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Author Topic: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.  (Read 4407 times)


  • Beyond repair.
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I think some things get to cost way too much. A Cockroach base price, for example, is 1000 caps, now I have to pay around 16k to get one. Prices shouldn't increase, or at least they should increase very slowly and/or have a top price so they don't get to irrational prices. Especially when caps are not so easy to get from merchants.


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 05:17:05 pm »

i never really understood how the price goes up and down

could som1 tell me why does it change? especialy when buying mercs
Aku Soku Zan
Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2010, 05:22:03 pm »

i never really understood how the price goes up and down

could som1 tell me why does it change? especialy when buying mercs

there is a global market, the more people buy them the higher the price, if no one buys mercs it slowly lowers.
However big gangs who have unlimited caps can pretty much buy anything whenever they want. So prices raise to unpayable amounts, atleast for the regular small ganger/loner.


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2010, 05:44:30 pm »

there is a global market, the more people buy them the higher the price, if no one buys mercs it slowly lowers.
However big gangs who have unlimited caps can pretty much buy anything whenever they want. So prices raise to unpayable amounts, atleast for the regular small ganger/loner.

The world was atomically fucked up in Fallout. Why are the laws of the capitalist economy still going on? They are not natural or eternal or necessary. And it's not like we are using real money, they are just bottle caps you scavenge.


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2010, 06:02:10 pm »

Apart of paying with caps, whats so weird about post-apo capitalist economic model?


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2010, 06:02:35 pm »

The world was atomically fucked up in Fallout. Why are the laws of the capitalist economy still going on? They are not natural or eternal or necessary. And it's not like we are using real money, they are just bottle caps you scavenge.

ofc they are natural and necessary

money is just a piece of paper.. its not much diferent from a bottlecap
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2010, 06:06:37 pm »

That could be preety interesting disscusion in off topic actually, what would happen with economy. It definitely wouldnt work with bottle caps:-).


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2010, 06:19:20 pm »

I'm not saying that there should not be capitalism. But I think it ould work in a different way. "Money" (bottle caps) are not created but scavenged. That's one huge difference. There is slavery and it is quite important. People's priorities are different. There are mostly city-states except for the NCR.

I think that regional economies (even if they are regulated by money) would be more solid that a global market.

And no, the laws of capitalism are not natural. That's just a little lie they have been telling us for about 200 years. Only 200 out of all those years humankind has existed.

Another thing: the way they have changed San Francisco is quite interesting. I think it was a good idea to make it a communist society as it seems more loyal to the Fallout world history. I have been to San Fran only a few times but haven't stayed for long. What aspects of communism have been developed there? not many, right? anyway, that would require a LOT of work and it's really necessary at least for now.


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2010, 06:49:33 pm »

The idea of caps instead of money is completly wrong, but I think if some big organization, eq. NCR would release "controled" flow of money that could very easily work. Slavery is not that important, it means virtualy no harm to post-capitalism.


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2010, 07:51:59 pm »

The idea of caps instead of money is completly wrong, but I think if some big organization, eq. NCR would release "controled" flow of money that could very easily work. Slavery is not that important, it means virtualy no harm to post-capitalism.

What you said about NCR is right. Maybe it's "still" too small for that though (to influence the economy of the whole wasteland). And after thinking it twice you are right: slavery is not really important... and I think it is a great mistake. There should be less capitalism and more slavery in the Fallout world.

Or at least something like a small but quite stable capitalism or pseudocapitalism in NCR towns (companies, labor market... even syndicates?), but also a strong presence of slavery in The Den, New Reno and Vault City (and maybe some others I forgot to mention)... This is, locations were most of the work is done by slaves and not by payed workers. This feature has been developed In VC but not in other places. It was reall poor in the Den for example. Towns like Broken Hills, Modoc and Redding should have a quite independent local economy (a monetary economy of course, but a "rudimentary", less controlled one). In other words: there would not be any real global economy, but just a little influence from NCR because of the caravan trade between towns. This would make money (caps) important and accepted everywhere, but towns outside NCR would keep some degree of independence.

But keeping to the topic of the suggestion. Why apply Supply and Demand to cars, mercs, FREAKING DOGS, and all that, but not to all items? And if prices increase, why can't payment for doing boxes or shovelling shit increase? Don't you think that prices for these things should at least increase at a very slow rate and not as fast as it does now? Right now (like I already said) it feels kind of pointless to pay so much for a merc when you know it can get shot anytime.

So, alright, keep your holy Supply and Demand, but mercenaries, dog-sellers, cars dealers, etc., should know that there's a point in which few people are gonna be interested in paying them. And, forgetting about economy for a while, I think it's unfair for loners. Getting enough money for a goddamn car is a lot of work for them.

John Ryder

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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2010, 11:34:19 pm »

Raising prices of mercs, cars and damn dogs has nothing to do with economy. It's just to prevent people from having too many cars, mutants etc. If there was any economy it would also be synchronized with prices of items and payments.
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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2010, 02:25:28 am »

ofc they are natural and necessary

money is just a piece of paper.. its not much diferent from a bottlecap

Money only has value because a gov't says it does, who is backing bottlecaps?
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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2010, 02:38:41 am »

Money only has value because a gov't says it does, who is backing bottlecaps?

the devs  ;)
and one day, being level21, i found a guy, an i say "hi" and he say "hi im new in the game, and i try to find some brhmin hides" and i know how he is suffering,
this is fallout


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Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2010, 04:21:23 pm »

Raising prices of mercs, cars and damn dogs has nothing to do with economy. It's just to prevent people from having too many cars, mutants etc.

"Too many"? I am in a group of three, and we could barely pay the price to get a Cockroach so we could share it. Mercs should not be that expensive cause they can die almost anytime. Dogs are just some some freaking dogs...
Re: Erase or at least reduce the price change for cars/mercs/dogs/etc.
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2010, 05:37:35 pm »

The thing missing in this is, of course, competition.  There are no Cockroach dealerships that are trying to undercut the others in order to get more sales.  So the price goes up and up, and theres nowhere to go to find a better deal!  In a true economy, there is always someone willing low bid in order to get the sale.

So the fact that the prices is so high isn't because the law of supply and demand isn't working, rather, it's because the Devs set up a total monopoly.
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