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Author Topic: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe  (Read 51283 times)


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2010, 03:55:42 am »

Fuck me i missed the entire wipe.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2010, 04:41:40 am »

Ok I am new to wipes.  And I saw that someone mentioned access to pre-wipe items.  Is it true that ALL the characters I worked on, all the gear I saved up and the money I had in my FLC bank is *poof* gone?  Don't get me wrong there are some great strides in the right direction with this update.  It's about time PK noobs can't lay newb traps with Cars anymore.  I think the FN Fal, needs some work though cause it should be better than the Assault Rifle, or they should be switched on the crafting chart.  All and all if I lost everything I will have to seriously consider whether I will play anymore, but some good changes.
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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2010, 04:44:34 am »

Ok I am new to wipes.  And I saw that someone mentioned access to pre-wipe items.  Is it true that ALL the characters I worked on, all the gear I saved up and the money I had in my FLC bank is *poof* gone? 


But - the positive side - this goes for all other players aswell. ;)
Don't let it demotivate you - it sadly might happen from time to time in a beta.
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2010, 05:05:59 am »

Thanks Solar I am already plugging away and rebuilding.  And for once you're right I have a chance to not be hit by a bunch of WAY higher lvl pkr's.
City Encounters:  269
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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #64 on: August 31, 2010, 05:17:36 am »

ok seriously, whats going on with this one barter trade at a time thing? It's absolutely aggravating! I'm surprised nobody else has brought this up yet..
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #65 on: August 31, 2010, 05:21:14 am »

Anyone else having issues with their Fix screen being only ??? or ?? 50 pieces?  If so I'll post in bugs.
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Data collection start: 1-24-13
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #66 on: August 31, 2010, 06:24:14 am »

ok i dont care about my lost item but ... the caraters was deleted too or it just for me??... This morning i have enter the game and i cant enter by no one of my caracters... also theyr names was free because i can register new caracter on the same names... I have a question: wipe means delete only items or caracters too??


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #67 on: August 31, 2010, 07:11:15 am »

It was a full wipe of characters, items, everything, so yes.
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #68 on: August 31, 2010, 07:25:49 am »

Ok something has to be done with the travel on world map.  It took me over an hour with only a few encounters, to get from Vault City to Junktown.  I understand the need to regulate but WOW!!!
City Encounters:  269
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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #69 on: August 31, 2010, 07:32:37 am »

Ok something has to be done with the travel on world map.  It took me over an hour with only a few encounters, to get from Vault City to Junktown.  I understand the need to regulate but WOW!!!

Seriously??? dude u have no life to do that :P took 30 minutes for me and 4 otehr people to get 10 brahmin hides!?!?! come on
I L0\/E T0 USE....

It takes more then stealing everything we own, to take a Hound Down.


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Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #70 on: August 31, 2010, 08:09:20 am »

Wait a minute! Did you just boost all SG and made all other weapons a pile of shit? Oh no, you made something like LSW and flamer damage higher... but who cares? You just made BGs require 1 more AP. Did you think about unarmed and melee? What about EW? I have a feeling that a AR can take down a minigunner (normal minigun, not avenger) using only burst. Come on! Oh well.... lets see the first TC and then I shall talk.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #71 on: August 31, 2010, 08:33:30 am »

Wow, it seams that assault rifle is way better than minigun now. Almost same damage, ability to burst and aim, longer range and 2 bursts in a row without need of drugs (with BRoF) :o. I just dont understand why to take fast shot trait now. It is useles for tier 2 and 3 weapons and tier 0 and 1 weapons are too weak without aiming.
I only hope for big gunners that bozar is easy to get now.
Also how without namecolorizing can I separate thieves from PK or any faction member (from other factions) or myself in a big crowd? This file is useless more than fast shot now.
On the other hand it is good to implement more stuff like motion sensor and geiger conter. Inplementing looting-desneaking is great.

And I want to ask. Have been fixed bug with crafting cooldown? And is price of cars drasticly lowered if it is now more usefull for travel and too easily to loose like before?
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #72 on: August 31, 2010, 08:46:57 am »

- Fast Shot trait works only with weapon modes that have aimed shot capability.

it's not clear

Trait doesn't work with burst
Trait works only with weapons, which have aimed shot mode?
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #73 on: August 31, 2010, 09:15:06 am »

FUCK WHY? that's the worst change that you can ever made

why? they changed vehicles a bit too, and price same system as mercs have, so i guess now cars are useful :)

EDIT: ok now i got this problem.... tried everything, reinstalled client, deleted and re downloaded files through updater, nothing helped, anyone?

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« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 09:28:58 am by Haterade »
Re: Changelog 30/08/2010 and Server Wipe
« Reply #74 on: August 31, 2010, 09:50:17 am »

They also made cars not able to be used as a newb trap.  Which is nice.  I have a question though, I just read the wiki for cars, and it doesn't say anything about lockpicking anymore.  Says the only means to get the car is by key if this is true, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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