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Author Topic: Increase XP for basic crafting  (Read 5725 times)

Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2010, 04:05:38 am »

raise the steal experience please, its heartbreaking to earn like 300 xp when stealing with xp like that.

and yes raise the crafting, if i could get crits on mutie molerats i'd get 300 xp for every 1 shot, i have to craft 30 Molotovs to be close to that.
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2010, 09:53:41 am »

raise the steal experience please, its heartbreaking to earn like 300 xp when stealing with xp like that.

and yes raise the crafting, if i could get crits on mutie molerats i'd get 300 xp for every 1 shot, i have to craft 30 Molotovs to be close to that.

Mutant molerats are a different problem, any bursters/fast shot can't do this. As far as im concerned their crit table is a bug.
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2010, 10:06:34 am »

Also on that note...

Making Gunpowder from Minerals and Metal parts from Iron Ore doesnt give ANY xp? Could this possibly be fixed/changed? I am not saying that it should give 1000 xp each time but something more than zero would be lovely! Considering that you have to wait 20 minutes until you can gather minerals again, a workbench and they weight a fair amount its not as if it will make things broken!

Or even better (though I dont know if this is doable) you could simply change the XP you get as you progress in levels!

For Example:

a level 1-10 crafting the basic items (things that require 1 unchanged resource and dont have a skill requirement ie junk to sledgehammer) should give Y number of XP.

a level 1-10 crafting a more complex item (one requiring already processed materials OR a skill requirement like Science 40) could give Y*3

But when that character becomes level 11 the same items give Y/2 and (Y*3)/2.

The actual XP given and the actual modifiers are examples the same for the ranges... this way of diminishing returns helps a player level a bit faster while avoiding combat which is not his strong talent even if he is a combat character due to the low hp and skills... but still offer a small reward for higher levels.
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2010, 07:04:31 pm »

I am glad that weak healing powder is only 8xp for craft. And it's the only thing I craft atm. Btw kill 40 rats and you will get that lvl.
Or shovel 100 dungs (like I did :-[ + you get cash for a tent)  


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2010, 09:36:48 pm »

minimum exp from crafting should be 20exp (primitive tools) and max can be 70-80exp (shotgun)
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2010, 01:35:52 am »

Oh yeah then lower flint gather cooldown and we will have servers full of 21 lev chars one day after wipe, crafting only Tools. I got to level 9 crafting only BB ammo so i think its good as it is.
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2010, 01:58:47 am »

Oh yeah then lower flint gather cooldown and we will have servers full of 21 lev chars one day after wipe, crafting only Tools. I got to level 9 crafting only BB ammo so i think its good as it is.

Yeah but BB ammo gives you 40xp a pop, not 4. And you can get about $800 for 200 BBs. It's probably one of my favourite things to craft, and I paid for goddamn Doctor professions.

I don't think anyone's going to get to level 21 crafting tools if we're giving out 20xp for it.

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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2010, 09:03:23 am »

Why would anybody want to slow down leveling anyway? Players will reach lvl cap, sooner or later. The difference is that powerleveling gamer can do it in one day, no matter how shitty exp he will get. Where as not so hardcore player will only stumble around trying to lvl up. Players always will be divided into two groups - those that reached the 21 lvl and those who didn't, you don't have to slow down leveling up for it. Reaching 21 lvl is like puberty - everyone has to go throught it and no one likes it.
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2010, 09:47:30 am »

. And you can get about $800 for 200 BBs. It's probably one of my favourite things to craft,

No you cant get 800 for 200 BBs cause no vendor EVER has money! I have been crafting shotgun bulltets and trying to sell em in VC, Boneyard and NCR and cant find a vendor that has more than a dozen caps ever!

On a side note for runboy93.

So what that they will be level 21? If someone wants to literraly spend 24 hours collecting flint and making primitive tools then he sure as hell deserves a reward for being so singlemindendly braindead! If that reward is being level 21 there is no problem with me! Gratz you win at the interwebz you crafted a million primitive tools after going left and right and entering encounters for the flints... all praise be to the zombie master!

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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2010, 09:51:17 am »

On a side note for runboy93.

So what that they will be level 21? If someone wants to literraly spend 24 hours collecting flint and making primitive tools then he sure as hell deserves a reward for being so singlemindendly braindead! If that reward is being level 21 there is no problem with me! Gratz you win at the interwebz you crafted a million primitive tools after going left and right and entering encounters for the flints... all praise be to the zombie master!
But still there is *few* newbies in game and they should get lvl's faster somehow.

Maybe experience from crafting get lower everytime when you got more lvls?
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2010, 10:04:34 am »

You want to be a crafter?
You will level slower.
Accept it.
Even with higher xp for crafting, you will level slower.
You will run into both gathering and crafting cooldowns.

XP for crafting is fine.
One of my alts reached level 6 this weekend with questing and crafting only.
BBs are nice for crafting, 24 junk in 1 run makes 6*40 xp and 1200 caps worth in BBs.
Which I actually sold for caps in NCR, the Hub, Junktown and the Boneyard.

Pure crafter builds are supportive builds.
They don't need to be level 21.
Crafter/fighters are just that, crafter/fighters.
They will have a harder time fighting than the pure fighter build, but still they should be fine.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 10:06:25 am by HertogJan »
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2010, 03:42:11 pm »

I think exps for crafting should be just more scaled. (More xp for higher tier stuff, same low for lower) otherwise fighter builds would be easily able to level through 0tier stuff but crafters should be given a chance to lvl through their craft.
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2010, 04:23:35 pm »

I think exps for crafting should be just more scaled. (More xp for higher tier stuff, same low for lower) otherwise fighter builds would be easily able to level through 0tier stuff but crafters should be given a chance to lvl through their craft.

Part of the the higher tier stuff for SG, BG, EW and Armorer give you more than 1k xp.
Only once who don't have such high xp for crafting are doctor and demo expert.
I don't know about demo expert, but doctor has low cooldown for some stuff and the option to craft a lot of value in 1 hour cooldown.


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2010, 04:24:34 pm »

I think exps for crafting should be just more scaled. (More xp for higher tier stuff, same low for lower) otherwise fighter builds would be easily able to level through 0tier stuff but crafters should be given a chance to lvl through their craft.

umm, then you haven't played this game for long, matey, I prefer to level my fighter alts through killing >7AP critters (critters that have less than 7 AP per turn...) with my bare hands until I have 140% in my primary combat skill, requires no materials at all, and the levels come pretty fast, and then you normally go for mutie molerats or centaurs... I hardly think any fighter would want to level through the tedious art of gathering materials and then crafting half-assed weapons for the proposed 20-40xp per gun... I mean really...
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 07:41:25 am by gordulan »
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2010, 02:44:32 am »

umm, then you haven't played this game for long, matey, I prefer to level my fighter alts through killing >7AP critters (critters that have less than 7 AP per turn...) with my bare hands until I have 140% in my primary combat skill, requires no materials at all, and the levels come pretty fast, and then you normally go for mutie molerats or centaurs... I hardly think any fighter would want to level through the tedious art of gathering materials and then crafting half-assed weapons for teh proposed 20-40xp per gun... I mean really...

Especially with the just... god awful interface that forces extreme micro-managment.

click click click made a shotgun!
click click click made another!
Click click click made some shotgun shells!
Click click cl...  Shoots self.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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