FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

FOnline SDK - Question

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--- Quote from: Majin on September 05, 2013, 01:53:14 pm ---2) I've managed to create a map. How would I use admin commands to teleport to the map? I haven't modified any files to refer to it, if that is of any importance. The map is called "AAAFirst".

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Map names are unused by scripts, all what you work on are Locations and Maps PIDs (Prototype ID). From basic commands provided by engine, ~addloc wil be the one interesting you. Depending on what server you work on, there might be scripted commands too. In any case, they create new Location instance (and optionally teleport you into first Map of it) what is enough for testing purposes.

--- Quote from: Majin on September 05, 2013, 01:53:14 pm ---4) Is there a collection of example scripts with comments on what each part does? Without any documentation, it might as well be written in a dead language for a newb such as myself.  :-[

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One of biggest problems of FOnline :P If you need to get examples, you have to make research on your own, sadly~

--- Quote from: Majin on September 05, 2013, 01:53:14 pm ---Edit1 (05/09/2013, 13:59 GMT): 7) Where can I get the file "MAPS.TXT"? It's referenced in the "Locations.cfg" file, but there isn't one with the fo2238 source.

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Obsolete; leftover from previosly used SDK mechanics, where Locations and Maps was defined in separated files.

Alright, I finally got it set up(after finally deciding to take a minute to read and such) but here's some questions that popped up:

can I use Tunngle(it provides me an IP address) to have people join my network as long as they have Tunngle?

I've noticed some text is in Russian(the NPC's that aren't controlled by the language filter) how can I change that?

John Porno:
I was able to have friends connect to my server via hamachi so I guess tunngle would work.

Alright, that answered one question, and to you/anyone, what about the character chats in Russian?

figured out how to open the "console" and now my problem is it's in Russian.


--- Quote from: Wipe on September 04, 2013, 12:08:01 pm ---You can collect all town Locations inside start() function and set turn based mode for every Map inside. Assuming that every town exists only in one copy:

--- Code: ---array<uint> tbTowns = { LOCATION_Den, LOCATION_Klamath, LOCATION_Whatever };
for( uint t=0, tLen=tbTowns.length(); t<tLen; t++ )
    Location@ location = GetLocationByPid( tbTowns[t], 0 );
    if( valid(location) )
        for( uint m=0, mLen=location.GetMapCount(); m<mLen; m++ )
            Map@ map = location.GetMapByIndex(m);
            if( valid(map) )
                map.SetTurnBasedAvailability( true );
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

Nice that is possible set all locations in one place. How implement to this code players settings (combat mode depends on config) ?


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