Author Topic: FOnline SDK - Question  (Read 179357 times)

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FOnline SDK Question
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2010, 08:22:23 pm »
ok first of all thx for answere
and i wont go there its rly no fun to play on a donator paradise

Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2010, 11:46:05 pm »
Do you can send me a admin command's for this sdk? Sorry for my anglish.

Offline Wipe

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Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2010, 12:28:09 am »
Do you can send me a admin command's for this sdk? Sorry for my anglish.
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2010, 12:52:34 am »
Thx for that  :D

Offline KraftikBG

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Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2010, 03:02:16 pm »
Hello, i need to see coords of hexes , but i dont know how . please help .
Events ,fun,criticals,GvG,PvP,PvE,crafting,trading,(banning),looting  ,talking , lame admins,  ragequits.That all is in this game = FOnline 2238 , now it´s fu**ed GAME !

Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2010, 05:02:59 pm »
Hi, how to teleport me in another plays?


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Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2010, 06:41:01 pm »
It looks like you will have to write the teleport/goto commands (and many, many other) on your own. Hurr durr.
If you didn't realize it yet, SDK is a TOOL for GAME DEVELOPERS people, not a toy for lazy kids.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 06:43:45 pm by JovankaB »

Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2010, 10:31:28 am »
1. exit
Level the access: any.
Output from the game.
2. myinfo
Level the access: any.
Demand mapping a certain information about the current character - identifier, name, password, the level access.
3. gameinfo <type>
Level the access: moderator.
The demand mapping information about the game, where the type the inquired information (type) can be the following:
0) the statistics the use memory;
1) summary according to the current players in the game;
2) the statistics locations and maps;
3) the current temporary events;
4) the current state data anyData;
5) the statistics objects in the game;
4. id <name>
Level the access: moderator.
Demand the identifier [krittera] on its name (name).
It is not active at the given moment.
5. move <id> <hx> <hy>
Level the access: moderator.
To move character (id) into specific [geks] (hx, hy).
6. kill <id>
Level the access: moderator.
To kill character (id).
7. disconnect <id>
Level the access: moderator.
To disconnect character (id) from the server.
8. toglobal
Level the access: tester.
To leave by the current character on the global map.
9. respawn <id>
Level the access: moderator.
To resurrect character (id). If id it is equal to 0, then it means to resurrect the current character.
10. param <type> <num> <value>
Level the access: tester.
To change the parameter in the current character.
type must be equal to zero, num to the number the parameter, value to its new value.
11. getaccess <access name> <access password>
Level the access: any.
To change the level access.
access name - name access (client, tester, moder, admin).
access password - password access.
12. crash
Level the access: implementor.
To drop [servernoe] application.
13. additem <hx> <hy> <pid> <count>
Level the access: moderator.
To add object (pid, count) to specific [geks] (hx, hy).
14. additemself, ais <pid> <count>
Level the access: moderator.
To add object (pid, count) into the inventory.
15. addnpc <hx> <hy> <dir> <pid>
Level the access: moderator.
To add [Npts] (pid, dir) to specific [geks] (hx, hy).
16. addloc <wx> <wy> <pid>
Level the access: moderator.
To add location (pid) into the fixed point (wx, wy) on the global map.
17. reloadscripts
Level the access: administrator.
To [perezagruzit] all [servernye] scripts.
18. loadscript, load <script name>
Level the access: administrator.
To load or to [perezagruzit] the specific [servernyy] script (script name).
19. reloadclientscripts, rcs
Level the access: administrator.
To [perezagruzit] client scripts.
20. runscript, run <module name> <func name> <param0> <param1> <param2>
Level the access: administrator.
To neglect the special [servernuyu] function (module name, func name), with the specific parameters (param0, param1, param2).
21. reloadlocations
Level the access: administrator.
To [perezagruzit] the prototypes locations.
22. loadlocation <pid>
Level the access: administrator.
To load the specific prototype (pid) location.
23. reloadmaps
Level the access: administrator.
To [reload] the prototypes maps.
24. loadmap <pid>
Level the access: administrator.
To load the specific prototype (pid) map.
25. regenmap
Level the access: administrator.
To refresh map on which at the current moment is situated character. THIS IS A USEFUL COMMAND TO FIX ANY ACCIDENT WITH THE MAP.
On the given moment it works with the failures.
26. reloaddialogs
Level the access: administrator.
To [perezagruzit] all dialogues.
27. loaddialog <dialog name> <dialog id>
Level the access: administrator.
To load the specific dialogue (dialog name), under the specific identifier (dialog id).
28. reloadtexts
Level the access: administrator.
To [perezagruzit] all MSG files.
29. reloadai
Level the access: administrator.
To [perezagruzit] the bag [npts] (Bags.cfg).
30. checkvar, cvar <tid var> <master is npc> <master id> <slave id> <full_info>
Level the access: moderator.
To verify the state the specific play variable.
tid var - number variable;
master is npc - does appear master id from [Npts], 0 are not, rest - yes. If yes, then to master id automatically is added 5kk, t to the indexing [npts] begins from this number;
master id - primary identifier;
slave id - second identifier;
full_info - to derive complete information in terms the variable, 0 are not, rest - yes.
31. setvar, svar <tid var> <master is npc> <master id> <slave id> <value>
Level the access: moderator.
To verify the state the specific play variable.
tid var - number variable;
master is npc - does appear master id from [Npts], 0 are not, rest - yes. If yes, then to master id automatically is added 5kk, t to the indexing [npts] begins from this number;
master id - primary identifier;
slave id - second identifier;
value - new value variable.
32. settime <tmul> <year> <month> <day> <hour> <minute> <second>
Level the access: administrator.
To change play time.
tmul - the acceleration time, 0 - not to change;
year - year, 0 - not to change;
month - month, 0 - not to change;
day - day, 0 - not to change;
hour - hour;
minute - minute;
second - second;
33. ban <add, add+, delete, list> <user> <hours> <comment>
Level the access: moderator.
To [zabanit] the specific player.
add - to add into [ban] character;
add+ - to add into [ban] character and IP address;
delete - to remove from the list [zabanennykh];
list - to derive the list [zabanennykh];
user - name character;
hours - time blocking, in the hours;
comment - commentary, it is possible not to write.
34. deleteself <password>
Level the access: any.
To remove the current character.
35. changepassword, changepass <password> <new password>
Level of the access: any.
To change password for the current character.
36. dropuid, drop
Level the access: tester.
To drop anti-alto timer for this character, that it was possible to [perezayti] for another character without waiting the specific time.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 05:21:00 am by Grampy »

Offline Wipe

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Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2010, 05:38:45 pm »
(...) 5. movecrit <id> <hx> <hy>  (...)

It should be: move <id> <hx> <hy>
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2010, 07:56:10 pm »
I downloaded fonline sdk and I have a problem. If I run Fonline singleplayer/Fonline multiplayer I get black screen and nothing. I'm using window mode (not fullscreen). My resolution is 1024x768. After run aplication I see loading and after loading black screen, not main menu.

Offline jan0s1k

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Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2010, 09:03:08 pm »
I downloaded fonline sdk and I have a problem. If I run Fonline singleplayer/Fonline multiplayer I get black screen and nothing. I'm using window mode (not fullscreen). My resolution is 1024x768. After run aplication I see loading and after loading black screen, not main menu.
you have to install some codecs (example K-lite codec pack)

Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2010, 06:20:01 pm »
Where can I find all commands, numbers of items/critters? How can I open these files?

Offline jan0s1k

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Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2010, 07:15:21 pm »
Where can I find all commands, numbers of items/critters? How can I open these files?

read this topic...
when you read ALL posts from this topic, you will know everthing ;p

Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2010, 07:32:17 pm »
read this topic...
when you read ALL posts from this topic, you will know everthing ;p

Yes, there are all commands from help books but not all. Where are these commands?
Thanks for answer.
I find command to change skills.
~param 0 200 %

1      SK_BIG_GUNS

~param 0 201 300 - you get 300% of big guns.

~param 0 72 xxx - heal HP.
So what?

Offline Cpt.Rookie

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Re: FOnline SDK - Question
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2010, 07:37:07 pm »
There are listed all built-in commands. If you want "more commands" you will have to be more specific and clarify what *exactly* do you want.
Next. You see there text "SK_SMALL_GUNS". What about performing search over the SDK folder?
Server-Boy - FOnline servers statistics
pcntl_wait($status); //protect against zombie children