Other > Suggestions

Psychotic guards at NCR

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--- Quote from: HertogJan on September 04, 2010, 09:58:16 pm ---Whatever makes him stay alive.
Current trading system sucks, no matter if you're trading in NCR, the Hub, VC or SF.
People use steal or FA on you get you away from traders, push you, etc.
Some assholes just deliberately keep traders occupied for the "fun" of it.
Having a dead trader around only makes it worse.

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Sorry for offtopic, but seriously now you can only speak to one vendor at once? HAHAHAHA omg, some/major part of devs want us to grief even more :D I just imagine NCR, before 3 people limit was not enough and thieves were all around but now... really, this games amazes me (not positively :( )


--- Quote from: kraskish on September 05, 2010, 01:52:26 am ---Sorry for offtopic, but seriously now you can only speak to one vendor at once? HAHAHAHA omg, some/major part of devs want us to grief even more :D I just imagine NCR, before 3 people limit was not enough and thieves were all around but now... really, this games amazes me (not positively :( )

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I'm 99% sure that was just, yet another, faulty mechanic brought from TLA after the wipe. So, I think it isn't intended to be like that. (Or at least I hope.)


--- Quote ---I'm 99% sure that was just, yet another, faulty mechanic brought from TLA after the wipe. So, I think it isn't intended to be like that. (Or at least I hope.)
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That's what happens when copying stuff, not creating it yourself :<


--- Quote from: Floodnik on September 05, 2010, 01:32:11 pm ---That's what happens when copying stuff, not creating it yourself :<

--- End quote ---

You should know that we are using an engine created by Cvet, so it make sense we update it when he bring new stuff into it, don't you think?

Some content was also copied from TLA along with the engine, wasn't it?


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