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FOnline SDK - Question

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--- Quote from: Gob on October 22, 2011, 04:01:31 pm ---I have trouble with SDK. The ~param command doesn't seem to work.

I try things like

~param 0 0
~param 0 200 300
~param 0 72

Things to edit abbilities and some other things and it does nothing...

Any idea why? How can I fix this?

--- End quote ---

There is a bug in SDK. Param doesn't work with latest versions. You can replace it with custom function until they fix it:

--- Code: ---#include "_defines.fos"
void param( Critter& cr, int, int index, int value ) {
if( index < 200 ) {
cr.StatBase[index] = value;
} else if( index >= 200 && index <= 217 ) {
cr.SkillBase[index] = value;
} else if( index >= 300 && index <= 469 ) {
cr.PerkBase[index] = value;
} else if( index >= 510 && index <= 549 ) {
cr.ModeBase[index] = value;

--- End code ---

* Save the code as for example "jovb.fos" in the Sripts folder.
* Add "@ server module jovb" line in scripts.cfg file.
* Restart server, login, get admin access and type for example:
~run jovb param 0 200 300
It should work like ~param 0 200 300 (300% small guns).

Thanks to Ghosthack for the fix :)

Here is another function you can find useful, put it in the same module:

--- Code: ---void godmode( Critter& cr, int, int, int ) {

// Boost stats
for( int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
param( cr, 0, i, 10 );
param( cr, 0, ST_ACTION_POINTS, 100 );
param( cr, 0, ST_MELEE_DAMAGE, 100 );
param( cr, 0, ST_CARRY_WEIGHT, 1000000 );

// Boost skills
for( int i = 200; i <= 217; i++) {
param( cr, 0, i, 300 );

// Boost perks/modes
param( cr, 0, PE_AWARENESS, 1 );
param( cr, 0, PE_SILENT_RUNNING, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_NO_STEAL, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_UNLIMITED_AMMO, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_NO_DROP, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_NO_LOOSE_LIMBS, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_INVULNERABLE, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_NO_KNOCK, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_NO_LOOT, 1 );
param( cr, 0, MODE_NO_PUSH, 1 );

cr.Say( SAY_NORM, "Godmode enabled" );

--- End code ---

~run jovb godmode 0 0 0 and you will get "godmode" without typing 100 params.
You can extend it to give you favorite armor, weapon etc. :)

Thank you much apreciated.

Do I need to compile?

If you do it like I said server should compile new script automatically on server start, and actually you don't even have to restart server, you can use ~load command to load script module, for example ~load jovb if you saved the scripts in jovb.fos file. You need admin access level to do this.

Ah, I already did it. Is there a way to make this script available to normal clients? Without accessing admin powers or tester ecc...

It is possible but requires more scripting.
Maybe someone will post some custom commands mod, I don't have anything ready to copy/paste :'(


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