NOTE: its not quite tool for fonline but something useful
Hello lads, i want present you a Xfire with modificated .ini file in order to coperate with fonline.
What Xfire provide:
1. Voice chat
2. Normal Chat
3. Web Browser
4. Support php engines and Web-Based IRC Clients
Bigger Description:
With Xfire you can run any web page without closing game or skiping from window to window, you just use a shortcut and web browser pop up in game, it do not execute new application, even if you play in full skreen it doesn't matter, its also good alternative for mumble or teamspeak, all those actions now can be performed without minimalizing game or runing additional web browser or irc client.
How to instal it:
1. We download xfire from official page We create a new account (actually idk if its really required)
3. Go into X:\Program Files\Xfire\xfire_games.ini and find line 4639 (from Fallout 2 )
Next on the after line of 4639_2 add sth like this
4. Restart Xfire

Chose Fallout 2 from this list (invisible on skreen because i already seted this up)(if you have installed fallout 2 it will be at begining of list), set Manual Detection and set path to fonline.exe then apply and save settings

set short cuts for example like i have
7. Disable ALL options in Broadcast tab
Great thanks for great help with it for jan0s1k
Few skreens:
Voice Chat window (on right):

Chat Window:

Web Browser:

Web Based IRC Client: and (NOTE: mibbit is banned from #2238 all other channels work fine)