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Fallout 2: FOnline edition
44: When you meet an NPC there is a chance that the message 'They're talking to too many people at once. Speak to them later' will pop up, despite the fact that no one else is even in the same room.
45: You can't pickpocket guards or most other NPCs for that matter. You can only steal from children and peasants, both of which yield the bounty of 5 caps. You will often fail at this however, triggering combat and a stream of taunts such as 'n00b', 'Get away from meee...!' and '0MG WTF? WHERED MY CAPSG0??". On the flipside you will often notice a bluesuited man creeping around town, and then notice that all your caps, guns, ammunition and even the armor you had equipped has vanished.
46: When you frequently die you will be teleported to an area with either a bunch of enclave guards, a man and a dog, a caravan or a sergeant surrounded by bluesuited figures, all staring omniously into the distance.
47: When chatting to an NPC that hasn't mysteriously been reduced to a pulp by some Combat Armores hooligan they will give you 30 seconds. If you do not say anything within these 30 seconds then they simply turn away and stare blankly at the wall beside them or at any other items of interest in the room, except for you.
48: Sergeant Dornan from the Enclave Base has been replaced by some person called 'No0bPKerHax0or'. He is now alot more dangerous, less humerous and to be avoided at all costs.
49: Impraper grommerz is Erveywhre! (as wel as typoes...)
50. after you finally found the vertibird blueprints and brought them to frisco (took you 2 hours because of encounters you barely survived) the nice BoS contactman gives you access to the bunker. goin down there nothing is inside the lockers beside a datadisc which reads "We, hereby, are wishing you good luck in finding a PA!" after scanning it with your pipboy.
51. If you ask the computer in that bunker what happended to the nice BoS contactman it plays a video of some guys with miniguns screaming "Nice loot, thanks n00b" while shooting the BoS-Member to tiny shreds.
John Ryder:
53. In NCR you may stumble upon people standing around the table trying to sit down.
54. There are no animations, instead, everything is described with pink text above your or npcs' heads.
55.you can kill yourself
56. In the middle of a fight you may start moonwalking.
57. Sha Enin gets killed periodically by a guy with the description of "RavenousRat, the bonded and licenced Sha Enin slayer"
58. Your weapon breaks randomly for realism.
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