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Author Topic: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?  (Read 6747 times)

Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2010, 08:19:06 am »

Let me say a few words.
If this RP project, as you call it, would be really RP, I'd support it (I know TTTLA 'doesn't need my support' and all that crap).
The problem with BH project is that it is not RP. Bunch of players, armed, standing on the main entrance waiting for enemies to come.
I've been there so many times, on many different characters, but i never seen any RP.

If people would really play a role of a wastelander/brahminlover/whatever, i'd support it. Just don't make RP an execuse.
Chosen Soldiers.
Haters gonna hate, we will keep on fapping.


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2010, 11:32:39 am »

Main thing is:

Roleplaying involves that you play a characters role, i.e. a farmer, guard, city bum etc. and really get inside this character.

I often see spontaneous roleplay in this game. As for example when A.Maniac spotted me in Modoc when i had the farmer model and he called me "gramps" and wanted all my money or he would kill me. After giving him all my stuff he and his buddys (even hubertus) kinda protected me "as i payed tribute to the town holders". We talked IC all this time.

But those acts of roleplay blur together with the actual metagaming as there are no roleplaying rules. 15 Minutes later there were other guys in town who didnt say anything but started shooting (oh shi- CS! *bang bang* - i guess).

So the game itself should have increased metagaming sources in unprotected towns. Roleplay emerges out of metagaming as it is only entertaining as long as you can do a lot of things. Im an old RP fan in other games as for example "The Specialists" where specialized RP Servers exist. I think we could transfer some of the ideas these RP-mods have into this game if we would have enouff players and options. (i.e. a criminal gang in Broken Hills that acts in the shadows with robbery, thievery and drug dealing. As opposed the BHH could assign players to do "police work" acting as counter-unit to the criminals. such things add in-depth of gaming possibilities and if worked out nice, they are very much fun to play.

But: as long as there are players who arent into RP or even dont know what RP in games is anyway you will be disrupted quite often or at worse case, put down due to gunfire.

Another but:Sadly we dont have enough players willing to do such things, or they are just afraid that such things will never go right because of outside disturbance/player motivation/whole organization.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 11:36:21 am by Andr3aZ »


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2010, 01:22:13 pm »

Nobody is afraid but when it happens everybody is angry :D

What I mean is that people don't protect their lives but their stuff. The price of life is only measured by the equipment you lose. If you lose less stuff than your enemy, but you die and he doesn't, it can be considered a victory. Because of this we got retarded activity like bombing, shop-shooting, alt-scouting, alt-looting... you name it. In all of those cases the player puts his char in a situation where no wastelander would put himself. If the game was character-centered instead of item-centered we'd got much rational gameplay going on. Chars are simply objects to gain or defend our items, while it should be the other way around: items should be the objects which defend our lives and help us to advance.

But: as long as there are players who arent into RP or even dont know what RP in games is anyway you will be disrupted quite often or at worse case, put down due to gunfire.

It doesn't matter whether someone is into role play or not. All what matters is that whether the game encourages us to act like real wastelanders or not. If everyone acts like real wastelanders, then it's up to players whether they want to roleplay because everyone acts like they are roleplaying anyway.

Encouring the "right" activity can be done by either rewarding and punishing from various actions or restricting players from doing certain stuff. I guess most mmos simply restrict players (not possible to kill everything, no full loot) but that's not the option for fonline, since full freedom is how we roll. So to achieve the state when meta-gaming and roleplaying fuse is to encourage and punish.

But first there's got to be something that all players want and don't want. It can't be only the items because items can be moved from char to another and abused in various ways. Let's say what everyone should be after was life and what they should not want was death. This way we've got a guideline which everyone wanted to follow and by rewarding correct activity with life and wrong activity with death it is possible to encourage players to act like roleplayers even if they don't even know they are role-playing.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2010, 05:02:18 pm »

I often see spontaneous roleplay in this game. As for example when A.Maniac spotted me in Modoc when i had the farmer model and he called me "gramps" and wanted all my money or he would kill me. After giving him all my stuff he and his buddys (even hubertus) kinda protected me "as i payed tribute to the town holders". We talked IC all this time.

But those acts of roleplay blur together with the actual metagaming as there are no roleplaying rules. 15 Minutes later there were other guys in town who didnt say anything but started shooting (oh shi- CS! *bang bang* - i guess).

True RP could only work with people who are not into PvP.

BTW. I am A. Moniac. Yes, it's o, instead of a. ;)
Chosen Soldiers.
Haters gonna hate, we will keep on fapping.
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2010, 08:01:19 pm »

True RP could only work with people who are not into PvP.

Thats simply not true. ::)

PVP should not interfere with RP. In meaning, PVP should be based on RP. Those things should support eachother, work as one, not as two diffrent things in same world.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 08:03:52 pm by kttdestroyer »
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2010, 03:56:07 am »

Thats linked with what avv said, ktt.

The "cost" of RP, is the deal with death.
PvP would have to accept this price.
That mean PvPer taking real risk...

I have tried some project to bring a bit more life on the server, as jobs offer for various player level.
But each time I failed one the same point, the lack of sense at the End, for my "workers".
There, current game mechanic is the major limit.
This lack of "sense" come from the lack of "need", mostly.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 04:02:57 am by Amrok »


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2010, 08:08:49 am »

well, Hydro, i wanna bend to you, you are a new part of a revolution
i think that players are better guards then those STUPID BOTS THAT PROTECT THEIFS WHIT HIGH SKILL AND THAT KILL YOU IF YOU GOT A GUN UNHOLSTERED AND NEVER BRING YOUR STUFF BACK(that was for devs)so i suport you

let me start a (

in my noob days i sticked a lot in guarded towns, but i soon realiezed that where easy targets for theifs, lost a fuck load of stuff to theifs.
the unguarded towns were allmoast allways fill by PKs, so i was not visiting them to much
when i first created Lag_Master i moved in Den, and there was perfect, got caps, got safety(relatively) and learned to survive in unguarded towns
after that my pre-wipe ex faction recruited me and learned me to make combat builds like SniperLag, ZaLag and future Lag1337
affter leaving them i learned to live on my own, but after this wipe i  had the oportunity to become a hardoce RPer, i am still learnig, but i am happy

) end of greay imaginary oval memory

@topic: i suport you Hydra, RPers need more respect!!!!


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2010, 10:52:36 am »

PVP should not interfere with RP. In meaning, PVP should be based on RP. Those things should support eachother, work as one, not as two diffrent things in same world.

Exactly. There just has to be one cake everybody is after. Pvp dudes are after pvp and dominance over others, rp players want some imaginary events, hoarders want to hoard even if they don't know why. Set one goal for everybody and there's no more pvp, rp or crafting, just playing the game.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2010, 11:53:49 am »

I used to play on RP server of Newer winter Nights. RP was there mostly during events. But here we have virtually no events or only silly ones like shooting hordes of npcs with free stuff without any real reward. No surprise that GMs are getting bored.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2010, 11:27:08 pm »

I used to play on RP server of Newer winter Nights. RP was there mostly during events. But here we have virtually no events or only silly ones like shooting hordes of npcs with free stuff without any real reward. No surprise that GMs are getting bored.

Hey my friend ! :D
I used to play to Neverwinter Nights for years too but you can't compare these two games :
Neverwinter Nigths : almost all servers were PvE servers so you can roleplay with other players
FOnline : server is based on PvP and fight between factions

I used to play for a long time on a PvP server of Neverwinter Nights and there was no roleplay on it :/
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