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Author Topic: 2 second delay when entering locations  (Read 5174 times)

2 second delay when entering locations
« on: October 10, 2010, 03:36:38 pm »

How many times you died before your map even loaded? Do you play TB just to survive the initial map loading time? If yes you'd probably understand what I'm trying to adress without much explaning.

My solution is simple - delay spawning of players (and their companions) when entering new maps for about 2 - 3 seconds. This would allow to take action against hostile players camping the entries without preview. Those 2 seconds wouldn't give unfair advantage to players with faster machines and also wouldn't introduce another "waiting pauses", which are already plentifull in fonline. Players with weaker machines ... well unless we change the whole code into something like this:

map loads:
.... 100% ok

won't benefit that much. Still those 2 seconds can really help sometimes.

Post your comments.


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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 03:39:14 pm »

Sounds ok for me. I once got robbed before map was loaded, lol :D And I got a good rig :/ I think it depends on the internet connection more than what PC you have
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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 03:46:11 pm »

This would allow to take action against hostile players camping the entries without preview.

Why can't we just add previews in those places? The preview represents an action where player scouts the area for threaths. Doesn't make any sense that some areas simply cannot be scouted.

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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 06:01:14 pm »

Why can't we just add previews in those places? The preview represents an action where player scouts the area for threaths. Doesn't make any sense that some areas simply cannot be scouted.

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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 06:22:31 pm »


Lol how does it require a perk to watch some area from distance? Gridcamping is a matter of life and death and ending someone's life just because he didn't have some perk is just retarded.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 06:54:33 pm »

Lol how does it require a perk to watch some area from distance? Gridcamping is a matter of life and death and ending someone's life just because he didn't have some perk is just retarded.
You said it yourself, "scout, areas that cannot be scouts".

With the scout perk you can scout this areas :P.

..hey not the best idea evar but hey, its the player's choice whether he wants to take a perk and at least have a chance or go in blindly and proly die.  I also want the scout perk to increase Seeing distance in town previews.
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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 07:32:27 pm »

More simply: just make the char entering after the map is loaded. When you click, the map load, and AFTER your char spawn.
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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 07:57:21 pm »

2 seconds? Man, you are lucky! "Thanks" to my shitty computer and shitty internet connection, it sometimes takes me half of a minute to finally get that damn map loaded! It's really annoying, especially when you don't have a preview function like on other maps.


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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2010, 10:09:21 pm »

2 seconds? Man, you are lucky! "Thanks" to my shitty computer and shitty internet connection, it sometimes takes me half of a minute to finally get that damn map loaded! It's really annoying, especially when you don't have a preview function like on other maps.

Half of a minute? Oo
Only happened to me very few times, when GM had spawn thousands of items, in normal situation, with my old PC which was slow as hell, 5 was very max.
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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2010, 10:11:29 pm »

Yep, half a minute. That happens in NCR for example ( I hate that town -.- ) when many players are in.. In the NCR mines aswell.. Junktown, Hub, San Francisco. I blame it more on the internet connection then the PC.


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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2010, 11:51:27 pm »

It is mostly - I hope - due to GM vision :P
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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2010, 12:06:41 am »

No, happened before "GM-ification" too. ;) Maybe I have to write a bug post, since I don't want to derail this topic with my problem. :P


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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2010, 12:10:11 am »

Not a bug, just like you immediately see ALL player/items on maps, it have to load it all, and it make longer loading. Maybe ask to have a limited FoV like everyone ;p
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Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2010, 12:13:00 am »

It happened BEFORE I was a GM too, as I already said. ;) And thus I have normal FoV as everyone else.
Also, I think the client loads all items/players etc on the map too, even if you just have normal FoV.
Re: 2 second delay when entering locations
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2010, 01:02:57 am »


scout perk seemed reasonable to me, but what about the players who are already lvl 21 and can't take any more perks?
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