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FOnline SDK - Question
How can I make the NPC's on my map respawn very fast after I kill them like under a minute or something like that.
--- Quote from: Gob on October 23, 2011, 03:53:41 pm ---How can I make the NPC's on my map respawn very fast after I kill them like under a minute or something like that.
--- End quote ---
* Open file replication.fos in Scripts folder
* Find line: replTime*=REAL_MINUTE(1);
* Replace it with: replTime=REAL_SECOND(30);
* ~run replication or restart server
It will make all critters which do respawn, respawn in 30 seconds.
Or if you want it only in your map, you must set it in critter properties in Mapper, but Im not sure if you can make it less than minute this way (without touching scripts).
Thank's this worked ^^
Hi, im desperately looking for a way to set music to a map. (.ogg or .acm)
I have tried looking inside master.dat and i have seen there is a line in each map which define a track to play.
little example:
music=01 - No Fate No Fear.ogg
The result is nothing :-\
Anyone can helpme?
Look in the FOGM.MSG - there you can define tracks and soundeffects for a map. Just look at the examples there, it should tell you how it is done.
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