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Author Topic: Train stations revealed on character creation  (Read 14129 times)


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #60 on: October 02, 2010, 07:45:22 pm »

4. Yeah, the best argument of all. This should be inscribed below "Fonline 2238" and "Wasteland is harsh"

It is indeed the best argument of all. If you don't like the way a game takes, don't play it. It's simple.
Developers making the game they want to play, if you don't like it, well.


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #61 on: October 02, 2010, 07:50:18 pm »

It is indeed the best argument of all. If you don't like the way a game takes, don't play it. It's simple.
Developers making the game they want to play, if you don't like it, well.

If they only wanted to amuse themselves they'd be better off masturbating then making something for other people to play. Luckily for us the devs seem a lot more open to suggestion and ideas than the gm's.
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #62 on: October 02, 2010, 07:51:56 pm »

It is indeed the best argument of all. If you don't like the way a game takes, don't play it. It's simple.
Developers making the game they want to play, if you don't like it, well.

Suggestions are not an offence but help my friend. I feel it is my duty to constructively criticise suggestions. A lot of suggestions made it through people unrestrained fight to make aspects of this game better and some aspects change 180* when you look at the changelog, so no, I wont leave it  ;)
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #63 on: October 02, 2010, 11:07:21 pm »

i would agree to train stations being discoverable like any town, but make them unusable without a quest done "We don't just let any wastelander asshole with a hundred caps ride the trains, buddy" Players can suddenly "Discover" Train Stations themselves that way, making Train Stations just one of those obvious things you see, basic like world chat :P

I would also like to see train stations "Rob-able" with a gang of 4 players one should be able to rob a train station :P Get 50% of the caps made that month, and get a "Robber" karma trait, making you wanted around the wastes, and unable to enter protected towns/ train stations ran by the faction you robbed. Ie. Robbing the NCR Train Station makes you permanently (Or for 5 years in game) hostile to NCR.

Robbing train stations should be repeatable but security increases with every attempt (Just like Militia) However to prevent players from getting "Nothing" guards in the train stations should be lootable if the "Robbery" trigger has been triggered.

I also think players should be able to ride the trains quicker and cheaper if they have a pass of some sort, or make idolized players in the region get to ride trains for free, i.e Idolized in NCR, Free Train Rides.  Buy a Train Pass for 1000 caps, ride the trains for free until you die.

Trains should come VERY OFTEN, and should go to the North to Klamath.

These are just my ideas, I'm posting them here because I dont want to make a new topic about trains. However I like most of Izual's ideas and Lexx's logic :P but I really think my ideas on this one are pretty good towards positive train station suggestions. I just dont want the players to "Start" with any location EVER (Except maybe a small noobie village where you learn to craft and shit, that gets destroyed after a few quests :P "Hey thanks for teaching me stu... OH SHIT! Raiders! I'm outta' here!) but I think that Train Stations should be playing a BIGGER role in FOnline...

However I am completely content with Trains because I dont use them! :P I'm not a paraplegic, I got legssss! Kudos to everyone's ideas tho!
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #64 on: October 02, 2010, 11:12:04 pm »

i would agree to train stations being discoverable like any town, but make them unusable without a quest done "We don't just let any wastelander asshole with a hundred caps ride the trains, buddy"

This sounds actually like a good compromise.


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2010, 12:57:44 am »

This sounds actually like a good compromise.

I disagree, the train is public transit. Anyone willing to pay should get to ride.
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #66 on: October 03, 2010, 10:06:42 am »

Almost everyone agree with the solution "Visible stations, but need to do quest to travel" (Suggested in first page).
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2010, 03:54:41 am »

The quest shouldnt be too hard tho, maybe something just to prove the good will of the wastelander... like... get permission from the closest city's mayor? If your name is on the list then you can access the trains... but that might be a little wierd... "Can't pay the train fee/use the trains unless your on the list"

Maybe require a certain amount of Rep or Karma points instead of a quest? We have to make sure that everything we add in game is logical in some way... In RL we need an I.D and cash to board a train (and not be wanted by the cops :P)... how can we transfer that into a post-apocalyptic fallout world? Caps and registration at the nearest town?

Im skeptical about the required quest but if we put our heads together we could think of something pretty fun...
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!
Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #68 on: October 04, 2010, 04:46:31 am »

well 1 thing you coud do is make the wTE TIMER LONGER 20 secs ito get on its  not lons it woud be cool if that sadhow long the train will be in real life time when talkiing to them i use the train every day and i think i am the only 1  my tents at sf and my base is at ncr to i relay don't have a choose it woude be nice if you coude get a free ride 1 day of the  wekk like every saterday and sundays are free
Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2010, 05:01:54 am »

I disagree, the train is public transit. Anyone willing to pay should get to ride.

"NCR Citizens have more rights than you."
                              ---NPC quote from FO2.

"should get to ride" is PC drivel, and has no place in the Wasteland

As for "Public Transit": this appears to be a State Corporatist Enterprise, with outside partnerships.
Public transit is a subset of its functionality. The train isn't there to be fair, it is there to serve the interests of the powerful.

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2010, 06:22:10 am »

"NCR Citizens have more rights than you."
                              ---NPC quote from FO2.

"should get to ride" is PC drivel, and has no place in the Wasteland

As for "Public Transit": this appears to be a State Corporatist Enterprise, with outside partnerships.
Public transit is a subset of its functionality. The train isn't there to be fair, it is there to serve the interests of the powerful.

Businesses usual want more customers, especially when they are on a set schedule.
The pervert, the pathological, the prophet
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Who got nuclear weapons and a suicidal doctrine?
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2010, 11:17:57 am »

The train travels anyway... (I suppose it could be carrying goods and provisions) so getting people to pay 100 caps for a ticket is a gold mine for NCR.

I think that the wasteland is not really harsh yet.

I mean come on its tooooo easy for new players. They wake up in a cave WITH a few items (once I even had like 10 caps). They are perfectly healthy, there are no enemies around AND they get to see a city in their map.

I believe that its just too easy and not harsh enough right now.

Please can we make it that you start with 1-5 hp (randomly) irradiated (you did spend a few nights out in the desert) and surrounded by the deathclaws. Furthermore you should have to do an epic quest to discover the certain starting cities (NCR, VC, Hub) cause just finding a large sprawling city where caravans are heading is unrealistic obviously.

Please devs make the game harsher, it doesnt feel like work yet and its not nearly as harsh as it should be.

Ahem... yes...
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #72 on: October 04, 2010, 12:32:42 pm »

as if it is so much easier to do a quest to use a train then to do a quest to see a train...
Point in this whole thing is to show noobies the possiblities of the game a bit more without them having to read any wiki or manual and explore the wasteland theirselves.
And yes, a green circle on the WM is a better hint then some NPC hidden in a town.

If someone declines the fact that it would help he/she is just ignorant.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 12:34:17 pm by Andr3aZ »


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2010, 03:16:23 pm »

Question to devs: Why are car sellers visible without doing anything?

Car sellers could be located on WM (smallest green dot) and a gas station map would load. In F2 you had to do a long quest to have a car, in Fonline its no problem, the bigger problem is to travel cheap, for which you need to make a whole-world around quest from a doctor. I suggest opposite attitude (trains for everyone, cars after quest,) but if not quests for both and unveiled tada!
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #74 on: October 15, 2010, 12:40:17 pm »

Question to devs: Why are car sellers visible without doing anything?

Because they are all in big towns.
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