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Author Topic: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.  (Read 2263 times)


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A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« on: September 07, 2010, 07:18:01 am »

As topic said... wait.. what was the topic again? I was thinking about something and forgot...

Oh right! intelligence!

I've noticed that in the FOnline wiki that only 1 intelligence related perk is listed, and that is for EXP and is very very low intel check.  Didn't there used to be a few more?

Educated -  +2 skill points at level up  (would work with a higher intel skill check, for those non combat players.)
Animal Friend - (   IN 5, Outdoorsman 25%, would work with a higher intel check and much higher outdoorsman (150%?)  Animals will not attack unless you attack first 
Survivalist -  +20% bonus to Outdoorsman for survival checks  (I think this is in FOnline just changed?)

We sacrificed our stats so we could be smart (myself, so I could craft and be happy selling things) and not dumbass 24/7 PVPers.

Discussion : Why is intelligence scoffed when it comes to perks and other areas of FOnline?
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...
Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 08:50:55 am »

bonus rate of fire requires 6 intellgence, and pvper's would most likely have this perk.

dont discriminate pkers!


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Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 09:31:13 am »

bonus rate of fire requires 6 intellgence, and pvper's would most likely have this perk.

dont discriminate pkers!

Thats 1 perk. One. Uno. Singular. A indivdual unit. A dot on a graph.

Let me clarify my point then. Why is intelligence (besides doctors) so underused?
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...
Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 10:21:06 am »

Didn't you know already?  The wasteland is all about the violence.
Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 10:58:42 am »

Fighters don't require intelligence, neither do thieves, taxis or leaders.
Crafters can use it for high skill points, not for perks.

You think IN is underrated?
Try CH.
Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 01:10:26 pm »

Fighters don't require intelligence, neither do thieves, taxis or leaders.
Crafters can use it for high skill points, not for perks.

You think IN is underrated?
Try CH.

exactly..... alot of fighter chars get 1CH only since its only needed for mercs or players in a group (also npc interactions but those can be avoided for fighters)
also...perks that require IN are :
Bonus rate of fire
sharp shooter
swift learner
rad resistance

if thats not enough..... then the amount of skillpoints you get will surely make up for it
(but the sugsestion about bringing back animal friend perk interests me)
Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 10:26:21 pm »

the difference between 6 and 9-10 int in skillpoints alone is utterly staggering, i highly doubt we need people getting stuff like educated... if anything intelligence needs perks related directly to Fonline, not just fallout. stuff like reducing crafting timers, or reducing materials needed for crafting slightly.


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Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2010, 10:06:39 am »

Didn't you know already?  The wasteland is all about the violence.

as a crafter, I know :P
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...


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Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2010, 11:03:22 am »

the difference between 6 and 9-10 int in skillpoints alone is utterly staggering, i highly doubt we need people getting stuff like educated... if anything intelligence needs perks related directly to Fonline, not just fallout. stuff like reducing crafting timers, or reducing materials needed for crafting slightly.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2010, 04:17:47 pm »

Intelligence is fine for the most part, in my book. You won't see many suggested builds with obscenely low intelligence in the same way you would with Charisma. Or to a certain degree, luck. Taking 1 in anything should be extremely undesirable.

The sadist in me would like to see 1/2 charisma characters able to talk to all traders, but not able to join groups of other players. You built you character like a loner, you have to play like one. But I'm not naive enough to believe that's ever going to happen, nor that it's really a good idea.

On the subject of SPECIAL, I'd think more variation in strength requirements would be interesting. Pistols requiring 3 strength across the board. SMGs requiring 4. Shotguns and rifles requiring five, etc.

I also hate how builds are built around perks, but what can you do? Other than remove the stat requirements. Which... would be fine, thinking about it.


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Re: A suprising lack of Intelligence relateded perks.
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2010, 04:21:08 pm »

inteligence give your skill rate, if it is to low you can't learn a skill veary well+ you can't talk properly
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