Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: Wilk on December 29, 2010, 10:33:44 pm

Title: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Wilk on December 29, 2010, 10:33:44 pm
There are some traits that nobody uses in Fonline 2338 so i have idea for some new traits.


You always works... alone. When unaccompanied the character is +15% to-hit and has a +5% Damage Resistance bonus in combat. However, when with Companions, the character takes a -15% to-hit and -5% Damage Resistance  penalty

Benefit: : +10% to-hit and +5% Damage Resistance when alone

Penalty:    -10% to-hit and -5% Damage Resistance when with companions

One In a Million

You're not particularly lucky or unfortunate, but when lightning strikes, it strikes hard! Whenever you critically hit or fail, a second check is made at five times the base chance to see if it actually happens. If it does, the result on the critical chart is bumped up +30 points in severity.

Benefit: +30 points on critical chart whenever you critically hit and pass a second check at five times the base chance

Penalty: +30 points on critical chart whenever you critically fail and pass a second check at five times the base chance

Tech Wizard

You spent your formative years hunched over a bench learning tech stuff. Trouble is you've ruined your eyes! You get a bonus to Science, Repair and Lockpick skills (+25%), but a penalty of -1 to Perception.

Benefit: +25% Science, Repair, Lockpick

Penalty:  -1 percepction

If anyone have other's Idea's about Traits, just wrote it here.

Have a nice day :D
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: skejwen on December 29, 2010, 10:58:55 pm
Arent these taken from Fo:T?
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Wilk on December 29, 2010, 11:02:47 pm
Arent these taken from Fo:T?

Only Tech Wizard is little modified, One in Milion is from Van Buren and Loner only take's name from tactics perk, rest is new.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Slaver Snipe on December 30, 2010, 02:49:58 am
What is considered the base chance for critical, only luck or luck + more crits, if it's only based off of luck thats still pretty overpowered for a sniper character with 10 luck (50% chance to do a +30?!?!?) insta crit deaths are rare, this would probably make them way to common.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Eternauta on December 30, 2010, 04:24:03 am
I am against One In A Million, I think the same as Slaver Snipe.

I don't think anyone would want that Perception penalty by Tech Wizard. Only crafter alts would take that Trait, so this trait would encourage alting.

Loner is a good one. This game is, in my opinion, highly faction-oriented, so it would be nice if loner player could get some bonus.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: solid snake on December 30, 2010, 05:45:21 am
loner all the way! i love it! it would be nice if you could have a dog merc and still get the benefits  ;D
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: 5me0 on December 30, 2010, 06:01:29 am
4 Eyes: You gain +1 to perception, but you are 25% more likely to receive a critical to the eyes. And boy its gonna hurt.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Eternauta on December 30, 2010, 06:16:23 am
4 Eyes: You gain +1 to perception, but you are 25% more likely to receive a critical to the eyes. And boy its gonna hurt.

Nobody would take that.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: DarkOne on December 30, 2010, 07:50:00 am
there is already a bonus to critical chance when hitting the eyes... why make it so your opponent has 100% critical chance when aiming for your eyes!!!

10 luck with finesse and more critical x3 gives what a 90% chance to cause critical when aiming for eyes?
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: LagMaster on December 30, 2010, 08:59:38 am
thee is a problem with the loner traint, CH 1 caracters do NOT  have companions, so all the power builds are loners, this will only make them more power

i think a better perk will be the oposite: for every companion you for you gain a +1DR and +5HitChance, but with no companions you will have -4DR and -20 Hit chance
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Wilk on December 30, 2010, 10:56:14 am
thee is a problem with the loner traint, CH 1 caracters do NOT  have companions, so all the power builds are loners, this will only make them more power

i think a better perk will be the oposite: for every companion you for you gain a +1DR and +5HitChance, but with no companions you will have -4DR and -20 Hit chance

So about Loner Trait, Companions not only means Merc's, but also people from faction and Team, So to truly benefit from this perk you must be truly netral, so you can't  even have status of friend in gang, what do ya think?
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: 5me0 on December 30, 2010, 11:15:32 am
Nobody would take that.

Hmm true.Penalty is too great. Then perhaps just worse eye criticals (without changing chances) or -x DR effective to the eye region.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Slaver Snipe on December 30, 2010, 11:46:10 am
there is already a bonus to critical chance when hitting the eyes... why make it so your opponent has 100% critical chance when aiming for your eyes!!!

10 luck with finesse and more critical x3 gives what a 90% chance to cause critical when aiming for eyes?

I don't believe you read it correctly, there would be a less chance to critical, first you have to roll a critical hit with your original % chance then you would have to roll again, if that roll failed it would NOT be a critical, but if it was successful then it would add +30 the the crit roll, making way to many instant death hits even if your actual chance to get a critical was 50% or lower.

To sum it up, sacrafice critical chance to get insanely overpowered criticals around half the time...not needed and highly overpowered in my opinion.

Ugh fucked up and didn't read what he was replying to properly, sorry.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: runboy93 on December 30, 2010, 11:52:34 am
Yeah that loner reminds me something...
There should be traits/perks that support teamworking.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Wilk on December 30, 2010, 12:00:07 pm
Yeah that loner reminds me something...
There should be traits/perks that support teamworking.

yeah but PK almost always work's in Team, Gang etc.
So this Trait is dedicated to people who are  playing alone, a little boost so they have a chance to survive on the Harsh wasteland without anyone help.

Name probally remind you fallout tactics perk, but its only name taken form F:T, rules and description are diffrent.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: cannotspace on December 30, 2010, 11:30:54 pm
wouldnt one in a milion make snipers overpowered?
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: John Porno on December 31, 2010, 02:18:47 am
the loner trait will either backfire or lead to abuse.

I can't think of away to implement it in the engine so that it only affects real loners. In order to implement this trait, we would need a new form of party management. If a loner is hunting on his own and runs into a random pk, it could be that he gets the negative effect, while gangs might be able to abuse it during tc and getting benefits by tricking the engine.

I'd like to see a trait like this but I don't see it happening.

In order to help loners, letting shops restock more frequently while still stocking the same amount of caps per hour or making (hq)mining easier would be the way to go here in my opinion.

also, that one crit thing seems to be way out of proportion.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Who Killed Bambi on December 31, 2010, 03:34:18 pm
why no +1 to all from fo2 ?:)
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Ganado on December 31, 2010, 06:04:20 pm
why no +1 to all from fo2 ?:)

Already been discussed to death, too overpowered.
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Tomowolf on December 31, 2010, 06:35:21 pm
Sorry to your idea but, we don't need more traits, but we need more lvls to take traits/perks are now not used ;).
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: backora on December 31, 2010, 06:55:41 pm
Well, I would certainly use something like "Fast Reload" trait - reloading weapon costs only 1AP (both TB and RT) but adds +1% to deterioration every time you reload. ;)
Title: Re: Some new Traits Idea
Post by: Who Killed Bambi on January 01, 2011, 10:11:47 am
maybe combination ?:) and more power to *bloody mess*
jinxed+1luck+bloody mess=more critical power, corpse lost all parts like in fo2, if critical is possible :D
weak creatures must flee if u chose that perks and 1 luck  ;)