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Should a robbing option be implemented?

Yes, robbing would be great.
- 10 (41.7%)
Yes, also add robber career.
- 5 (20.8%)
No, leave it as it is.
- 9 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 24

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Author Topic: robbing feature to reduce PK murders  (Read 4605 times)

robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« on: September 29, 2010, 12:48:20 pm »

Hello everyone!
As we all know death is waiting everywhere in Fonline. This is annoying very often, but adds to the dark atmosphere allot.
Running arround and kill everyone without reason is not very reasonable from a rpg point of view, but it is impossible to change the fact, that allot of players are doing this, at least not with apealing to their conscience, or ethics or whatever.  But maybe it would be possible to reduce the problem by apealing to their egoism.

It is not reasonable, because you make yourself alot of enemies, but more important it disturbes gameflow.
It is realy annoying to be killed and robbed even of a primitive tool/knife/hatched. Also it reduces the possible loot of the PKs.

Think of pirating in the past, or gangs of robbers. Killing all the merchants, sinking the merchant ships is something a robber/pirate won´t do, because he hopes to robb them off again (with as much booty as possible).
Also some robbers disturbing the trade between towns are annoying for the towns/governments officials, but slaughering them off, will result in beeing totaly cut of from trade. And this will make them realy angy, so they will take whatever action they can to kill/get rid of the murdering robbers.
Whereas just some robbing might be ignored, because the measures to deal with them are more expensive than the harm they cause.
And this will happen as soon as real trade routes and carravans are implemented in the game.
Killing caravans and slaughering everyone is a measure of WAR, when you realy want wo ruin a town/state.
Just robbing them out will bring the robber more personal profit and will also be less risky.

As stealing is possible, why not introduce a new action called robbing? (you don´t need to skill this),
it´s just an option to say: Give me everything valuable you have, or die.
If the robbed player succumbs to this, he is stripped of caps, armor, weapons, stimpacks, whatever valuable,
but he is not stripped of basic tools for crafting (so he can be robbed soon again).
Also the robber gets some XP for robbing the other player, but only when he leaves the screen without killing the player.
The ammount of XP should be higher than the one for killing him.
Also it should add time to a robbing cooldown counter to prevent this skill from beeing exploited.

Maybe, to deal with the notorious PKs, it would be a good idea to make shovels, hatchets, etc. unlootable (at least to the ammount of 1 piece each),
and be left to the player, even if he dies.

Maybe you could even make robber some career option (like slaver).

I´m sure a lot of new players leave Fonline because they are killed so often and have to start again without everything.
And this realy harms the whole game community.


  • Ninja-Nurse
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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 01:14:56 pm »

I like it but I don't think it will ever work. It's too risky for PK.

You'd have to get close to a player to get his stuff, if one is a sniper then he'd loose his advantage, and even if its a bluesuite with 20hp.. how can you know he dosen't have a avenger minigun in his other slot? Or he could pierce-kick in the eyes or make a lucky burst... what has the victim of such a robbery  to loose? Well everything, so he might as well give the robber hell (or die trying). 

The pirate example is a total miss. That's not how FO works. I'll give a example:

I regularly visit Broken Hills trying to get a profession and I regularly get killed trying to do so and those murdering bastards players regularly looting my dead body always get 1.5k caps and a pack of smokes and they know that they can shoot me dead and I'll still be coming back for more because I don't have much other choice.       



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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2010, 01:22:24 pm »

Reasoning is good but the suggestion wouldn't really help.

Right now items are priorized higher than life so every player would always try to run rather than be robbed.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2010, 01:27:03 pm »

Then robbing should be enabled at long range. Maybe even at encounter screen. And don´t leave a chance for the victim to defend himself, if he chooses to succumb to the robber.

Also it is really neccessary that you have one bank account in every FLC bank. That was a main reason for establishing banks, just to avoid travellers beeing robbed of their money. As radios are widely available, there is no problem for one bank to inform the other about your deposit.

And you have another option:
You stop playing Fonline because you are frustrated. And alot of players will do this for sure.
Also PKs and robbers could get more and higher value booty from you in the future if you had learned a profession already.


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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2010, 01:40:47 pm »

Then robbing should be enabled at long range. Maybe even at encounter screen. And don´t leave a chance for the victim to defend himself, if he chooses to succumb to the robber.

Yet still the victim would just want to just run if there was a chance. Because items have price and life doesn't the situation wouldn't be "Give me your items or I kill you" but "Give me your items or I take your items". Because both the victim and robber desire only items the situation wouldn't have the typical settings of a robbing. In reality the victim wants to live and gives his items away. But in Fonline death is only penaltized with some minutes of waiting and travelling while certain items take hours to get.

Only if players would really want to live long and protect their reputation robbing would work. If both expectations appilied, the victim would rather give away his items because he wants to live long and the robber would rather try to rob people than kill them because he doesn't want the reputation of mass murderer.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2010, 01:51:43 pm »

I think if at least basic items are left to the victim, at least low-level charakters would succumb to robbing.
How often one get killed for just a primitive tool, a flint and 2 pieces of wood.
I would prefer to give away the wood and be able to gather new one immediately, but to be killed, have to travel to the next town again (probably killed again on this occasion) and have to shovel dung, to be able to afford a hatchet again, loosing maybe half an hour of time.
Of course from time to time it is preferable to run from the robber/PK, even if you get killed with 75% probability, but that´s really add to the "fun" for both.
Money or life just makes sense if you sometimes choose: Take my life, if you can.

But for sure, it is possible to improve this idea.


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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2010, 02:41:21 pm »

Robber and Victim in encounter
Robber pushes button.
Victim gets screen message "Robber robs you! Do you want to surrender? Y/N"
Victim pushes yes.
Robber gets X random items of Victims inv.
Victim is teleported to WM.

If victim pushes no - let the show begin.

just my 2 cents


  • Ninja-Nurse
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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2010, 03:01:44 pm »

Robber and Victim in encounter
Robber pushes button.
Victim gets screen message "Robber robs you! Do you want to surrender? Y/N"
Victim pushes yes.
Robber gets X random items of Victims inv.
Victim is teleported to WM.

If victim pushes no - let the show begin.

just my 2 cents

That might actually work.
Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2010, 03:08:09 pm »

I agree on that. That´s a very simple concept, but simple oftens means brilliant.

If you got the awareness perk you can somewhat guess if resistance is possible or not, or if it is reasonable to try to rob someone.
Otherwise you have to guess from sprite appearance.
And anyway you might be wrong with your estimation. And that is quite realistic.

I like the idea.

Motivation for Player to rob instead of killing:
much faster,
more xp (I think thats still neccessary)

Motivation for Player to surrender instead of attempting to flee
-you don´t loose everything
-saves time/faster


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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2010, 03:09:35 pm »

I like it. Nothing else to say thogh.


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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2010, 03:12:20 pm »

Same. Brilliant to reduce bluesuits-pking.
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2010, 03:19:32 pm »

very exploitable

A and B want to fight C and D

A (close combat grenade ) send the robbing request and run for come near C while C is cussing against the pop up window B shoot him from distance

Please no pop up window (do you want be robbed hell yes , maybe , no but I have a sister that would like)

If you want to robber speak with would be victims and accept the danger of some bullets for reply
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it


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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2010, 03:30:26 pm »

Same. Brilliant to reduce bluesuits-pking.
Bluesuit killing is "for teh lulz", nothing more.

I like it, it won't stop "lulz" killers, they don't care for reasons anyway, but it can stop everyone else.

Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2010, 04:36:04 pm »

I see no sense in this feature... really(maybe for roleplay only)...

Why i must aim to target -> push a spesial button -> wait for victim respond only to get a part of random items from his inventory, if i can just aim to target -> blow his head off and get all his items :o

exp reward is almost useless, most of PK's are lvlcaps.

From my opinion this feature will only work with karma system (- karma from killing random dudes to force robbers use this feature instead of just killing) and more serious afterdeath debuffs to force victims fear death.


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Re: robbing feature to reduce PK murders
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2010, 08:12:34 pm »

one question.. do you gain 100% steal against people that are k.o?

i once encountered someone in new reno that robbed me, he knocked me, then he stole from me but only my caps then he healed me back to my feet and i went back to my life. the fact is most people just want to kill others, especialy blue suits killers who, i guess, kill them only becouse they can.
Aku Soku Zan
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