Other > Suggestions
Outdoorsman Suggestion (Farming, Fishing etc etc)
bump, worse idea ever, tho i want a deathclaw :D
I actually support the Idea of farming and carpentry, I don't see what use fishing would provide, the only things you should be able to tame are dogs and cows.
My roommate actually told me something that makes sense, she said that after the war since no one's policing marijuana, why aren't people farming dope? Lots of people love pot, and it would actually make sense to sell it in massive heaps in an apocalyptic setting. Laws would be much more lax on Marijuana since it was only truly illegalized due to Arizona's hatred for mexicans(They believed pot gave mexicans superhuman strength), the fact that timber industries would fall if paper were made from pot, and Anslingers unreasonable hatred for the plant. Perhaps pot can be sold in rope form, like in this song my old man used to listen to about how the titanic really fell(The captain smoked some rope given to him by a deckhand). Pot could be a mutated plant like corn is in fallout, adapting to harsh environments, or it can be grown underground like the psychadellic mushrooms under Adytum(Since phylocibin grows in cow shit).
Carpentry would be useful to cultivating crops underground that cannot survive in the harsh sunlight, and building tents with better containers in them, or rustic sheet metal cabins.
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