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Author Topic: Train stations revealed on character creation  (Read 14119 times)


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2010, 09:28:07 am »

Then you have to get the money first. That's the point.


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2010, 09:39:49 am »

Then you have to get the money first. That's the point.
Yeah.. there is no other point than money.
You can do anything with money, but without it... you are nothing.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 09:43:48 am by runboy93 »


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2010, 09:51:06 am »

The popularity amongs the players isn't really top priority. Most important thing is that the suggestion fits into the perspective the devs want to make the game.

That has nothing to do with priority. A vote on every suggestion-thread was an idea to show the devs whats most popular/aknowledged with one view. Therefore they dont need to read throug the mudwar some suggestions start up to find a decent one.

If they implement them or not is their thang
Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2010, 11:01:52 am »

Although I dont really care for this now that the speed improved a bit I believe that you are wrong Lexx...

you cannot even talk about "realism" and if something worked in F1-2 and if there is justification.

Yes Stations are kept secret. No problem there.

Most people dont know about them. No problem here either, in my opinion non-pcs, non-villain npcs dont really travel around in the wasteland for fear of death. They spend their lives in Shady Sands, Vault City etch without ever venturing outside.

But unless the stations are underground guarded by a dozen guards that ask you if you have completed the quests or you cannot enter the secret elevator then NO there is absolutely NO logical explanation why you cannot "discover" the stations.

I go to that square and even have random encounters where I see train tracks but I cant possibly EVER find a train station unless I talk to a doctor? Since when is that logical? Since when is that "not giving players chewed food"?

If you want put a limitation on it. Keep the quests but allow people with luck or int over 5 to be able to find it by being persistent and walking in that area. Considering the fact that we have to face Raiders/Slavers etch I dont think its "chewed food" for a new player... he is working on his survival skills to avoid all these.

Now all this would be meaningless if the quest was worth doing! And this comes from a person that has been playing for a week or so and I try to do all the quests cause thats an aspect of the game I really like... RPGs = Quests for me! And I even made a balanced character in order to be able to do more of them (since some have requirements before you can take them). But 100 xp for each station and less than 50 caps AFTER finding all stations is kinda lame! I mean think about it... to even take the train and go to all stations (is that not the concept of exploring?) I need 3 tickets... and then  another 3 to go back! So I spend 600 caps in tickets and a lot of time to get some xp (which you can definetly earn through crafting and killing mobs) and LOSE money!
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unity through Faith.
Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2010, 11:31:13 am »

Well, get a car. Buy one or steal one, if you like. Or wait, you want that we give every player a car on character registration? Maybe we should give them APA as well, just in case it becomes dangerous in the desert.
This is one of the most appallingly ludicrous things I've ever read, and you should feel bad for having posted it. We're not talking about APA or Cars here, we're talking about static areas, that you need to get to yourself, that can only be used at certain points in the day, that you also have to pay 100 caps for. Oh no but that isn't enough, make it so you need to do a quest just to use the already extremely inconvenient mode of getting to the other end of the map without setting aside 45 minutes to run from 80 encounters.

I mean really, you can't honestly think, that letting players find a train station by walking past it will just make the game too easy. "Man, what the hell, players seeing a train station when they walk past it? what is this, hello kitty island adventure? I mean seriously, what a stupid idea, I mean why not just give them every weapon in the game at start, cause you know it's completely alike and all. A train station is an arcane temple of power and sorcery, so legendary that the balance of the game would be totally broken, if a starting player were able to discover such a wonder it by walking past it. Giving a player access to such a power would make the game far too easy, can you imagine a new player being able to travel from one city to another without having to walk there?The game would turn into a free for all!"

Then again the golden rule of FOnline is "Everything can always be more tedious"



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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2010, 04:22:39 pm »

This is one of the most appallingly ludicrous things I've ever read, and you should feel bad for having posted it.

Nope, not a bit.

Also you don't have to make a quest to use the trains. Just get someone who has the locations already and travel with him to the places. People have done this before, they can still do this.

I mean really, you can't honestly think, that letting players find a train station by walking past it will just make the game too easy.

I mean really, you can't honestly think, that letting players find a faction base by walking past it will just make the game too easy.

Then again the golden rule of FOnline is "Everything can always be more tedious"

Don't like it, don't play it.
Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2010, 05:01:56 pm »

If train stations are invisible, it's good reason to make all cities invisible too!
When you creating your character, there's a caravan guy at spawn point who gives a quest for 1st level character, who'll also tell you about your 1st city, so it'll be visible.
Later with quests or travelers on encounters you can discover other towns.
It'll make talking with NPCs more important than it is now. And alting a bit harder.
Also taxi job will be more useful, if your character revealed all locations, he can drive there other players who are too lazy to complete some quests to discover it.
Right now it's only train stations, and of couse it's ok that they're invisible from the begining, but it'll be better if towns will be invisible from begining too.


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2010, 09:23:54 pm »

The caravan guy at the spawn telling you about the city is way too easy. Force players to encounter Hermit, make him the only one that knows the cities. Of course make 10 charisma check and a random question that you have to answer to get a location of a city.
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2010, 09:27:08 pm »

IRL when you dont have a car, you use public transport but, so car>public transport, but in fonline public transport>car because its harder to make the quest than to pay for it.
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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2010, 10:00:42 pm »

well, why don't you make the Doc Andrew quest from VC(where it is now), NCR, Boneyard and San Fran

how? like this:

Doc Andrew sended letters to other 3 doctors in the cityes above to ask to do tha reseach quest, but they are to lazy, so they need t ofind a moron to do there job for them:you

they will tell the location of there trainstation, and you must reprt to Doc Andrew in person whit a dialog like this:

scuze me, but i have been send by Doc X to report about the trainstation

and the rest is well known

for those that did not understanded: Make posible for the Doc Andrew Quest to start from any of the citys whit train stations


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2010, 02:57:05 am »

The quest will not change, I can tell that for sure.


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2010, 04:05:37 am »

Problem : a hidden station is a bit unrealistic , you know, everyone can see the traks, and a rail line is not so hard to follow...

Why don't you change it in a bus station?

It would explain why no one stole the traks (good iron thank you ) or put dynamite for lol

Or another idea : Zeppellin, raiders can't stop a airship , a way for navigate the wastelands...

And in fallout tactic we have some good map with a broken airship...

Only my two cent


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2010, 11:39:26 am »

in FT, BoS tried to migrate whit zepelins, but some of them crashed
Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2010, 11:54:39 am »

it was also bothering me, how the hell a railroad could last in a postapocalyptic, harsh, full of assholes, wasteland? not to mention the train itself which would be blown up a million times by raiders or suicidal passangers


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Re: Train stations revealed on character creation
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2010, 11:59:33 am »

optical camouflage
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
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