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Author Topic: Best build for a character of my type?  (Read 6368 times)


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Best build for a character of my type?
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:58:35 am »

I came across a guy once (funny that) when I was still using my first character and he suggested that I create a sniper character of this build:

5 St 9 Pe 7 En 3 Ch 5 In 5 Ag 6 Lk

More crits
Better Crits
Toughness x2
Lifegiver x2

Small Guns
First Aid

Now that I'm a little more aquainted with the game many people tell me that my luck is too low to be a sniper. Some person suggested that I try make a character that uses Assault Rifles but I'm still not particularly sure...

Looks like I need a second opinion. What is this build best for?
Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2010, 09:09:00 am »

I came across a guy once (funny that) when I was still using my first character and he suggested that I create a sniper character of this build:

5 St 9 Pe 7 En 3 Ch 5 In 5 Ag 6 Lk

More crits
Better Crits
Toughness x2
Lifegiver x2

Small Guns
First Aid

Now that I'm a little more aquainted with the game many people tell me that my luck is too low to be a sniper. Some person suggested that I try make a character that uses Assault Rifles but I'm still not particularly sure...

Looks like I need a second opinion. What is this build best for?

first of all, you will want even numbers for AG and END. because 6/7 end gives same hp per level. and is basicly a wasted point.
For stats, assuming you want to talk to merchants 5/8/6/3/6/6/6 should do. about luck, 6 luck + 3x more crit perk = 10 luck
So technically you could save yourself 3 perks by taking 10 luck, for this you would have to take 4 points from somewhere. Possible build: 5/8/4/1/6/6/10
about perks, depending on what you want you could take:
3x more crit
1x better crit
2x lifegiver
1x awaranes
for both builds, but if you want you could take scrap the more crit perks and only take the better crit perk for the 10 lk build. Anyway thats all personal taste. I believe you have a 70% crit chance at eyes with 10lk.
Hope this helps
Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2010, 11:01:44 am »

Possible build: 5/8/4/1/6/6/10
4 EN? 6 IN and no BRoF? No Small Frame?
Pick small frame, remove 1 point from IN and give 2 points to EN atleast.
Or take also 3 ST and give 2 to PE. With 3 ST you'll use 10mm pistol on mutated moles till 21st, then use buffout to get 5 ST.
Or let 4 EN, 8 PE, 9 LK and 3 ST and give 4 points go AG, but if you'll be caught in wrong place in wrong time, you'll die a bit faster. But never take 4 EN, I was killing 4 EN sniper many times, and it was really easy, just shot his head once or eyes, blindness and knock out often, and if I get to him with my p90 it means he is dead, I don't even need good critical. 6 EN and x1 toughness on 3rd level, awareness is a waste.
If you want to create ultimate mega ew-sniper machine, then it's:
On psycho,buffout,nuka,cigs it'll be:
4/9/10/1/5/6/10 and +15% DR.
without psycho and without cigs:
x1 Toughness
x1/x2 Lifegiver 192/220 HP
x1 Weapon Handling
x1 Better Criticals
x3/x2 More Criticals 20%/25% crit
Tag: EW/FA/Doc.
Traits: Small Frame/Good Natured.
with BA on psycho and x1 toughness you'll have DR/DT 60/10.
without psycho DR/DT 45/10.


  • Billions of blue, blistering bluesuits!
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Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2010, 11:49:26 am »

Thanks for the suggestions, I will keep these tips in mind next time I am registering another character (next wipe is never too far away!)

But I was wondering what would be the best weapon/armor/skills invested for this character that I have right now. I have already put alot of time into this one and the prospect of starting a new one at the moment seems a dim prospect at best.

Does anyone know what would be a good weapon to use? Or is this character so screwed that I should just transfer all my stuff to another one and give up on this one?
Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2010, 04:49:13 pm »

Loadsa text

Thats all nice, but I don't think he is a hardcore pvper and is looking to play for, you know: Fun.
Better keep the build easy, he might consider taking repair for crafting. or whatever. That 6 int would be handy.
Also who says that he has a huge gang that can support him with all those drugs? really, a more simple build is all he needs.

Thanks for the suggestions, I will keep these tips in mind next time I am registering another character (next wipe is never too far away!)

But I was wondering what would be the best weapon/armor/skills invested for this character that I have right now. I have already put alot of time into this one and the prospect of starting a new one at the moment seems a dim prospect at best.

Does anyone know what would be a good weapon to use? Or is this character so screwed that I should just transfer all my stuff to another one and give up on this one?

Better start over, you took uneven points in both end and ag. Anyway sniper rifle + assault rifle + hunting rifle are all fine weapons to use as a sniper. Pistols are fine to. just get whatever has aimed shot and you can kill with it. If it comes to pvp it's about the guy with most teammates anyway.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 04:51:50 pm by GroeneAppel »


  • Billions of blue, blistering bluesuits!
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Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2010, 07:09:00 am »

Thanks, I feel like starting an energy weapons based character anyway. I suppose I should look at the Character Planner and spend a bit more time looking into where to allocate points.


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Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2010, 07:10:23 am »

Thanks, I feel like starting an energy weapons based character anyway. I suppose I should look at the Character Planner and spend a bit more time looking into where to allocate points.
yeah energy builds are good, but to make good one you need good LK and few More Criticals perks.
And of course Better Critical.


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Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2010, 04:48:04 am »

Thanks for everyones advice. I've come up with this EW sniper build. Can anyone see any problems?

Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2010, 06:45:36 am »

ST:7 and weapons handling?
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Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2010, 07:55:22 am »

ST:7 and weapons handling?

Good point.
Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2010, 09:17:46 am »

I'd go with ST:6(thats all you need for EW Rifles) and IN:6, with that you could pick up BRoF
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Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2010, 09:40:23 am »

in theory this what i would build. i had a similar build prewipe. had 2 toughness and 1 lifegiver prewipe but more HP and a chance to not be knocked down seems better this era. i have not tested this wipe so all please comment if you will.

ST 6- to wield a laser rifle
PE 8- one hex off of max range with a laser rifle (smoke a cig)
EN 6- high HP
CH 1- not needed
IN 6- skills
AG 4- enough to aim at the eyes with a laser rifle
LK 10- max crit :)

tag skills
EW 220- efficient at max range
FA 122- decent amount
outdoors 100- good enough these days

small frame, good nature if you want to have doc instead of outdoors,

perks in order
stonewall, more crit, better crit, lifegiver, lifegiver, more crit, more crit

finesse is bad imo because lasers can do low damage on metal armor and higher tier armor without an armor bypass usually.
you can go the expensive route and make a plasma rifle build. since the plasma rifle has shorter range you can -2 from PE and add it to EN since you will need more HP to get closer. with that build i suggest drinking beer. adjust energy skill as needed. that build is nothing close to a sniper tho. except the crits. more HP higher damage!
and one day, being level21, i found a guy, an i say "hi" and he say "hi im new in the game, and i try to find some brhmin hides" and i know how he is suffering,
this is fallout


  • Billions of blue, blistering bluesuits!
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Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2010, 09:56:44 am »

I'd go with ST:6(thats all you need for EW Rifles) and IN:6, with that you could pick up BRoF

Yeah, that's a good idea. Thanks!  :D

in theory this what i would build. i had a similar build prewipe. had 2 toughness and 1 lifegiver prewipe but more HP and a chance to not be knocked down seems better this era. i have not tested this wipe so all please comment if you will.

ST 6- to wield a laser rifle
PE 8- one hex off of max range with a laser rifle (smoke a cig)
EN 6- high HP
CH 1- not needed
IN 6- skills
AG 4- enough to aim at the eyes with a laser rifle
LK 10- max crit Smiley

tag skills
EW 220- efficient at max range
FA 122- decent amount
outdoors 100- good enough these days

small frame, good nature if you want to have doc instead of outdoors,

perks in order
stonewall, more crit, better crit, lifegiver, lifegiver, more crit, more crit

finesse is bad imo because lasers can do low damage on metal armor and higher tier armor without an armor bypass usually.
you can go the expensive route and make a plasma rifle build. since the plasma rifle has shorter range you can -2 from PE and add it to EN since you will need more HP to get closer. with that build i suggest drinking beer. adjust energy skill as needed. that build is nothing close to a sniper tho. except the crits. more HP higher damage!

Thank you very much! I think this sounds like a great build for EW Sniper.
Thanks for all the help everyone, everyone in this forum is so awesome  :)
Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2010, 10:05:15 am »

your welcome. ;)
i recommend consulting other players before you build this because as i said i don't know what its like this era to be an energy sniper.
and one day, being level21, i found a guy, an i say "hi" and he say "hi im new in the game, and i try to find some brhmin hides" and i know how he is suffering,
this is fallout
Re: Best build for a character of my type?
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2010, 01:03:48 pm »

If you go energy, that means you want 2 eyeshots! And you can get this easly since laser rifle eyeshot costs only 6 AP with BRoF, not 7 like the SG Sniper Rifle does.
That means we will use Jet, Buffout, Nuka Cola and Cigs.
Before taking drugs:


That means sacrificing HP, DR and some critical chance(u're gonna have only 75% to eyes). But you're gonna be a good damage dealer, 2 eyeshots can cause pain :P

You can take toughness instead of awareness as first perk.
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