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Author Topic: Gun runners and Super mutants.  (Read 2542 times)


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Gun runners and Super mutants.
« on: September 07, 2010, 03:50:15 am »

How can i increase my rep with the Super Mutants of boneyard and the Gun Runners in fortress is there certain mobs i have to kill?
The most satisfying thing is bursting a cow for 460 damage, makes me tingle all over.
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 09:19:51 am »

super mutants of boneyard?  :P i think you mean the Master's army remnants..... if so then there is no way to increase rep i think..... mabey if you incerease rep with  followers of the apocalypse mabey, though i wouldnt know how to do that
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 10:12:29 am »

How can i increase my rep with the Super Mutants of boneyard and the Gun Runners in fortress is there certain mobs i have to kill?
1) Wait till reputation will drop to atleast -299 (or -300). + Not be a member of BoS. + Not be a VC citizen. + Not be a slaver. I'm not sure about raiders and mordino family membership.
2) Join BoS/VC, then wait till drop to atleast -299 (or -300), then leave it, and you'll have even positive reputation.

Gun Runners:
Wait... + Not be a mordino family member. I'm not sure about raiders (I don't think Boneyard have problems with raiders...), but it's FOnline, so probably raiders will die there too regardless of reputation.
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 10:17:46 am »

1) Wait till reputation will drop to atleast -299 (or -300). + Not be a member of BoS. + Not be a VC citizen. + Not be a slaver. I'm not sure about raiders and mordino family membership.
2) Join BoS/VC, then wait till drop to atleast -299 (or -300), then leave it, and you'll have even positive reputation.

Gun Runners:
Wait... + Not be a mordino family member. I'm not sure about raiders (I don't think Boneyard have problems with raiders...), but it's FOnline, so probably raiders will die there too regardless of reputation.

true you can get rep with muties that way.... but if you join and leave BoS youll have more problems than you had before...
also... if your rep is lower than  -200 then you get +10 rep every ingame day til it reaches -200 again  (P.S  -200 is the neutral rep limit)
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 10:19:42 am »

true you can get rep with muties that way.... but if you join and leave BoS youll have more problems than you had before...
That's why:
2) Join BoS/VC, then wait till drop to atleast -299 (or -300), then leave it, and you'll have even positive reputation.


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Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 10:26:18 am »

Hmm thanks for the advice is there anyway i can get friendly with them again even if i'm still a VC citizen?
well normal with them so they don't blow my head off.
The most satisfying thing is bursting a cow for 460 damage, makes me tingle all over.
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 10:28:43 am »

Hmm thanks for the advice is there anyway i can get friendly with them again even if i'm still a VC citizen?
well normal with them so they don't blow my head off.
Muties will kill VC citizens on sight, regardless of reputation.
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2010, 12:48:50 pm »

and while your still in VC faction you cant join any others


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Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2010, 01:51:09 pm »

How d'ya get out of VC faction?
The most satisfying thing is bursting a cow for 460 damage, makes me tingle all over.
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2010, 02:01:57 pm »

right from the wiki

To leave Vault City faction you have to go in the third building on the left in the inner city, with a Vault City emblem on it and two minigun guards near the door. Once you are in it, go to one of its computers, and choose Miscellaneous > Resign.
The guards will most probably shoot you right after this, so be sure you have nothing to loose.


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Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2010, 11:18:38 pm »

right from the wiki
Thank you will my rep go to normal again with all the factions that i got enemys with?
The most satisfying thing is bursting a cow for 460 damage, makes me tingle all over.
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2010, 11:25:26 pm »

no snacky it will go up but it probably wont go up enough. it will take a couple weeks or so for your faction standings to be completely normal if you leave VC.

also, the way to get rep with gun runners is to trade high value items back and forth with ralph. when you start getting enough loot to trade for combat armor, do that, and that will start giving you points.

i believe im up to +100 or so
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2010, 11:27:30 pm »

They won't go back to normal, they go back to neutral.
Waiting. If your reputation with a faction is below -200, you gain +10 in this reputation each real-life day (But it won't go above -200 that way). If your reputation with a faction is above 200, you lose 10 in this reputation each real-life day (But it won't go below 200 that way).
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2010, 10:43:57 am »

Waiting. If your reputation with a faction is below -200, you gain +10 in this reputation each real-life day (But it won't go above -200 that way). If your reputation with a faction is above 200, you lose 10 in this reputation each real-life day (But it won't go below 200 that way).
Wiki is lying again!!1
Or it's a bug.
As I experienced, it gives you ~ -60 every real life day, but if more accurate it gives to you -10 every ~4 real life hours.
I had -1458 rep yesterday with NCR, today it's -1409 rep.
I had -1458 rep at ~23:00 GMT +2, today is 11:42 and I have -1409, it's on 49 more, so I lost ~50 reputation, however only ~12 hours passed... so it should be 30 not 50, but anyway wiki is lying 100%, because in both cases it's more than 10.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 10:47:03 am by RavenousRat »
Re: Gun runners and Super mutants.
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2010, 11:48:19 am »

I wasn't sure about the numbers, but it was like that pre-wipe.
The week before the wipe I messed around in NCR a bit, bursting people like Jack Raven, and saw my negative rep increasing with 60-100 a day.

I'm not sure, but I don't think you rep increases during the period you're logged in, unless you do something to increase it yourself.
At least it didn't seem to do that pre-wipe.
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