
No, they were limited to 2 organizations (which players shouldn't be able to normally join IMHO, but that's different story).
And did you see power armors behind every corner in Fallout?
No, they were limited to 2 organizations (which players shouldn't be able to normally join IMHO, but that's different story).
No point saying 3 times the same thing, especially if it's something that every Fallout player knows.
It doesn't answer my point - PAs/APAs were not common in wasteland and without spoilers you had
almost 0% chance to find it earlier than you should and it was only because you played a hero.
And did you see power armors behind every corner in Fallout?
No, they were limited to 2 organizations (which players shouldn't be able to normally join IMHO, but that's different story).
Why don't you just add power/advenced power armors to the game? They should be as rare as gauss pistols are - not so rare at all. So much more entertaiment. On battlefields u can see everyone wearing CAs or Metals, thats lame...
pa is perfectly falloutish, just make it enough exclusive and rare or expesive good ,thats all
that adding more armors, weapons bring us more players and game will be more enjoyable? It's simple as shit construction.
I don't really see much entertainment value in running around in PA instead of MA.
You are a bit harder to kill, that's all. And if it was rare nobody would run around in it.
You don't see much people with gausses, do you?
Arguments against for small amounts of PA's distributed , concerning how armors currently break down , how well it actually protects are obsolete. Even in fallout lore at some point power armor became basic equipment for certain american soldier squads. Fallout game without the ability to obtain a power armor , say what you want that just doesn't make sense and by the way were all heroes in fonline , maybe not chosen one's but were certainly not playing as normal inhabitants of wasteland.
I don't actually care if you think seeing a PA is not entertaining , tons of people think otherwise.
I don't really see much entertainment value in running around in PA instead of MA.Despite my apathetic view on pvp and pve in FO2238, I still have few things to say about this.
You are a bit harder to kill, that's all. And if it was rare nobody would run around in it.
You don't see much people with gausses, do you?
And if you (really?) have doubts that players will actually use them, give away more armors (reasonable amounts ofc)
The only point of adding PA ingame would be with some badass team quest that could be done like once a weekMaybe once a week for whole faction(not for every member) and also the faction has to have 10 characters 24 lvl.
Yeah right. So I guess that having metal armor mk I, normal minigun, normal knife, FN Fal or Needler ingame is so important and brings a lot of fun.That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.
Yes. Yes it does.
I couldn't imagine the game without those items.
There have to be weak armors/weapons in-game to create contrast between the strong armors/weapons.
WE want ca mk2 and ba bluprints ;]And power armors,Bozar,Vindicator too :D
One of the thing I like about 2238 is that here not make everything is available especially faction gears. I mean the game is set in the time between Fallout 1 and 2 and some expects to have regular wastelanders armed with gauss rifles and (advanced) power armor.
I agree totally with this post.
Why the need for uber gear? I think people just want for the sake of having it.
I think the stats of a character come into play more when your not using an uber/insta kill weapon.
and 900+dmg from a gatling critical is what?
Ridiculous, thats what it is. Especially for an MMO.I am still trying to figure out why Solar made some perks like "spray and pray" to encourage such no-fun builds. Crit bursting is just horribad design.
Crit bursting is just horribad design.
Indeed. Though those builds usually lack quite a lot of other stuff , but somehow it doesn't matter. It's really not fun when your man of steel , psycho + 2 toughness( + adrenaline rush ) max HP tank with CA gets insta-crit bursted by avenger , yes i have that kind of build. The point is , there's no way how to protect yourself from crit bursters that run around with 20-25% chance of insta-kill.
Why insta-kill is still in the game at all ? It's bad.
I went through the forums and i can't find a way to make the updater work ... is the update server down or what ? (no response while pinging)
Indeed. Though those builds usually lack quite a lot of other stuff , but somehow it doesn't matter. It's really not fun when your man of steel , psycho + 2 toughness( + adrenaline rush ) max HP tank with CA gets insta-crit bursted by avenger , yes i have that kind of build. The point is , there's no way how to protect yourself from crit bursters that run around with 20-25% chance of insta-kill.
Why insta-kill is still in the game at all ? It's bad.
from 95% to 80% so there's a 1 out of 5 chance of missing before the damage is applied
Question:They only write changelog what was changed in game - fan based staff works on wiki for now.
Do devs update Wiki every time client receive an update?
fan based staff works on wiki for now.