Other > Suggestions

Outdoorsman Suggestion (Farming, Fishing etc etc)

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sorry, i will continue adding to the suggestions im just quite busy with college stuff.

well, everything is nice, but I have one thing which I have to ask about.
What the hell would be this stuff for?

yes.. what would be the USE for all those fish hehe .. like stimpaks?

its a nice idea.. i see no real use for it tho.. but i think all the fish arr kinda dead from poluted waters.. or not eadable.. or might even eat you..

i like the animal taming part tho,. aslong as i can have myself a Deathclaw! :D

Food would help raise health over a period of time, also could be used for taming, meats can be eaten without being cooked but will lack the benefits of having a nice warm meal.

Also i couldve sworn they said they may implement Food/Drinking into the game so might aswell offer suggestions for making it slightly easier

Bump, because farming is fun and everyone should do it <_>


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