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FOnline SDK - Question
How make turnbase in towns? (in BH, redding etc.)
--- Quote from: kompreSor on September 03, 2013, 02:19:25 pm ---How make turnbase in towns? (in BH, redding etc.)
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You can collect all town Locations inside start() function and set turn based mode for every Map inside. Assuming that every town exists only in one copy:
--- Code: ---array<uint> tbTowns = { LOCATION_Den, LOCATION_Klamath, LOCATION_Whatever };
for( uint t=0, tLen=tbTowns.length(); t<tLen; t++ )
Location@ location = GetLocationByPid( tbTowns[t], 0 );
if( valid(location) )
for( uint m=0, mLen=location.GetMapCount(); m<mLen; m++ )
Map@ map = location.GetMapByIndex(m);
if( valid(map) )
map.SetTurnBasedAvailability( true );
--- End code ---
Got a few questions; forgive me if they've been answered already. I searched through the thread and didn't find anything relevant.
Before I start, I am completely new to this. I've managed to set up a server, log in and give my character admin access. Everything else is unknown to me, so if the answers could have as much detail as possible, that'd be completely fantastic.
1) Various files (for example, Locations.cfg) have no formatting whatsoever. When I open it up in notepad, it's just a word wall that would make a dyslexic commit suicide. Is there a tool, that I missed, which is used to view the various files of the SDK? It's a complete pain to filter through the lack of spacing.
2) I've managed to create a map. How would I use admin commands to teleport to the map? I haven't modified any files to refer to it, if that is of any importance. The map is called "AAAFirst".
3) How would I attach scripts to all objects of a particular type?
4) Is there a collection of example scripts with comments on what each part does? Without any documentation, it might as well be written in a dead language for a newb such as myself. :-[
5) How do I assign an NPC a name? Do I have to create a new critter (Is that what they're referred to as?) with all the same stuff as a typical character, but just with the name changed? Or can I just go to a placed character and edit the name directly?
6) How would I add other maps to the list of ones you can visit, such as the ones directly outside a city?
Edit1 (05/09/2013, 13:59 GMT): 7) Where can I get the file "MAPS.TXT"? It's referenced in the "Locations.cfg" file, but there isn't one with the fo2238 source.
Thanks in advance.
--- Quote from: Majin on September 05, 2013, 01:53:14 pm ---1) Various files (for example, Locations.cfg) have no formatting whatsoever. When I open it up in notepad, it's just a word wall that would make a dyslexic commit suicide. Is there a tool, that I missed, which is used to view the various files of the SDK? It's a complete pain to filter through the lack of spacing.
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That's most likely because the files have Unix-style line endings and Notepad doesn't show them correctly, because the program is complete crap. Use some better text/code editor, for example Notepad++.
--- Quote from: b__B on September 05, 2013, 02:33:50 pm ---That's most likely because the files have Unix-style line endings and Notepad doesn't show them correctly, because the program is complete crap. Use some better text/code editor, for example Notepad++.
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