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Author Topic: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe  (Read 51145 times)


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Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« on: August 30, 2010, 10:16:36 pm »

Summer is over.

- Many.

- Repairing cars requires tools and more skill than previously.
- Zooming is now possible by holding the Z key combined with using the scroll wheel on your mouse, or alternatively pressing page up/down.
- ~disbandparty away_team can be used to disband only party members that are outside of your current map (not location).
- Followers will now automatically reload their weapon while they are idle (this assumes they have spare ammo of course).
- Added active Vault City turrets.
- Be sure to visit the arena facility north-west of Hub.
- Having active Stealth Boy in one of active slots gives 60 sneak, while having active motion sensor (in an active slot) gives +2 Perception for the purpose of sneakers detection (it's not capped at 10).
- Get purple robes from the Children of the Cathedral.
- Four new quests (Lorraine in Audytum, Elmer at Necropolis watershed, Iguana Pete at he Hub, BoS Initiate trainer at lost Hills)

- TC base countdown time has been changed to 15 minutes.
- Car prices adjusted, now works in a similar fashion to mercenary prices.
- Car left on the worldmap is visible only to its passengers.
- The travelling speed on the worldmap has been decreased.
- It's a lot easier to avoid encounters while in a car. Outdoorsman is not applied while in a car.
- Namecolorizing works only on players sharing the same faction.
- Picking up items from the ground while sneaked demands successful steal test. The weight is checked.
- Looting bodies while sneaked has 50% chance of desneaking.
- Looting containers and bodies by "take all" always desneaks.
- Sneak penalties based on fov: 135, 95, 55, 15 depending on direction.
- Widened the side drawbridges in Gunrunners stronghold, added antiblock to front drawbridge, guards will loot the bodies now.
- Reworked several drugs:
  * Jet: +2 AP, -1 Ch, -2 Str, -15% DR
  * Psycho: +15% DR, +1 Str, +1 En, -2 Pe
  * Buffout: +2 Str, +2 En, -1 Ag
  * Mentats: +2 Int, +2 Ch
  * Beer: +5% DR, +1 Ch, -2 Pe
  * Nukacola: +1 Ag
  * Cigarettes: +1 Pe, -1 Ch
  * Positive effects of the above drugs last 30 real minutes, after which time they subside with no negative effects, unless the player gets addicted. The addiction lasts for 1 real hour and reduces AP by 1.
  * Only one dose of any addictive drug (or beer) is allowed at a time
- Armor Piercing ammo DT divider reduced from 5 to 3.
- Fast Shot trait works only with weapon modes that have aimed shot capability.
- Weapon changes:
  * 10mm Pistol increased to 8-15 damage
  * .223 Pistol increased to 25-30 damage
  * Assault Rifle increased to 14-23 damage, increased to 12 shots per burst and magazine increased to hold the same number of bursts in normal and extended.
  * 7.62mm Ammo increased to 12/10 damage mod
  * 10mm JHP DR increased to +27
  * FN FAL increased to 14-22 damage
  * Combat Shotgun increased to 20-28 damage
  * H&K CAWs increased to 6 shots per burst, magazine increased to 18
  * Jackhammer increased to 20-31 damage, magazine increased to 15
  * 10mm SMG increased to 8-15 damage
  * p90c increased to 13-19 damage
  * Tommy Gun increased to 12 shots per burst, magazine increased to 60
  * Grease Gun increased to 12 shots per burst, magazine increased to 48
  * Light Support Weapon increased to 22-37 damage
  * Plasma Rifle range increased to 30
  * Molotov Cocktail increased to 16-24 damage
  * Frag Grenade increased to 5AP and 30-50 damage
  * Flamer increased to 50-85 damage
  * Improved Flamer increased to 70-125 damage

- Update the game, make sure you receive the new DATs.

- Any questions about GMs activity should be asked using The person operating this email (call him/her The Overseer) has access to all logs containing GM activity (logs are also more detailed now). He/she has been chosen from outside the GM team and his/her identity will remain unknown to anyone but the developers team. This email is now the only proper place for objections and inquiries concerning GMs.
- faction008.dat is deprecated at the time of this update. It can be safely deleted.

- Overhaul of the npc factions: Domination Wars, Factions Scenarios.
- Overhaul crafting to use Blueprints and fixed Workbenches
- Add an "Anti Crit" feature.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 10:41:45 pm by Solar »
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and the server wipe
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 10:22:59 pm »

Are there any changes to critical table?
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 10:24:43 pm »

Any guesses when the server will go on? 24h? 5 min? heck im happy with a very soon, or soon, or later


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2010, 10:25:03 pm »

Any change to crafting system ?


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2010, 10:25:58 pm »

The update server is down, but will be available in short time.


  • The GM-eater
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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2010, 10:27:02 pm »

No quests in New Reno as was said by some GMs.
No changes in NPC factions.

Update mostly focused on cars and small guns.
No improvements in armors.
Increasing dmg. will shorten even more fights (what most of us though it's not possible)

No changes in crafting system, as was said it would be.

Drugs have now same good as bad sides, we'll see how it will be.

And the great thanks for making a bit better GM control. That's what I wanted to see, really :)
There is nothing as demotivating as the Game Masters

Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2010, 10:29:04 pm »

Increasing dmg. will shorten even more fights (what most of us though it's not possible)
Increasing damage for 10mm pistols and shotguns ;p yeah

They forgot mauser =(
Really 5-10 damage? Wtf? with 1/1 adj. bullets, that weapon really useless, I better kick someone with my leg and untagged unarmed then shoot with this kind of gun.


  • The GM-eater
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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2010, 10:30:18 pm »

Increasing damage for 10mm pistols and shotguns ;p yeah
p90c, .223 pistol, assault rifle, lsw. Yeah.
There is nothing as demotivating as the Game Masters

Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2010, 10:31:41 pm »

p90c, .223 pistol, assault rifle, lsw. Yeah.
p90 and .223 pistol is ok, assault rifle is my favourite gun from fallout1 so I'm happy, LSW... well yeah a bit faster fights, but 2 bursts in a row max don't forget. The same as 3 AP per burst with p90.
Edit: Oops, I mean 4 AP per burst from p90.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 10:35:29 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2010, 10:32:17 pm »

Well, Only drugs used from now on will be: Mentats + Nuka, Buffout + Nuka or Buff+Mentos+Nuka : p
Self-proclaimed best guide in the wastes. by MACabra, edit by Frozen Mind
Snackish: pks pks pks. Kilgore: BBS is here, town is safe


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2010, 10:33:30 pm »

Thanks for updating, dev team. I see you did some major changes to cars, I hope they work better now with the changes. Only problem I can see is a Repair leader alt. But I guess I'll just have to try it out myself before complaining.  ;)
Edit: Another problem I foresee is that people will spawn-suicide to get better respawn point more often.

No changes in NPC factions.
Solar said that stuff wouldn't happen immediately and still need more development before they update it. Should be done soon, I hope.

Almost every "gun-type" weapon has been increased. What about Melee and Unarmed weapons? It seems like there is even less reason to pick an HtH build now.

As for drugs, 30 minutes wow. I like drugs. I can't wait to try this out.

- Looting containers and bodies by "take all" always desneaks.
Yes, I can't wait to see this improvement in action.

I'm sad there isn't any updates in Faction Buying, and I don't see the point in the NameColorizing update. Now we just go by our memory, it won't really change anything for the better. But again... I'll test, then complain.

Anyway, good job.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 10:39:13 pm by Dishonest Abe »
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2010, 10:33:53 pm »


  * Plasma Rifle range increased to 30
  * Molotov Cocktail increased to 16-24 damage
  * Frag Grenade increased to 5AP and 30-50 damage
  * Flamer increased to 50-85 damage
  * Improved Flamer increased to 70-125 damage
- Zooming is now possible by holding the Z key combined with using the scroll wheel on your mouse, or alternatively pressing page up/down.
- Get purple robes from the Children of the Cathedral.
- Followers will now automatically reload their weapon while they are idle (this assumes they have spare ammo of course).


* Jet: +2 AP, -1 Ch, -2 Str, -15% DR
  * Psycho: +15% DR, +1 Str, +1 En, -2 Pe
 * Positive effects of the above drugs last 30 real minutes, after which time they subside with no negative effects, unless the player gets addicted. The addiction lasts for 1 real hour and reduces AP by 1.
  * Only one dose of any addictive drug (or beer) is allowed at a time
- Fast Shot trait works only with weapon modes that have aimed shot capability.
- Picking up items from the ground while sneaked demands successful steal test. The weight is checked.
- Looting bodies while sneaked has 50% chance of desneaking.
- Looting containers and bodies by "take all" always desneaks.


Stop always comparing Lemmy to God.
I mean...he's cool & stuff, but he's just not Lemmy.


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2010, 10:34:27 pm »

The update server should be working now.


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2010, 10:43:46 pm »

Any change to crafting system ?

Not yet, it wasn't quite ready.

Should hopefully happen in the next week.

Are there any changes to critical table?

Table itself won't change, just waiting on some things to be ready before we add some form of protection against crits.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 10:46:05 pm by Solar »
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2010, 10:50:39 pm »

I thought movement on wold map was slowed for cars and not for players individually....  this is pretty slow now, for the loner player gettinw from the bottom to top of map will actually take over 5 min
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