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Author Topic: Overhauling Adytum (and Boneyard in general)  (Read 1866 times)


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Overhauling Adytum (and Boneyard in general)
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:31:34 am »

I have already made a suggestion about the Boneyard area here. Right now people go to the Boneyard only because of some quests, the Gunrunners or to get the train so they can go to other towns that are worth visiting.

This new suggestion is about making the Boneyard in general just a little more attractive, but it is focused on Adytum.

Some ideas about Boneyard area in general:

-if I remember well, you can find "Merchants" in random encounters in this area. Remove those, and add caravan traders from the Hub (with merchant caravaneer and guards of course). In Fallout 1, the people from Adytum use to trade with the Hub, especially for ammunition.

-add small scavengers' posts as a kind of special (but not really hard to find) random encounter in this area. It would look like the one you wake up at when respawning. In these places you could trade with a NPC (the leader of a small scavengers' group) who would be selling cheap items like Junk, Nuka-Cola, deteriorated lvl 0 guns, deteriorated leather jackets, etc. No caps, only those given by the players who buy their stuff. Maybe a book or two?

-a different version of the above: empty scavengers' posts. These have been overrun by raiders, deathclaws, mutants, who knows. You might be able to find more junk than usual around here, and maybe even an old deteriorated gun or jacket.

-Any other?

Ideas about Adytum:

-Add a couple of small Brahmin pens.

-Some Profession instructor. An armorer instructor can be found in the Scavenger map. A Gunsmith (Small Guns) instructor could be found in Adytum (maybe Jargo?)

-More merchants: time has passed since Fallout 1 era, and although it doesn't look like the Vault Dweller did much in these parts (didn't help the Blades fight against the Regulators, didn't kill the deathclaws, never repaired the hydroponic farms, etc.), Adytum should have grown a bit. It could have a weapon seller, an armorer, maybe a doctor too.

-New quest: Dyer Greenberg asks you to deliver a message to Ralph, the Gunrunner. The Regulators want some stronger weapons to fight the deathclaws, super mutants, floaters and centaurs and they want to know if the Gunrunners are willing to make a discount for them, in exchange for giving them more possibilities of trading directly with the caravans from the Hub.

-New quest: what if the NCR was interested in making Adytum join them? rumors about this could have been heard by Adytum citizens, and a considerable part of the population could agree with this (I'm sure they are fed up with Regulators' opression). So, you could meet some of these NCR supporters who might ask you to deliver a message from them to Shady Sands, in case the NCR is willing to support a rebellion in Adytum in the future. OR, if you so want, you could tell Hendriks or Dyer Greenberg about these citizens, and he would say he is going to repress them. Of course, your choices about this would affect your reputation with NCR, Regulators and LA Citizens.

-Any other?


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Re: Overhauling Adytum (and Boneyard in general)
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2010, 08:58:06 am »

yes, this is a good ideea, why not some HQ mine RE probably(just saying)
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