Here has decided to write the ideas which I discussed with other people.The majority of offers is directed on increase of complexity of level of game and as to diversify craft.What your opinion about it.?Sorry for my english.
1)To lower speed of movement on a global map-will allow more to appreciate a life, there will be a sense to enter cars, there will be a possibility to play for the pathfinder.
2)To increase finding time in a dead condition - besides for the life price....
3)The initial list of recipes for craft should consist of mace, zip gun and spear gun...
4)Double system of development for craft... From skill and from a rofession. Improvements of a subject and a basis from skill. For example at 1 level prof. the small weapon it is possible to make a shut-gun, and at skill in 65% of it to make sawed of... It logically also will allow to raise interest for fighters.
5)To add more weapon(especially melee and unarmed)
6) To add it is more than kinds of a resource for craft! it was necessary to search for resources not only in mines (from the weapon,on encouters.... Different variants) + use a box of toolkit...
7)The havy weapon with 2 lv should сreated only in defined not safe places.... like maripoza.
And energo with 1 lv.
8)Quests on removals of skins(bramins,geckos). Will recover cities and will slow down development.
9)To make more expensively base and profs, and as to enter on them group quest
10)Quests on a raising carma
11)Removal of weakness by means of meal and drink. Poison of scorpions gives -stats
12)Effective introduction of skill of a trap (traps) - manufacturing, installation, neutralisation
13) more subjects, maps, weapons, models, hairdresses and other.