FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

FOnline SDK - Question

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Thanks a lot :D !

Another question:
I'm using the dialog editor to create mercenary (it works well) but when they spawn, they don't wear any armor or guns (they are currently configured with Sulik's AI & they have a leather armor + Hunting rifle & ammo in their inventory).
Do i have to use something special in the dialogeditor to make them use their inventory ?

NPCs with bags seem to be equipped, not sure if armor works. If you're using a sulik pid he will not look like he has armor. I wouldnt bother with it more then giving npcs a bag and setting up custom rates for armor.

How do I remove the flower I get every time I respawn?
or change it to another object?


--- Quote from: Demenise on March 24, 2013, 07:51:06 am ---How do I remove the flower I get every time I respawn?
or change it to another object?

--- End quote ---

replication.fos, look for this line:

--- Code: ---                _CritAddItem( cr, PID_FLOWER, 1 );
--- End code ---

and remove it or change it to another PID.

How did I find it? I searched for "flower" in the replication module.
Ability to find stuff on your own is the most important skill if you want to mess with SDK.


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