Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 08:47:06 am

Title: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 08:47:06 am
There were many complaints about traveling speed during this season. And it is true that it's a pain to travel, mostly for lone players who can't afford a car. Also I believe outdoorsman was nerfed mostly to make the cars better than pure taxi alts. Because taxi alts didn't cost anything, couldn't be stolen, could take more people and had superb outdoorsman, they were superior to cars in every aspect.

This had to change. But I think I found better solution how to solve both problems in a logical and elegant way.

Make people traveling with an "outdoorsman leader" slow him down. There is just now way that a scout traveling with 9 people who have no clue about wilderness, could be as fast as a scout traveling alone.

My proposal is:
 - bring back fast outdoorsman, maybe not as fast as before, but significantly faster than now
 - outdoorsman used to count traveling speed is average of outdoorsman of all people traveling
 - add one or two extra slots to all cars (seriously, if there is not many cars out there people won't care about comfort (

This will make lone "scout" characters traveling as they were true scouts, but won't make them better than cars to move large groups of people.

Some examples:

Scout with 300% outdoors travels as it had 300%/1 = 300% outdoors.
Scout with 300% outdoors and a friend who has 100% outdoors will travel as they had 400%/2 = 200% outdoors.
Scout with 300% outdoors and 9 PvP apes, each of them with 50% outdoors, travel as they had 750%/10 = 75% outdoors.
Two normal characters with 125% outdoors each travel together as they had 250%/2 = 125% outdoors.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Graf on April 28, 2011, 09:05:40 am
Sounds good. I vote for it.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: vedaras on April 28, 2011, 09:41:02 am
i vote against, when i make taxi alt i make it not to travel alone all the time, but in groups also. And if it would travel even slower than now then my answer is fuck no, we suffer enough :D
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 09:51:27 am
Taxi alts created solely for the purpose of moving powerbuild groups around on global map are lame, period  :-*
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: pistacja on April 28, 2011, 09:53:00 am
i vote against, when i make taxi alt i make it not to travel alone all the time, but in groups also. And if it would travel even slower than now then my answer is fuck no, we suffer enough :D
You didn't get it. We got cars so that people don't need to make more alts just to travel. Don't make a (free)taxi alt, get (buy)a car.  
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: vedaras on April 28, 2011, 09:55:03 am
no, and after wipe travelling spead will be increased again (i do not know if to the former amount that it was or just increased a little but still), so i think it will be better than your solution :D

I myself find as one of the main reason why travelling speed was decreased, that gangs returned fast from respawn points to battle again after death. But if thats the case then better leave travelling spead as it is while increasing pathfinders to 50% boost instead of 25 for one perk :> Taxi is taxi, if you take 21 level to make your character fast and safe to travel you should get that ability.

Also in same place i want to mention that making travelling speed shitty doesnt make cars any better, just instead of one shitty feature we have 2 now, so i think better is to increase cars power somewhat not nerf outdoorsman.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 10:03:30 am
It's not nerfing outdoorsman, it's making it significantly better for loners and small groups and nerfing it for large groups where only one person has good outdoorsman. You would have ability to travel fast on foot, just not with your 9 imba PvP friends.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: vedaras on April 28, 2011, 10:09:31 am
It's not nerfing outdoorsman, it's making it significantly better for loners and small groups and nerfing it for large groups where only one person has good outdoorsman. You would have ability to travel fast on foot, just not with your 9 imba PvP friends.

well than you should suggest nerfing speed for 9 imba pvp friends group, not for those who example taxi newbie all along the world to make various quests. There could be for example limit like 5 people, under which your travelling speed is as it is and decreases only after the group is bigger than that. But still i wouldnt say i like it too much.
 Since i see the situation as pathetic as in example what was made about outdoorsman before:

Hey no one uses shitty cars, lets make them impossible to travel on foot so people will use it.
An analog - Hey no one uses shitty slaves, lets make all humants do 0 damage so they will use it.

Second situation shows how first one was pathetic, so i still think we need old speed restored and a car boost at some limit.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 10:14:20 am
taxi newbie all along the world to make various quests
Yea, because mechanical leveling of dozens of new alts is not easy enough... ::)
I don't know anyone who would taxi real newbie to all quests unless it's some gang alt.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: vedaras on April 28, 2011, 10:17:14 am
me do. And it was just an example that not all travelling with taxi is 9 pvp characters bringing to fight. And those who are not doing that would suffer as good as them :<
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Badger on April 28, 2011, 11:12:45 am
I also think cars should be made cheaper and more economical. Fixed prices, sold in more places than Reno. I'd also like keys to be eliminated. I think the risk of losing your key and therefore your car is the biggest discouragement in people buying them - so let's say you can just pay T-Ray to give several people access to your car, without having a key system. If you don't have access, it'll just say "you don't have a key to this vehicle".

I also think you should just be able to pay people (Gordon's gas station, Junktown, etc.) to refill your car through dialogue - you can't buy cells from them because you could use those for ammo, they literally just 'refill your tank' as it were. Because you're only paying for a car service at a fixed location, I think you can justify it being substantially cheaper than buying enough cells to refill your car.

Right now my character has 130 or so Outdoorsman and that means I have basically no incentive to buy a car.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Kilgore on April 28, 2011, 11:15:03 am
This does not make any sense.

People who use taxi alt to get their PvP char anywhere, would still do it, as (300+30)/2 = 165% outdoorsman which is pretty much reasonable. Taxi alts that are already used will be not specialised in few things (now, 170-220% of ODM is enough for taxi alt), but all points pumped into outdoorsman, which will just lead to more alts needed for "pvp apes".
Travelling in groups would be more complicated as everyone would need average/high outdoorsman to keep travelling speed at some basic level.

So basically, it smells strongly of a nerf of outdoorsman skill, except for solo players (it's a multiplayer game, you know).

Worldmap speed needs to be boosted, without nerfing outdoorsman. But there are some people who do not play this game (or more specifically, they don't use client access while "playing") and would like to see wm speed even lower than it is now. Well, poor alt-tab keys..

@Badger: is it another "make this game easier for me pl0x" post? Also, have you ever heard of lockpick? Oh I see, that skill should be eliminated too, along with steal..
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lexx on April 28, 2011, 11:23:14 am
Hint, hint, 2238 travel speed in admin mode is not as fast as TLA / sdk travel speed in admin mode. Beside this, we do play and did played the game without admin mode.

Taxi alts that are already used will be not specialised in few things

"that are already used" can be ignored, as the next update would include a server wipe, which means everyone starts from 0 anyway.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Badger on April 28, 2011, 11:24:06 am
is it another "make this game easier for me pl0x" post?

No, it's a "Nobody uses cars let's make them use cars" post.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Kilgore on April 28, 2011, 11:26:04 am
"that are already used" can be ignored, as the next update would include a server wipe, which means everyone starts from 0 anyway.
People will make new ones, I thought it's obvious.

No, it's a "Nobody uses cars let's make them use cars" post.
Your assumption is wrong as people DO use cars.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Sius on April 28, 2011, 11:32:11 am
I'd suggest something already suggested but it smells like "regular mmo feature that is completely not falloutish" therefore I will not suggest it. But I must say I'm with vedaras on this. It is GAME and as such its supposed to be fun. All I can see around here are only restrictions to already working features or suggestions to features that will never gonna happen.

It seems like there is a whole bunch of people dedicated to make this game as much boring as possible. "Oh taxi alt that is created to quickly move around the map to get people to their desired destinations so they can actually spend their time on FUN and not running away from molerat encounters. Hurry! Someone make a suggestion to make traveling even more pain in the ass for everyone just so big bad gangs would not use taxi alts to have fun in this game!"

No really guys, stop thinking about this like its some unique Fallout sequel that must be done in a certain über hardcore, super realistic way to match the originals of the series. It does not match them, not even a little bit and never will. Reason? MMO. But it may come close to them, but so far its not the case of 2238. But other servers, where devs fortunately know what people like and enjoy and they give it to them are getting closer. And 2238 statistics are showing that players are leaving this server in waves. And unless next wipe brings something spectacular then after first few week rush it will be slowly dieing again...
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lexx on April 28, 2011, 11:35:09 am
And 2238 statistics are showing that players are leaving this server in waves.

Can we please stop this finally? It's not an argument and it will never be. Especially because people keep repeating "the server is dying!" since we started in 2009.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: runboy93 on April 28, 2011, 11:54:23 am
What i think is that we got many players after wipe.
I have seen many guys on different forums that says waiting for wipe.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 11:59:25 am
It seems like there is a whole bunch of people dedicated to make this game as much boring as possible. "Oh taxi alt that is created to quickly move around the map to get people to their desired destinations so they can actually spend their time on FUN and not running away from molerat encounters. Hurry! Someone make a suggestion to make traveling even more pain in the ass for everyone just so big bad gangs would not use taxi alts to have fun in this game!"

Either you didn't read the suggestion or don't understand simple mathematics. It will not make traveling pain in the ass for everyone. It will make you travel faster in most cases - everytime you travel alone you will travel faster (at least a little bit). Most time you travel in small groups you should travel faster too. Only large groups of people with low outdoors who used taxi alt will travel slower. They can use car instead of a lame alt. Or make more balanced characters, not powerbuild apes moved around by proxy char-vehicles.

It's not a nerf of large groups, only of a large groups of combat powerbuilds (and only a nerf in a sense that they would have to use cars to move significantly faster, because taxi alts wouldn't be as effective for them).
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: vedaras on April 28, 2011, 12:14:08 pm
no no no no. Here is a example of yesterday and a day before. I with my taxi alt vedaras own helped one guy to do quests and level up. We did almost all quests (still not all). So in first day we spent like 3-4 hours on world map, and like 30 minutes actually doing the quests. Well In second day maybe 2-3 hours on world map, and about an hour at most actually doing the quest. And i was with taxi alt to help him to make it spend time as less as possible on wm! So what we get? 5-7 hours of nothing where you are alt tabed watching youtube, reading news on the internet or anything, and an hour and a half actually doing something. I dont find this entertaining and you are suggesting to change this being on world map/ actually doing something ratio to even worse side :<
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 12:18:49 pm
no no no no. Here is a example of yesterday and a day before. I with my taxi alt vedaras own helped one guy to do quests and level up. We did almost all quests (still not all). So in first day we spent like 3-4 hours on world map, and like 30 minutes actually doing the quests. Well In second day maybe 2-3 hours on world map, and about an hour at most actually doing the quest. And i was with taxi alt to help him to make it spend time as less as possible on wm! So what we get? 5-7 hours of nothing where you are alt tabed watching youtube, reading news on the internet or anything, and an hour and a half actually doing something. I dont find this entertaining and you are suggesting to change this being on world map/ actually doing something ratio to even worse side :<

So 20 newbies don't have anyone to help them to move around on map. They will travel faster. And 1 newbie has Vedaras to help him, he will also travel faster, though Vedars will travel slower than alone but he may still travel faster than now (depdends how much the outdoors speed would be boosted). So what you say, is that you won't help one newbie because traveling with him is slower than without him (even if it will be faster than now in the end). That doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: vedaras on April 28, 2011, 12:23:44 pm
So 20 newbies don't have anyone to help them to move around on map. They will travel faster. And 1 newbie has Vedaras to help him, he will also travel faster, though Vedars will travel slower than alone but he may still travel faster than now (depdends how much the outdoors speed would be boosted). So what you say, is that you won't help one newbie because traveling with him is slower than without him (even if it will be faster than now in the end). That doesn't make sense.

what im saying that its fuckin boring when you are on world map and you cannot do a single thing in game at that time so the goal should be to lower this time as much as possible not to increase it for loners, not for small groups, not for whole fuckin caravans of players :D
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Kilgore on April 28, 2011, 12:59:30 pm
Only large groups of people with low outdoors who used taxi alt will travel slower. They can use car instead of a lame alt. Or make more balanced characters, not powerbuild apes moved around by proxy char-vehicles.
They will just use more taxi alts, as one taxi alt won't be enough for getting a group of people to destination. At least, maybe number of "players" in game will get higher.

I hope you don't expect that due to your brilliant idea how to nerf taxi alts, "pvp apes" won't find an easy workaround? Or do you? Oh one more thing. "Powerbuild apes" already mix using taxi alts with cars, so probably groups of newbies travelling together will be the only people slowed down.

Also, where's the sense in slowing down, let's say, 10-people group with one 300 outdoorsman alt?
Ever heard of a guide (person)?
So now, what does make sense and what does not?
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: RavenousRat on April 28, 2011, 01:00:24 pm
what im saying that its fuckin boring when you are on world map and you cannot do a single thing in game at that time so the goal should be to lower this time as much as possible not to increase it for loners, not for small groups, not for whole fuckin caravans of players :D

Add arcade game into WM! Than more score you get than faster you move! If you're losing live you're getting unavoidable encounter of evil NCR army!


Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Badger on April 28, 2011, 01:03:49 pm
Add arcade game into WM! Than more score you get than faster you move! If you're losing live you're getting unavoidable encounter of evil NCR army!

Add a pipboy text editor, which drops saved text in holodisk form on your death. Obviously nobody will use it store super secret information, but it'll be nice to kill a guy and find out he's written something entertaining.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Kilgore on April 28, 2011, 01:07:22 pm

An ultimate way to deal with powerbuilds?  ;D
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 28, 2011, 01:24:44 pm
They will just use more taxi alts, as one taxi alt won't be enough for getting a group of people to destination. At least, maybe number of "players" in game will get higher.

There is a limit o 10 people in group. By traveling with 5 300% taxi alts and 5 30% pvp apes, you basicly limit your group to 5 people. You either do it with real people or you are a cheater and deserve ban. So it's not as easy as you say.

Newbies traveling together would travel faster than now.

I think it would make people willing to pay scouts to take them somewhere, because less people would be willing to do it for free ("because I go there anyway"). I think it would be good.

And if we really must talk about real life, group is as slow as the slowest member. Guides do help but they won't carry other people on their back.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: oldsly on April 28, 2011, 02:36:41 pm
Scout with 300% outdoors travels as it had 300%/1 = 300% outdoors.
Scout with 300% outdoors and a friend who has 100% outdoors will travel as they had 400%/2 = 200% outdoors.
Scout with 300% outdoors and 9 PvP apes, each of them with 50% outdoors, travel as they had 750%/10 = 75% outdoors.
Two normal characters with 125% outdoors each travel together as they had 250%/2 = 125% outdoors.
I am against this innovation.
There is no sense to be a professional explorer, if only in loneliness you hurry quickly, and speed will diminish from passengers.
These changes will result in uselessness of professional explorer.
ALL battle characters must will be become LESS battle.
Probably an output will be thought of for especially sly, 4-5 explorers will lead 1-2 battle characters.

Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Wichura on April 28, 2011, 02:53:02 pm
I don't know anyone who would taxi real newbie to all quests unless it's some gang alt.
It's me. Never considered myself as "gang alt", but oh well, silly me :(
Can we please stop this finally? It's not an argument and it will never be.
Say "hello" to these little numbers here ( and here ( They don't repeat some random crap, just prove something I guess.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Solar on April 28, 2011, 02:54:50 pm
If I remember what we did correctly, then it was to boost the base rate - so that those with low outdoors weren't so slow. In general WM speed will be faster, but it was done a while ago and I forget the details :P
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lexx on April 28, 2011, 02:56:07 pm
Say "hello" to these little numbers here ( and here ( They don't repeat some random crap, just prove something I guess.

Say "hallo" to I don't care. If there would be 0 people playing the game, we would still work on it. Beside this, we aren't a commercial game that needs to have 100k players all the time. So, yeah. I don't give a shit and therefore the numbers aren't an argument.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Raien on April 28, 2011, 03:12:51 pm
Say "hallo" to I don't care. If there would be 0 people playing the game, we would still work on it. Beside this, we aren't a commercial game that needs to have 100k players all the time. So, yeah. I don't give a shit and therefore the numbers aren't an argument.

Big words from a guy who needs cash from players to keep the server running.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lexx on April 28, 2011, 03:38:17 pm
The donations are solely used to keep the server running *for the players*. Switching back to closed beta isn't something that needs hard work. It would just mean that nobody except us is able to play the game anymore.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Johnnybravo on April 28, 2011, 04:36:40 pm
If I remember what we did correctly, then it was to boost the base rate - so that those with low outdoors weren't so slow. In general WM speed will be faster, but it was done a while ago and I forget the details :P
I'd love if encounters were more like current caves - you can search for them as they may be in arbitary mountain grid you enter, you don't know what's in them and they do not bother you at all if you don't want them.

If idea of slow map movement was to keep logistic in check, it'd be great if we could've ignore the annoyance with encounters and just don't watch what's going on. Or whatever else that won't feel repetetive and annoying would be welcome - since it is MMO it'd be nice to see some player interaction on world map I guess.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Kilgore on April 28, 2011, 07:27:29 pm
If I remember what we did correctly, then it was to boost the base rate - so that those with low outdoors weren't so slow. In general WM speed will be faster, but it was done a while ago and I forget the details :P
Certainly a step towards better gameplay.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lizard on April 28, 2011, 09:37:07 pm
The donations are solely used to keep the server running *for the players*. Switching back to closed beta isn't something that needs hard work. It would just mean that nobody except us is able to play the game anymore.

Shut it off, then, if it's "not something that needs hard work". >:(
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lexx on April 28, 2011, 09:38:50 pm
It's called "open test" for a reason.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lizard on April 28, 2011, 09:42:47 pm
You make it sound like "If you don't give us money, we will shut the open beta with a flick of a finger. Simple as that"
Now, it sounds like: "Be grateful that we let you play it"
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Graf on April 28, 2011, 09:51:11 pm
Now, it sounds like: "Be grateful that we let you play it"
It sounds as it should be. This is the best running Fonline-based project so far, so you should be happy that these people are working in their spare time to let us play.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Lexx on April 28, 2011, 09:52:59 pm
@Lizard: You exaggerated a little bit here. Or maybe I did- If the server isn't paid, it's off "with a flick of a finger" because it doesn't lie in our hands. As for the "if you don't give us money"-part, some of us paid for the server already as well, so it's not like we didn't gave anything to the poll (except worktime and stuff, heh). Sorry if that sounded too negative.

In any case, I am now doing, what I should have done months ago already: Stop posting about game details and similar things. It's just not worth it for me and some folks might be happy about it anyway.

/Edit: But to do something for the topic: I think the wm travel speed suggestion isn't a bad one. It definitive has positive aspects.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Izual on April 28, 2011, 09:59:35 pm
Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
What problem?

Anyway. There was already a topic (still open...) about this, and I have the same answer:

I like current travelling speed, for many reasons.
Players are more likely to settle in a location rather than to travel through the whole worldmap for no reason.
We meet and use cars more often.
A journey around the wasteland is now almost a real journey, it's not just "I go to mine and come back in 5 minutes". And if we want to go faster, we can always use solutions like cars, trains (nobody see them anyway), and taxi alts - they're still here, unfortunately.
And yes, I play with a normal char, and I enjoy not walking at 88 mph on the worldmap :)
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Radman2307 on April 28, 2011, 11:15:55 pm
Say "hallo" to I don't care. If there would be 0 people playing the game, we would still work on it. Beside this, we aren't a commercial game that needs to have 100k players all the time. So, yeah. I don't give a shit and therefore the numbers aren't an argument.

I'm sure you do care really Lexx...

If you dont your missing the point, your little project here has the potential to be huge (it's not like fallout isnt a popular franchise... come on now)

If you turn the project off now then thats what? Five years hard work down the drain all so you and your small Dev team can control access... Not to sound unreasonable here but you NEED us new players to put a fresh spin on things, we're here to tell you how new players see the game and to make suggestions on how to IMPROVE the experience... Because Lexx, if we're being honest mate there are some things that need improvement with FOnline, especially when it comes to balance and streamlining.

That's my two cents worth over.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Floodnik on April 28, 2011, 11:27:14 pm
Players are more likely to settle in a location rather than to travel through the whole worldmap for no reason.
Yeah, no reason. There is always a reason. If all the quests were in one location, a newbie would definetly settle down, but he can't because there are so few quests and these are far away. If you want to mine some HQ ore, you can't settle down in NCR or Hub. If you want to kill some Enclave, you definetly can't settle down in NCR/Hub. This argument is invalid.
We meet and use cars more often.
We meet more often. Heh, of course... How didn't I notice it? /sarcasm... We use cars more often. So what. Some people don't care about cars. So many of them in a postapocaliptic world is also very weird...
A journey around the wasteland is now almost a real journey
Hah, that made me laugh the most! Click on a place on the world map, alt tab, when having an encounter run to the grid, click, alt tab etc. Very entertaining, ALMOST like a real journey you could have in your real life!
Or another way: stare at the fucking red dot moving on the world map. Encounter? Same procedure.

Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: vedaras on April 29, 2011, 06:54:23 am
when people set in shitty places like ncr and soon realize that there are no such thing as HQ resources for example nearby they are forced to travel. Current situation of game, number of inhabitants in each town makes the situation so that players are travelling and will sure travel if the situation wont change. One simple thing needed most - stuff to do in ALL towns. So i think it should be added first, and before that travelling speed should be high enough to make travelling comfortable.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 29, 2011, 07:20:05 am
What problem?

For me it's not speed, for some other people it is. For me powerbuild alting is a problem. I don't like to deal with 10 incarnation of the same person, so I would like solutions that at least don't encourage alting and dual logging. Making only one character skills matter on the world map encourages it. I just think real scout character but capable to do other stuff (150-175 outdoors) alone or with other people with some outdoors should be faster than 300% taxi powebuild transporting 9 drugged PvP apes on his back. They can take a car if they want to go faster. I know there were people playing that way as a main character, but they are minority in the ocean of taxi shared alts. That's all.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Johnnybravo on April 29, 2011, 12:31:10 pm
Yeah, that's what I thought, no further doubts, your argument was just one-sided and pretty much invalid from the beginning of the thread, this posts just proves it.
In any way, a little response will not hurt:
The number of taxi alts is pretty low compared to player base, and much of them are real characters just made with higher outdoorsman and charisma, still capable of doing many other things.
Alting is not a big problem on it's own, game just badly needs account system so multiple characters could be registered under one person, which would prevent some abuse ( ofcourse there should be some bonus discouraging from creating multiple accounts ).
And powerbuilds being problem? That's just you, there's no way everyone would create 6-6-5-6-6-6 chars and tag all the guns in there.
Logically if somebody plays a character with small guns, he might want to try big guns, unarmed or whatever else as well, so he'll not just delete his old character but make another one, there's no science in that.

And how exactly spending 4 charisma points in more useful stats hurts the game?
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Radman2307 on April 29, 2011, 01:07:42 pm
Yeah, that's what I thought, no further doubts, your argument was just one-sided and pretty much invalid from the beginning of the thread, this posts just proves it.
In any way, a little response will not hurt:
The number of taxi alts is pretty low compared to player base, and much of them are real characters just made with higher outdoorsman and charisma, still capable of doing many other things.
Alting is not a big problem on it's own, game just badly needs account system so multiple characters could be registered under one person, which would prevent some abuse ( ofcourse there should be some bonus discouraging from creating multiple accounts ).
And powerbuilds being problem? That's just you, there's no way everyone would create 6-6-5-6-6-6 chars and tag all the guns in there.
Logically if somebody plays a character with small guns, he might want to try big guns, unarmed or whatever else as well, so he'll not just delete his old character but make another one, there's no science in that.

And how exactly spending 4 charisma points in more useful stats hurts the game?


You see I disagree with you about Alts 'Not being a major problem' plenty of people in game have turned around to me and said "You need more alts - Buyer/Seller, Fighter and Crafter Alt''

Some form of IP account system would be most welcome in game.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: OskaRus on April 29, 2011, 01:15:11 pm
taci alts are used instead of cars only because there are no safe parking places instead of alt-tents. It is much more comfortable for ocasionall pvp apes to let themselves drag to battle by taxi alt (or even proxy taxi alt.) than maintaining car and alt-tents in each place he wants to go. Safe parking places would make pure taxi alts practically extinct.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: JovankaB on April 29, 2011, 01:19:04 pm
And powerbuilds being problem? That's just you, there's no way everyone would create 6-6-5-6-6-6 chars and tag all the guns in there.

I have no problem with powerbuilds as long as they pay a price for having some stats ridculously low. I have a powerbuild myself. Alts are abused to remove consequences of low stats. So you remove all problems of low stat for 9 people with a single alt. Very often it's open cheating with dual logs. All this sugestion would do, would be faster travel than now for everyone who travels alone, for balanced characters and for smaller groups of people and making cars even more useful for large groups of people with low outdoorsman which are usually led by a lame one-purpose alt.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Johnnybravo on April 29, 2011, 01:35:14 pm
I have no problem with powerbuilds as long as they pay a price for having some stats ridculously low. Alts are abused to remove consequences of low stats. Very often it's open cheating with dual logs. All this sugestion would do, would be faster travel than now for everyone who has to travel alone, for more balanced characters and for smaller groups of people and making cars even more useful for large groups of people with low outdoorsman which are usually led by a lame one-purpose alt.

As I said, you need to think up anything that'd be charisma worth, except for being able to make teams (of NPCs), because many people wouldn't play a game with tons of NPCs, there are no real consequences of dropping charisma low.
Other stats are already being somewhat balanced, such as low luck resulting in more bad things happening for character (being easier to blind, critical failures...), while low charisma results only in merchants sending you away.
Self-purpose taxi alts are useful only for cheaters, because they wouldn't be able to transport themselfs, but only the teammates, resulting in one man missing the show, instead I see more people (atleast from my surroundings) using taxis capable of doing combat or leading more NPCs. And because of their encounter avoidance being already high enough, there's little reason to raise the skill above 200, so I don't see much problems with 300 OD alts.

Also take note that cars make outdoorsman completly useless which is not that good thing as well.

So better solution would be to make cars affected by OD some way ( be it probably less damage taken over time ), cars more useful without alting (tentalt#242 reporting), charisma completly revmaped and characters of one person being linked some way.

You see I disagree with you about Alts 'Not being a major problem' plenty of people in game have turned around to me and said "You need more alts - Buyer/Seller, Fighter and Crafter Alt''
Your crafter can be Buyer and Seller in fact, because it's only matter of having 3 charisma. But then again you can have your Fighter crafting already, as well as trading, because when stats distributed right, you're still able to fix stuff at expense of First Aid and maybe Doctor (unless you're crafting drugs ofcourse), while still having big enough stats for fighting. And to be honest, it's possible to play and not requiring to trade or craft at all, and it's not only encounter farming, but more important part of MMO game, often forgotten, having some friends doing this sort of stuff.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Cocain on April 30, 2011, 08:59:25 pm
or... give access to train from the start
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Swinglinered on May 01, 2011, 07:26:50 am
There were many complaints about traveling speed during this season. And it is true that it's a pain to travel, mostly for lone players who can't afford a car. Also I believe outdoorsman was nerfed mostly to make the cars better than pure taxi alts. Because taxi alts didn't cost anything, couldn't be stolen, could take more people and had superb outdoorsman, they were superior to cars in every aspect.

This had to change. But I think I found better solution how to solve both problems in a logical and elegant way.

Make people traveling with an "outdoorsman leader" slow him down. There is just now way that a scout traveling with 9 people who have no clue about wilderness, could be as fast as a scout traveling alone.

My proposal is:
 - bring back fast outdoorsman, maybe not as fast as before, but significantly faster than now
 - outdoorsman used to count traveling speed is average of outdoorsman of all people traveling
 - add one or two extra slots to all cars (seriously, if there is not many cars out there people won't care about comfort (

This will make lone "scout" characters traveling as they were true scouts, but won't make them better than cars to move large groups of people.

Some examples:

Scout with 300% outdoors travels as it had 300%/1 = 300% outdoors.
Scout with 300% outdoors and a friend who has 100% outdoors will travel as they had 400%/2 = 200% outdoors.
Scout with 300% outdoors and 9 PvP apes, each of them with 50% outdoors, travel as they had 750%/10 = 75% outdoors.
Two normal characters with 125% outdoors each travel together as they had 250%/2 = 125% outdoors.

Perhaps scale the reduction on a curve.
With 1 "passenger" you get to count your own OD 2x for making the average, 2 passengers 1.75x, 3 passengers 1.5x, 4 passengers 1.25 x, 5+ = 1x.

This way you can escort a few friends/etc. with some reduction, but mass groups slow you down.
Because they're mass groups.

Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Hendrix on May 05, 2011, 10:14:06 am
I dont agree. I think the last change in world map traveling speed was good. It made possible to feel the map as a big place.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: avv on May 05, 2011, 01:03:52 pm
It's not the travelling speed, it's the encounters. When a player wants to get somewhere, he will simply skip all encounters the way he can so it doesn't matter whether they exist or not at this point.
So what bothers me most is that the punishment for having low OD is to spend more time waiting, ok it's fine but must I also be alert all the time because of encounters? You can't make the worldmap travelling interesting no matter what so people will alt tab and browse the net anyway. Forced encounters gotta go.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Crazy on May 05, 2011, 01:26:40 pm
It's not the travelling speed, it's the encounters. When a player wants to get somewhere, he will simply skip all encounters the way he can so it doesn't matter whether they exist or not at this point.
So what bothers me most is that the punishment for having low OD is to spend more time waiting, ok it's fine but must I also be alert all the time because of encounters? You can't make the worldmap travelling interesting no matter what so people will alt tab and browse the net anyway. Forced encounters gotta go.

Agreed. When you have to stop your video 10+ times when going from respawn to your base/car, there is a big problem, cause it's only annoying like hell.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Badger on May 05, 2011, 09:58:56 pm
It's not the travelling speed, it's the encounters. When a player wants to get somewhere, he will simply skip all encounters the way he can so it doesn't matter whether they exist or not at this point.

Most definitely. Even if they were made interesting, relevant to specific areas, interactive - if you were busy doing something else, they'd still be nuisances. I don't know how you fix that, short of removing encounters. But I don't necessarily think that would be an improvement.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Crazy on May 05, 2011, 10:00:22 pm
Most definitely. Even if they were made interesting, relevant to specific areas, interactive - if you were busy doing something else, they'd still be nuisances. I don't know how you fix that, short of removing encounters. But I don't necessarily think that would be an improvement.

Simply reduce their chances to happen.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Badger on May 05, 2011, 10:02:41 pm
Simply reduce their chances to happen.

I guess, but it's the same problem, just less of it. I guess if there was a massively reduced encounter rate combined with interesting encounters, they wouldn't be a problem. But making encounters interesting is a whole mess of work in itself.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: avv on May 06, 2011, 09:31:49 am
Most definitely. Even if they were made interesting, relevant to specific areas, interactive - if you were busy doing something else, they'd still be nuisances. I don't know how you fix that, short of removing encounters. But I don't necessarily think that would be an improvement.

Make the worldmap travelling consume something else than time. For example water. Instead of spending your time travelling, you spend some time gathering some water and then less time travelling. Cars and caravan carts already work like that. It's just getting that water needs to be quick and easy. If someone didn't have water, normal travelling would be applied.

However this just won't work yet since each town has little activity and the need to travel is great, especially for single char. If travelling got a requirement, players would make more town-alts and haul bigger sets of items per travel. In addition it would hurt encounter hunting aswell, since the current way requires to plane back and forth a set of squares.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: abegade on May 06, 2011, 12:30:02 pm
They could just add a checkbox to auto skip all the encounters if the OD check goes right. This would drastically reduce travelling time, without touching travel speed.

I never tried a char with 300 OD, but if he runs more than a car, well that's pure bullshit. I appreciated the changes and even if at beginning i wanted to kill myself, the slow speed made me get my first cockroach after 3 days and now i got 4 cars parked in my tent... so the devs goal was achieved imho.

Fact is that imagining a guy carrying 9 people on his back and running like a rabbit with his ass on fire is kinda weird, it's way more logical that an entire group will be way more slower than a single player. So i vote yes for Jov's proposal.
Title: Re: Travelling Speed - new solution of old problem
Post by: Haterade on May 06, 2011, 01:39:32 pm
Taxi alts created solely for the purpose of moving powerbuild groups around on global map are lame, period  :-*

and thats why i agree with solution! powerbuild groups deserve it ;)