Other > Suggestions

Buff shotguns

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--- Quote from: Eternauta on September 16, 2010, 07:35:22 am ---I had a 10mm pistol and a (basic) shotgun. The reason: I wanted to use the pistol most of the time, but switch to shotgun if one of those raiders managed to get near.

--- End quote ---

I had the exact same dilemma, with the exact same weapons (well, the sawnoff). I realise the 2/1 JHP damage modifier was the cause - even though the shotgun seems like it's more powerful, the 10mm pistol is a much more practical weapon. Especially with the lower AP requirements.

As far as the sawnoff goes, I'd suggest that it gets a damage buff and costs as much AP as a pistol to fire - after all, it has exceptionally short range and is fired one handed (manly). If you're feeling brave, maybe even make it use the pistol animations.

But as Solar's said, he's realised all this. So it'll be interesting to see what he decides to do with them.


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